Town Of Brant

Code Enforcement & Zoning

Code Enforcement Officers
Tyler Hill
Jeneen Hill

Town of Brant
1272 Brant-North Collins Rd
PO Box 228
Brant, New York 14027

Phone: (716) 780-7042

Code Clerk : Joanna McDougall
Clerk Hours: Mon-Tues-Fri 9am-2pm

 By Appointment 

A brief Description of duties is as follows:
Article XI
Administration and Enforcement of Brant Code

Sub section 161-63

The Position of Code Enforcement Officer is hereby established. The Code Enforcement Officer and any and all assistants required for the proper administration and enforcement of this chapter shall be appointed by and service at the pleasure of the Town Board.

Sub Section 161-64 Compensation of administering and enforcing officials.

The compensation of the Clerk, Code Enforcement Officer and assistants elsewhere referred to in this Article shall be fixed by the Town Board within the amounts provided in the annual budget and paid at such times as determined by the Town Board.

Sub Section 161-65 Duties of Code Enforcement Officer

  1. It shall be the duty of the Code Enforcement Officer or his duly authorized assistants to cause any plans, buildings or premises to be examined or inspected to determine that they are not in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
  2. Where the Code Enforcement Officer, in the course of his duties, determines that any plans, buildings or premises are in violation of the provisions of this chapter, he shall order the responsible party, in writing, to remedy such conditions. Said written order shall specify the nature of the violation found to exist, the remedy ordered and the time permitted for such action, the penalties and remedies which may be invoked by the town and the violator’s right to appeal, all as provided for by this chapter.
  3. On the serving of notice by the Code Enforcement Officer to the owner of any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the certificate of occupancy for such building or use shall be held null and void. A new certificate of occupancy shall be required for any further use of such building or premises.
  4. The Code Enforcement Officer shall maintain a permanent record of all matters considered and all action taken by him. Such records shall form a part of the records of his office and shall be available for the use of the Town Board and other officials of the town. The records to be maintained shall include at least the following:
    1. Application file. An individual permanent file for each application for a permit provided for by this chapter shall be established at the time the application is made. Said file shall contain one (1) copy of the application and all supporting documents, maps and plan; notations regarding pertinent dates and fees and the like; as appropriate, one (1) copy of the resolution of the Board of Appeals in acting on the application; and the date the permit applied for was issued or denied by the Code Enforcement Officer.
    2. Monthly Report. The Code Enforcement Officer shall prepare a monthly report for the Town Board. Said report shall cite all actions taken by the Code Enforcement Officer, including all referrals made by him; all permits and certificates issued and denied; and all complaints of violations found by him and the action taken by him consequent thereon. A copy of this monthly report shall be also transmitted by the Code Enforcement Officer to the Tax Assessor Planning Board and Board of Appeals at the same time it is transmitted to the Town Board.

Procedures for Building Permits

Building Permit Application

Building Permit Fees

Home owners Workers Compensation Exemption Form


Codes not listed in the Code Book:

4 of 2002Town Assessor
3 of 2003Curfew
1 of 2004Car Lots
2 of 2004Surcharge Vehicle Traffic Law
1 of 2005Adult Use Areas
2 of 2006Publishing Posting Local Laws
3 of 2006Sex Offender Residency
2006Enforcement of NYS Uniform Fire Codes
1 of 2007Uses and Improvements
1 of 2008Windmill Law
1 of 2009Tax Exempt for Cold War Veterans
2 of 2009Parking Restrictions – Commercial Vehicles
3 of 2009Code of Ethics
1 of 2010Code Enforcement Officer Residency
4 of 2010Dog Control
1 of 2011Telecommunication Tower Code
1 of 2014Public Utility Storage
2 of 2014Restricted Motor Vehicle Use in the Park
1 of 2015Allowable Uses in the Agricultural District
1 of 2016Amending Renewals of Special Use Permits
1 of 2017Moratorium on Solar Law
2 of 2017Solar Law
1 of 2018Extend Cold War Exemptions
1 of 2019Flood Prevention Damage
1 of 2020Increase Veterans Exemption


The Town of Brant is an equal opportunity provider, and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410,
or call
(800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD)