This Virtual Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 via “GoToMeeting”, an online virtual live meeting application approved by NYS Governor Cuomo for use during the Corona Virus pandemic shut-down.  

[CLERK’S NOTE: Minutes of this meeting are required to contain Verbatim dialogue.]




Mark DeCarlo Supervisor

Donna Marien Councilwoman

Janice Ross Councilwoman

Linda Giancarlo Councilwoman

Mike Muffoletto Councilman

Barbara J. Daniel Recording Secretary

William Trask Town Attorney



Lynda Ostrowski Deputy Town Clerk

Kristen Giancarlo

Ashley Arrigo-Uncapher

Chad Kaczmarek Judge


[clerk’s note: The meeting opened at 7:00 PM.]


Supervisor DeCarlo:

Because of the format of this meeting, I’m going to kind of expedite it.

So I guess we’re gonna move right down to Old Business.

Under CBDG Bid Spec Book was completed.

Did everyone get a copy of that?

Everyone responded yes.

Does anyone have any questions on it?


Councilwoman Ross: Yeah, Bill pointed out that some of the pages said Evans on there. Is that going to be corrected?


Supervisor DeCarlo: So yeah, he corrected that today, and I believe there is a new one forwarded to you today just a few hours ago. The Evans were corrected and there was some talk about flat roof – that was just a, that was an error so that’s been corrected.

Any other questions on that?


So, I’d like to move forward move to the Spec Book and set bid dates. Does anyone have any suggestions on the date? Council can you kind of shed some light on that?


Attorney Trask: Mr. Supervisor, can you hear me?

Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes.

Attorney Trask: Uh, one of the things I noted on the Engineer’s 1st email sending the 250 page document was, they are recommending a pre-bid meeting to be set up. So I think the place to start would be to identify when the pre-bid meeting would be held. That should be in the legal notice then that the engineers are going to finalize. Uh, the pre-bid meeting is to give interested contractors more uh specific ideas of the work that is to be done.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok

Councilman Muffoletto: So that they get the contractors in and answer any questions?

Supervisor DeCarlo: So we could set a meeting right at the Senior Building you think, so they could be right there to see it?

Attorney Trask: With the current restrictions from the Governor’s restricted order, you’re gonna probably have to do a pre-bid meeting until these uh social distancing restrictions are lifted. You’ll have to do it in the same format that you’re doing this meeting.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok

Attorney Trask: Did anybody talk to the engineer about, um, how that might go with the pre-bid meeting and how much time he would recommend before the bid opening date to hold that pre-bid meeting?

Supervisor DeCarlo: No, no, we did not discuss that time frame with him.

Attorney Trask: I think that’s, that’s a critical question at this point because once you have the pre-bid meeting, the contractors will have the rest of the information that they need to submit the actual bids.

Councilman Muffoletto: Well, Bill, what are we going to benefit from doing this the way we’re doing this now without seeing the building?

Attorney Trask: I mean It’s a good, it’s a good question, Mike. I just don’t know, you know, given the restrictions that you have right now, um, uh you can certainly identify a bid opening date so that the legal notice for the bid opening could be finalized, but, we also need to then make arrangements for a video conference like this with potential bidders and, one by one, for those potential bidders to have access to look at the actual building. And under the current distancing guidelines from Albany, now, none of that is gonna be done in a short period of time.

Councilman Muffoletto: Well, here’s a question, when we do this video conference with the contractors can we set appointments individually for these guys so we’re not, so we’re keeping our distance?

Attorney Trask: Yeah, I would think that’s probably the way it would work, Mike.

Supervisor DeCarlo: But, what if we set up like a May 1st bid opening date and we allowed I guess, appointments, or have them call the Supervisor’s office to get additional information prior to the bid opening date?

Attorney Trask: The problem with that is you still need to have a pre-bid opening meeting conference available for all of the vendors to participate in at the same time. What you don’t want, since you don’t have drawings that really give the specificity a package normally gives. You can’t be giving individual vendors different responses to their questions.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Got it.

Councilman Muffoletto: So we set this up first. So we have to put a notice out that we have the meeting. Have the meeting, and then from there set up individual appointments to look at.

Attorney Trask: Yeah, I think Mike, I think the legal notice that will be finalized after you take the vote tonight, that legal notice can set up the video conference, the pre-bid video conference for interested vendors. That, I think, should probably be done as the 1st item. And then the individual on-site um, visits from the potential contractors would follow, and then there would be a sufficient period of time, maybe a week or so later for the bid opening to take place.

Recording Secretary Daniel: Can I interrupt? Um…..we’re getting a lot of um…. people are making noises in their homes and it’s showing that that person is talking and it’s interrupting Bill and I don’t want the transcript…

Councilwoman Giancarlo: You know what I think it is? What I think it is, is the speakers because everybody has their phone on their speakers so they’re listening to it and not holding it up to their ear, cause I noticed it kept saying Linda is talking every time you guys were talking because it was coming through the speaker. So I got headphones in now and I want to see if that makes a difference.

Councilman Muffoletto: Well it is making a difference. You were moving around it was making the noise before.

Attorney Trask: I put my headphones in so you wouldn’t get the ambiance noises here like the parakeet. But um, does that sound like a good schedule? You set up a date for your video conference pre-bid video with all interested contractors, followed by appointments, give a week or so for appointments for the interested contractors to go onsite and look at what they’re bidding on, and then a week later would be the bid opening date.

Councilwoman Marien: So everyone would have the same fairness.

Attorney Trask: Exactly. That’s required.

Supervisor DeCarlo: What’s a good, what’s a good date for the video conference? Should we do May the 1st?

Attorney Trask: Is it a situation where the entire board needs to be there? The Engineers email indicated that the board should be present to provide the answers.


(Discussion about the interference resulting during multiple conversations).


Attorney Trask: One of the problems of this pre-bid video conference, I don’t think you can have the entire town board present for that because that would be a public meeting, and you’re gonna have to do the same thing you’re doing for this video conference ok. So, you should probably have 2 members of the town board appointed to present to the potential contractors what the work would entail. Again this is an non-standard way to do the bid because you ultimately have the specificity in a written bid specs that gets circulated to all the potential contractors and I don’t fully understand why that hasn’t been done here but being that is the way it is being done, you need 2 members of the town board so that you’re not violating the open meetings law. Uh, to do the video conference with the contractor or potential contractors.


Councilman Muffoletto: Well, I’m just gonna say that I would suggest because Mark has been doing most of the leg-work there and Janice is involved with it down there and she knows so maybe those two. What do you think Janice and Mark?


Councilwoman Ross: I’m fine with that.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Yeah, I’m good with that.


Councilman Muffoletto: I mean, you guys have been the most involved and know what’s going on.


Attorney Trask: And everyone else on the board, if you have ideas and input, be sure to give it to Janice and the Supervisor, uh, and then it would be up to Janice and Mark to really set the date for the video conference with potential bidders. That would be the first date you need to agree on right now.


Councilman Muffoletto: What is May 1st, Mark?


Supervisor DeCarlo: It’s a Friday.


Councilman Muffoletto: Then you probably, you probably, I don’t know which would be better, in the evening when they’re home from work or in the morning before they go. First off, I think it would be a good idea.


Supervisor DeCarlo: You mean like May 1st at 10:00 AM?


(Discussion regarding background noise)


Attorney Trask: So, a video conference…


Supervisor DeCarlo: So can we do May 1st, 10am?


Councilwoman Ross: May 1st, 10am?


Supervisor DeCarlo: For the pre-bid meeting.


Councilwoman Ross: How are we going to contact potential bidders?


Supervisor DeCarlo: It will be advertised and published.


(Discussion regarding background noise)

Attorney Trask: Um, Mark and Janice uh, and Barb, I think you’re gonna have to talk to the engineer about how best to set up that video, pre-bid video conference meeting on May 1st. It’ll probably require interested contractors to contact the engineer or the Town Clerk so that they’re provided with the video conference call-in information.

Supervisor DeCarlo: Can I, Bill, can I ask you something? Um, I have a feeling they are going to be opening up and relaxing some of these rules through the state sometime in May or Mid-May or late May. What if we were, what if we set an extended date for this bid or at least get this available to the public? And then before the bidding was allowed, I guess, we would have a meeting at the mid or end of May at the building so they can actually get a look at it?


Attorney Trask: Yeah, if you think the social distancing guidelines will be relaxed by then, then that would make sense, Mark to do it that way. Um, Mark, you would have to set the dates now, if you’re gonna send a legal notice out. So, um, maybe what you do is work backwards from the bid opening date. If you wanna do that at the end of May have the bid opening date, and the thing the activity right after the bid opening date would be um availability to uh look at the property, the building, and then before that would be the web, or the video conference or the pre-bid conference or a conference in person. The problem is we just don’t know if Cuomo is gonna extend these guidelines in to May and exactly when they will be relaxed.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.


Attorney Trask: Are you, are you good, are you good with the bid opening date of late May?


Supervisor DeCarlo: Yeah.


Attorney Trask: Then you would have, then you would have the bids available for your June meeting.


Supervisor DeCarlo: I guess, why don’t we do that? What’s the typical length of the bidding process?


Attorney Trask: I think for most construction projects, uh, you want to give a minimum of three to four weeks for them to go over everything, but in this case, because you are gonna have the pre-bid meeting, and the on-site inspection, you know, you want to give it a little more time than that.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Instead of… Can we do a bid opening, so I guess the question is, can we do the bid opening and then do a… and then do a bid opening on the 15th of May through say the 5th of June?


Attorney Trask: Well, the bid opening date is a set date when the bids are opened up. Uh, so, the pre-bid meeting has to be completed in advance of that, and the on-site inspection by your potential bidders have to be completed. I would think once you do the pre-bid meeting, whether it’s in person or this format, once you do that, and you allow the inspections to be done within a few days of that, you’ll probably wanna give your bidders at least one week after that inspection period is over to submit their bids.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. So, let’s set the pre-bid meeting for May 22nd. Does that give us enough time you think? We can always postpone it if there’s issues???

Attorney Trask: I think, my own looking at my own calendar right now, would be a mid-May pre-bid meeting.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. So, like the 15th?


Attorney Trask: Followed by one week of inspection appointments for the potential bidders, and then your bid opening would be the last week of May.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok. So, we could set the 15th and the 29th. Is everyone good with that?


Councilman Muffoletto: Yes.


Councilwoman Ross: I’m ok with it but that May 15th, is it going to be on the computer like this or we don’t know?


Attorney Trask: That will depend on the Governor’s executive order is in effect at that time.


Councilwoman Ross: Ok. Got it.


Supervisor DeCarlo: So, I make a motion to set the 15th? Go ahead.


Attorney Trask: Go ahead and set up the 15th for your pre-bid conference, uh, manner of that conference and to be determined so when you discuss this with CPL, we have to word the legal notice in such a way people will notify the town or the engineer that they want to be involved in that pre-bid conference and then you set up contact information depending on when the executive order is at that time. OK?


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok.


Attorney Trask: So, May 15th if that’s good for both you and for uh Janice, that would be your 1st motion. Ok?


Councilwoman Ross: Yup.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok, we’ll make a motion to set up the pre-bid meeting for the 15th with the specifics to be determined by the Governor’s executive order at that point in time.


Attorney Trask: In compliance with the executive order.


Supervisor DeCarlo: … in compliance with the executive order. Do I have a second?


Councilwoman Marien: I’ll second it.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilwoman Marien. All those in favor?


All council members said Aye. 0-nays.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Carried. And then I would make a motion to open up the bids on May 29th.


Councilman Muffoletto: Second.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. All those in favor?


All council members said Aye.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Those opposed? 0-nay. Carried.

All right, good. Uh, moving on. Did you guys get the package emailed to you regarding possible dates to set up for Rec as well as the fees schedule?


Councilwoman Ross: Yes.


Councilman Muffoletto: No.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, so, we’re gonna start looking at possibly Monday, June 29th through uh Friday, August 7th. Registration beginning June 1st. Is everyone ok with that or any questions or… ?


Councilwoman Ross: That again, is going to be up to the governor also.


Councilwoman Giancarlo: Right.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Sure. Hopefully, by the end of June we’ll, yeah, tentatively…


Councilwoman Ross: I’m hoping we’ll be open tomorrow.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Hopefully by the end of June this will be over. Yeah, tell me about it. Um, registration we’ll make June 1st. That’s good? ok. And then the fees, um because registration is gonna be opening June 1st, I guess we gotta make this decision on the fees, to advertise? We can either leave them current or we can increase them for either residents or non-residents. Anyone have any idea or suggestions on that?


Councilwoman Marien: Did Tracy look up to see how much it cost us to, to do recreation last year?


Supervisor DeCarlo: Um, you know, I did have a report late last year on that and it looks like, if I remember correctly, it was maybe $7 or $8,000 was the total cost to the town after the money we brought in. I’d have to look to know for sure. We definitely had an increase in rec and also an increase in the fees we had collected.


Councilman Muffoletto: We raised them last year, right?


Councilwoman Ross: Yes, we did.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Yes, we did raise them last year.


Councilman Muffoletto: I don’t have it in front of me, um, does anybody, can anybody tell me what last year’s in-town and out-of-town fees were?


Supervisor DeCarlo: Um, yeah it was $9, actually, hold on a minute. Would it help if I texted it to you?


Councilman Muffoletto: Yeah, sure. You can text or email. It doesn’t matter.


Councilwoman Giancarlo: Just gotta correct the Brant Summer Recreation that the paperwork says Registration begins June 1st, 2019.


Councilwoman Ross: Ooo, yikes!

Supervisor DeCarlo: Oh yeah.

Councilwoman Ross: Good catch!


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok, did you get it Mike?


Councilman Muffoletto: Yup, it just came. Ok. Personally, I think I’m ok with it the way it is.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Ok, we can just leave it as is for now?


Councilwoman Ross: I think so cause we’re comparable with North Collins and Eden.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Alright, it sounds good. Alright, so, we’ll leave, we’ll, I’ll make a motion to set the dates to make it Monday, June 29th through Friday, August 27th, 2020 with registration beginning June 1st, 2020 with the fees remaining the same as the previous year. Are there any questions?


Councilwoman Ross: Um, is anybody gonna sit with Vince again, as far as um going over applications?


Councilman Muffoletto: We didn’t get to do it last year, he just did it on his own.


Councilwoman Ross: No. Donna …


Councilman Muffoletto: Oh right. You two were there.


Councilwoman Ross: It was last year, wasn’t it Donna?


Councilwoman Marien: Yes, it was last year we did it, Janice.


Councilwoman Ross: Yeah.


Councilman Muffoletto: I’m good with it. I should have time if someone wants to sit with me.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Can you get a hold of him, Mike? Get a hold of him and set it up?


Councilwoman Marien: I will.


Councilwoman Ross: Donna, you sit with him. You’re good at that.


Councilwoman Marien: Ok.


Councilwoman Giancarlo: Sit 6 feet apart.


Councilwoman Ross: Hopefully, it will be over by then.


Supervisor DeCarlo: Oh God, please!


Councilwoman Ross: I know!


Councilman Muffoletto: Well, if it’s not over by then, we’re not gonna have to worry about it.


Top portion (unrecorded by GoToMeeting) transcribed by Deputy Town Clerk, Lynda Ostrowski using her personal recorder.


At 7:24 Go-To-Meeting software advised the following:


GOTOMEETING stated: This conference will now be recorded





Councilman Muffoletto 00:05 - 00:05

Recording Secretary Daniel 00:07 - 00:07
Just now?

Councilwoman Giancarlo 00:07 - 00:09
It’s just starting to record now?

Recording Secretary Daniel 00:10 - 00:10
Oh my God!

Councilwoman Ross 00:10 - 00:11
My, gosh, I don't.

Supervisor DeCarlo 00:11 - 00:12
I don’t know.

Recording Secretary Daniel 00:14 - 00:15
That’s why I got notes.

Supervisor DeCarlo 00:17 - 00:18
Good job Barb.

Recording Secretary Daniel 00:21 - 00:24
I will tell you, you that you did not bid specs yet, though. You didn't vote on approving the bid specs themselves.

Supervisor DeCarlo 00:29 - 00:31
Ok, so I'll make the motion to approve the bid specs that were circulated by e-mail and available to the public and the clerks are.

Attorney Trask 00:36 - 00:39
Hold on, it’s Bill. I just unmuted myself. If this has not been recorded from the beginning, you've got a problem, because we have to have a complete transcript of the entire thing, that's part of the executive order that allows this meeting take place.

Supervisor DeCarlo 00:53 - 00:56
Lynda has recorded the whole.

Councilman Muffoletto 00:59 - 01:01
Barb, didn’t you say you're recording as well?

Recording Secretary Daniel 01:02 - 01:09
No, I don't have the recorder. Um, I think someone borrowed it in another department like the police or something, so I don't actually.

Supervisor DeCarlo 01:09 - 01:11
Lynda Ostrowski is currently recording it.

Recording Secretary Daniel 01:11 - 01:13
She is recording as she told me she would.

Councilman Muffoletto 01:14 - 01:14

Attorney Trask 01:15 - 01:22
So is the Town Clerk's Office going to use that recording to create a verbatim transcript?

Recording Secretary Daniel 01:22 - 01:23

Attorney Trask 01:23 - 01:26
Now, I can tell you right now, you're already about 50 pages.

Recording Secretary Daniel 01:27 - 01:34
Yes, can we start again? Right now, while we're in the meeting. And we already know what our votes are going to be. Maybe we could do that.

Councilwoman Ross 01:35 - 01:35
Yeah, Do it real quick.

Attorney Trask 01:36 - 01:45
It would make, it would make sense to redo the very beginning of the meeting if the approval of the minutes has not been done and so forth.

Supervisor DeCarlo 01:48 - 01:55
All right. We'll start from the beginning. Approval of the minutes from the March 7, 2020 Town Board meeting.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 01:56 - 01:57

Mark DeCarlo 01:58 - 02:01
Do I have a motion?

Recording Secretary Daniel:

Councilwoman Giancarlo 02:02 - 02:03

Supervisor DeCarlo 02:05 - 02:06
Motion by Councilwoman Giancarlo.

Councilwoman Ross 02:07 - 02:08

Councilwoman Marien

Supervisor DeCarlo 02:11 - 02:15

Seconded by Councilwoman Marien. All those in favor

  • All council members voted aye


Supervisor DeCarlo 02:16 - 02:41
Those opposed. Carried. CBDG, Bid Spec book, is now completed. I'd like to make a motion to set a pre bid meeting for May 15th, 10 AM pursuant to, in compliance with the state state guidelines Pursuant

Attorney Trask 02:41 - 02:42
I'm sorry.

Supervisor DeCarlo 02:42 - 02:42

Attorney Trask 02:42 - 02:52
I’m sorry Mark. I was, I was muted there. Are you. As Barb pointed out there, you really need to approve the bid specs first of all.

Supervisor DeCarlo 02:53 - 02:56
Ok. Motion to approve the Brant Senior Center, Bid Spec Book.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 02:58 - 02:59

Supervisor DeCarlo 02:59 - 02:59
Do I have a motion

Councilwoman Giancarlo 03:01 - 03:01

Supervisor DeCarlo 03:01 - 03:04
Motion by Councilwoman Giancarlo. All in favor?


Supervisor DeCarlo 03:08 - 03:23
All opposed? Carried. Motion to set the, May 15th pre bid meeting at 10 AM, in compliance with the Governor's Executive Order, in regards to Covid 19. Do I have a motion

Councilwoman Ross
I’ll motion.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 03:25 - 03:27
Sure, Motion.

Supervisor DeCarlo 03:27 - 03:33
Motion by Councilwoman Giancarlo, second, by Councilman Muffoletto. All those in favor.


  • All council members voted aye


Supervisor DeCarlo 03:36 - 03:49
All those opposed? Carried. Let me make a motion to set the um, open the bids on May 29th at 10 AM. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Ross 03:52 - 03:53
I’ll second.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 03:53 - 03:53

Supervisor DeCarlo 03:56 - 04:00
Second, by Councilwoman Giancarlo, all those in favor

Councilwoman Ross 04:01 - 04:02
Can you guys hear me?

Supervisor DeCarlo 04:02 - 04:03
All those opposed?


Councilman Muffoletto 04:06 - 04:08
The problem is, we all talk over each other.

Supervisor DeCarlo 04:09 - 04:33
Ok. Carried, I'll make a motion to set the um Brant Summer Recreation Program for 2020 dates, Monday, June 29th, 2020, through Friday, August 7th, 2020. With registration, beginning June 1st, 2020. With all the fees will remain the same as the previous year. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Ross:
I’ll second

Councilwoman Marien 04:34 - 04:35

Supervisor DeCarlo 04:37 - 04:39
Seconded by Councilwoman Marien. All those in favor?


Supervisor DeCarlo 04:42 – 05:26
All those opposed? Carried. All right. No new business except Ashley Kurcuz’s resignation. I have a letter here from Don Hepkins, Chief of Police. I’m sorry, it's from Ashley.

Dear Don Hepkins. It's been a privilege to serve as an officer of the town of Brant. I regret to inform you that I will be resigning due to family medical reasons. Please make it effective today, March 19, 2020. Thank you for the opportunity. I wish you and the Department nothing but the best.
I'd like to make a motion to accept her letter of resignation. Do I have a second?

Councilwoman Ross 05:27 - 05:27

Supervisor DeCarlo 05:29 - 05:31
Second by Councilwoman Ross. All those in favor.


Supervisor DeCarlo 05:34 - 05:53
All those opposed? Carried. The Town Board Reports, we will table that unless someone has something they think needs to be brought up today. Oh, the Brant Summer Festival. Councilwoman Giancarlo, do, you have anything you want to say about the Brant Summer Fest

Linda Giancarlo 05:54 – 06:09
Yes. I think this year with everything going on, um, we don’t know what the economy's going to be, like, if people are going to be able to afford this, and I’d feel terrible, trying to ask for sponsorship. So I would ask for the Board to make a motion to um, approve us, not having the Sumerfest this year.

Councilman Muffoletto 06:20 - 06:21
I second that.

Supervisor DeCarlo 06:22 - 06:26
So, I'll make a motion. Or, Mike are you making the motion?

Councilman Muffoletto 06:27 - 06:35
I'm making the motion that we cancel the Summerfest this year due to the Corona Virus. I will second that. All those in favor?


Supervisor DeCarlo
All those opposed? Carried.

Councilwoman Linda Giancarlo 06:42 – 07:04
Also, I’d like to mention, um, I'd like to try to still have the picnic in the park with the fireworks the very last day of um, the last Sunday in June. If the Covid is, out of the, you know, if we're allowed to do so, if not, we might have to cancel or postpone that.

Councilwoman Ross 07:05 - 07:05
I agree.

Councilman Muffoletto 07:07 - 07:12
Yeah, that we could probably, that doesn’t have to be done right now but we could probably do that later.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 07:13 - 07:15

Councilman Muffoletto
Later in July.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 07:16 - 07:28
Right. Have some time. Yup. So just for a heads up on that, you know, we play that by ear, but I will, I will contact everybody regarding the Summerfest. Anybody we had contracted so far, and I’ll let them know.

Supervisor DeCarlo 07:36 - 07:36
Thank you.

Councilwoman Marien 07:36 - 07:37
Thank you.

Councilman Muffoletto 07:40 - 07:45
I have a question Linda. The fireworks. Have we already paid for the fireworks?

Councilwoman Giancarlo 07:46 - 07:51
Fireworks were paid for by GOYA. We already received the check.

Councilman Muffoletto 07:53 - 07:55
But did we pay for the fireworks already?

Councilwoman Giancarlo 07:56 - 07:57
No. We pay him that day.

Councilman Muffoletto 07:58 - 07:59


Councilwoman Giancarlo 07:59 - 08:09
Yeah. I had 2, I had 2 different dates set with him, too. So, I will let him know what's going on and we’ll play it by ear. Um, he is pretty good with that.

Councilman Muffoletto 08:12 - 08:13 I’m sure it’s nothing new for him right now.

Supervisor DeCarlo
Sounds good.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 08:14 - 08:14
Oh, yeah!

Councilwoman Ross
Thank you Linda

Supervisor DeCarlo 08:17 - 08:18 Thank you for all your work on that one.

Councilwoman Giancarlo
Thank you.

Supervisor DeCarlo 08:23 – 09:07

All right. Umm, Correspondence. We got our second April sales tax rate remittance. It was down 2.6% compared to 2019. Year-to-date are running 7.15 ahead of last year. I do want to make a mention that even though this is down, this is not impacted by the Covid, that we should see significantly less sales tax is what they're forecasting. Um, I've received a letter from the county, that um, they could, we could be seeing as little as $90,000 less in revenue from sales tax as we Councilwoman Giancarlo
Oh yeah.

Councilman Muffoletto 09:08 - 09:09


Supervisor DeCarlo 09:11 - 09:13

So, I guess we gotta keep an eye on that.

Councilwoman Ross 09:14 - 09:15

It's good to know.

Supervisor DeCarlo 09:17 - 09:29

Right, although, the fact that the state did start collecting sales tax on all internet orders, I think maybe, maybe we’ll gain a little bit of that, because I think there are a lot of people ordering stuff online, but we’ll have to see.

Supervisor DeCarlo 09:34 - 09:35 Approval of the abstract.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 09:37 - 09:38

I’ll make a motion.

Councilwoman Ross 09:39 - 09:40


Supervisor DeCarlo 09:41 – 10:50

Uh um, let me go, let me read it real quick. Abstract 4 of 2020, pre-paid, and unpaid, 4-14-2020 total claims, $64,474.52. General Fund, town-wide vouchers, totaling $33,466.21 General Fund Part-town vouchers totaling $9357.02. Highway, town-wide vouchers. Totaling $14,969.42. Highway Part-town vouchers totaling $4058.17. Street lighting vouchers. Total in $2623.60. Payroll, 2 payrolls, General town-wide from 3/1 to 3/28, totaling $48,887.79. General part-town, 3/1, to 3/28 totaling $712.96. Highway payroll town wide, $40,150.42. And highway payroll part-town from 3/1 to 3/28, $24,215.14. Um, we have a motion from Councilwoman Giancarlo and a second from Councilman Muffoletto. Can I get a roll-call?

Recording Secretary Daniel
Councilwoman Giancarlo

Councilwoman Giancarlo 11:03 - 11:04

Recording Secretary Daniel 11:05 - 11:06
Councilman Muffoletto.

Councilman Muffoletto
Recording Secretary Daniel 11:10 - 11:11
Councilwoman Marien.

Councilwoman Marien 11:12 - 11:13

Recording Secretary Daniel 11:15 - 11:15
Councilwoman Ross.

Councilwoman Ross 11:16 - 11:16

Recording Secretary Daniel 11:17 - 11:19
And Supervisor DeCarlo.

Supervisor DeCarlo 11:20 - 11:27
Aye. Carried. Next meeting will be May 12, 2020, at 7:00 PM.

Councilwoman Ross 11:28 - 11:29
Can I ask a question before we adjourn?

Supervisor DeCarlo 11:31 - 11:32

Councilwoman Ross 11:33 - 11:44
Um, I was just wondering if there's any plan to really disinfect or steam clean the town hall before the order is, is lifted that people can get back to work?

Supervisor DeCarlo 11:45 – 12:21

Yes, actually, we did bring, um, there's a company that's actually the owners live in Farnham, and we have contracted them, I shouldn't say contracted, but we've used them with the police department a little bit. They have uh a system that uses high, um high heat steam. He's supposed to give me an estimate to do the whole town hall. No chemicals are used, but it disinfects, right now we're using them to do the police vehicles. Which is uh, they are just charging us $10 a vehicle. Um…

Councilman Muffoletto 12:22 - 12:32
Well, let me ask you something. If somebody's using the town hall, momentarily with Barbs Office, why would we do the whole town hall?

Councilwoman Ross 12:34 - 12:36
Just to be on the safe side.

Councilman Muffoletto 12:37 - 12:41
They only last couple of days, natural and on human.

Supervisor DeCarlo 12:43 - 12:59
Mean, I think the most you would do, I think, is, just use them. Just before we totally re-open, because there, you know, there are some people coming in and out of their police officers. Allen goes in from time to time to maintain the building.

Councilwoman Ross 13:00 - 13:00
I’ve been there.

Supervisor DeCarlo 13:00 - 13:11
I don’t know… Yeah, I don't know that we would, You know, I don't know that we would use them, like, on a constant basis, but I want to get an estimate just to see what he would charge just to come in and do it before we completely re-open.


Councilman Muffoletto 13:14 - 13:14


Supervisor DeCarlo 13:18 - 13:37
Um, we did get, uh, we did get an order of sanitizer in from the state about 6, 7 gallons of it, um, that we do have at the town hall. The state was pretty firm on it to be used for, like municipality use only. But it is there.

Councilman Muffoletto 13:40 - 13:41
Does that

Supervisor DeCarlo 13:41 - 13:42
What’s that?

Councilman Muffoletto 13:45 - 13:50
I was gonna say does that come with the applicator or do you have to pour it in to small ones or?

Supervisor DeCarlo 13:51 – 16:19
Yeah, we got sort of smaller bottles that came with it, and then the gallons size, but it's more like a liquid than it is a gel. But it's 70%. So the other thing is that Chief Hepkins has been in contact with some of the local stores, and they've been able to provide us a little bit of sanitizer here, and there, and also some a Clorox bleach wipes and things like that so that, like, the local stores, have been helpful for the town. Um, we, we had been in contact and been getting some supplies from Erie County Emergency Services. Um, we did get the N-95 masks for the Police Department to use, um, that is a process that's a lot more entailed than I thought it was. Each person has to be fitted for it and also we have to have a doctor sign off on everyone that's going to be using them. And so, Chief Hepkins headed that up and was able to get the officers' get fitted. And also, with the, with some help from Eden, and also doctor, to go through and do interviews, and sign off on them using them. And then once we did that we're able to get that, I was able to get Erie County Emergency Services to provide, uh. Provide them along with some surgical masks, which are less helpful, but they're good. I did get some other washable masks that are going to be coming into the town hall, in the next couple of days because if we have some essential employees, are required to provide this by the state. So that's, that's coming. Um, I really, tried to reduce the workforce as much as much as possible, and have people only that are essential working and when they are working to take precautions. So, so, that's been going on. Um, I been on, I’ve been on probably 20 conference calls in the last 2 1/2 weeks, with the county, both the county, and all the other towns supervisors just kinda following up on what they're doing and what, they were kind of direction they're getting. Anybody have any questions on any of that?

Councilwoman Giancarlo 16:20 - 16:21

Councilwoman Ross 16:22 - 16:23
Yeah, I’m good.

Supervisor DeCarlo 16:24 - 16:45
Alright. Next meeting, May 12, 2020 at 7 PM, I guess, with the current situation we're going to, as we get closer, I guess we'll know how we're gonna handle that meeting. Um, I just make a motion to adjourn in the memory of William Billy Hammer,Jr.

Councilwoman Giancarlo 16:45 - 16:51
I’ll second it.


Supervisor DeCarlo
Seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. All those in favor.

All council members voted aye

Supervisor DeCarlo 16:55 - 16:59
All those opposed? Carried. Thank you, Mr. Trask.

Councilwoman Muffoletto 17:01 - 17:02
Good night everybody.

Attorney Trask 17:06 - 17:07
Stay safe.

Recording Secretary Daniel 17:08 - 17:09
See you guys.

Transcribed by GoMeeting.com and Deputy Town Clerk Lynda Ostrowski

Certification of this transcription to follow:

I, Barbara J. Daniel, Brant Town Clerk and Recording Secretary for the Brant Town Board have reviewed the above transcription for accuracy. I therefore certify that any actions taken prior to GoToMeeting’s verbatim recording began (7:24 pm) were re-addressed with votes during the recorded portion of the meeting. It is advised that the GoToMeeting software application was not 100% accurate in it’s own transcription of the spoken words, and corrections were made using a digital recording of the meeting taken by Deputy Clerk Lynda Ostrowski. I also certify that this “Digital voice recorded” copy of the meeting, as recorded by Deputy Clerk Lynda Ostrowski, is available for those wishing to listen to the meeting in it’s entirety.


In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town on Monday, April 27, 2020.



