Town Of Brant


Senior Guidance
Our website discusses all services available for seniors living in New York, outlines helpful state programs for seniors and allows to find assisted living facilities in every city and town in New York

Rural Transit / Star Exemption / Meals On Wheels / Brant-Farnham Seniors Group


Seniors are eligible for a reduced rate on their property tax.  To determine your eligibility you can contact the Assessor’s Office at 716-549-4423


6722 ERIE RD
DERBY, NY 14047


Click on this link to see all kinds of discounts for Restaurants, Airfares, Hotels etc.



This organization was developed in the 1960's to provide seniors with low cost monthly entertainment. To be a member of the Seniors, you must be at least 50 years of age and a Town of Brant Member. All trips include bus fare and other expenses such as shows and dinner, unless otherwise noted (MUST BE PRE-PAID). The only other out of pocket expenses would be shopping and souvenirs. The trips are first offered to local senior members and after one week, are offered to non-members, and based on availability. Prices differ for members vs. non-members. To see if you are eligible contact Marge Pero or Sharon Catalano.

Our meetings begin with a pizza and salad lunch - cost is $5.00 per person We also hold a drawing each meeting. The cost is 5 tickets for $1.00. Four drawings are held. After lunch, we hold our meetings starting with the Pledge to the Flag, we have our meeting followed by some Bingo games or have a guest speaker.

Besides our monthly meetings, we take frequent trips. If you are a Town of Brant or Village of Farnham resident and are at least 50 years of age, you are eligable to receive the discounted fair. You don't have to be a resident to go on our trips. have a summer picnic, hold a bake sale at Brantfest, have guest speakers at our meetings and have a Christmas lunch. For Trip info contact Info:  Marge Pero - 716-549-3103 or Sharon Catalano - 716-337-3710

Meetings are held every 1st Wednesday of each month at noon
Place: Brant Senior Building          
1000 Brant Farnham Rd          
Brant NY Time: Noon

Yearly Dues - $10.00 per person

January 3 
February 7 – Guest speakers – Brant Assessors Office
March 6 – Guest speakers – Erie County Disaster 
April 3 – Guest speakers – Erie County Public Library
May 1 – Guest speakers – Farnham Fire Department
June 5 – Guest speakers – Erie County Protection 
July 3 – Guest speakers – Erie County Senior Services
August 7 – Picnic
September 4 – Guest Speaker – Mayor Jere Hoisington – State of the Village of Farnham
October 2 – Guest speaker John Chiavetta – Medicare coverage
November 6
December 4

2024 TRIPS  

Tuesday, May 14: Start with a Buffet Lunch at The Black North Inn located at the mouth of the Oak Orchard River. Lunch includes: Burgundy beef tips, chicken cutlets with an apple Dejon sauce, herb roasted potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls and dessert. Drinks include coffee, hot tea, iced tea and lemonade. 
We then go to The Cabaret at Studio B in Albion to see Reverand Mother.
On our way home we will stop at the Amish run Miller’s Bakery and Bulk Foods store. 
We leave at 9:30am and return about 6pm.

Wednesday, June 19: We are going to The Station Dinner Theatre in Erie, PA. We will see The Wild Women of Winedaled. The family style lunch will be served between acts of the play. 
Following the show, we will have 2 hours to go to Presque Isle Downs Casino or go to Millcreek Mall. 
We leave at 10am and return at 7:30pm

Wednesday, July 24: We are going to Erie, PA to tour St. Patrick’s Church then we to to Presque Isle State Park for a cookout that will include: garden salad, roll & butter, baked chicken, bbq spare ribs, potato salad, baked beans, coffee, water & unsweeten tea. We then go to Sara’s for a sundae followed by setting sail on the Victorian Princess paddle boat.  We leave at 8:15am and return at 6:30pm

Tuesday, August 20: A trip to Seneca Niagara Casino to see Bachelors of Broadway at 1pm. Included is: $20 slot money, $10 food credit and the show. We will leave at 9:15am and return at 5:45pm

Saturday, September 21: We go to Riviera Theatre to hear Frankie Avalon. We leave at 5:45pm and return around 11:00pm

Wednesday, October 23: Start at the Amish Cheese Co-Op in Ohio. Receive a sample of cheese curds. Then go to Nauvoo Family Market and receive a jar of Amish jam. On to an Amish home for lunch which includes: baked chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, vegetable, seven layer salad, Amish date nut pudding, fresh bread & Amish pie. Then go to the Bargin Bin. Receive a small bread to take home. Then go to D & S Produce and receive a seasonal treat to take home. The last stop is to a General Store where you receive a hand made item to take home. We leave at 8am and return around 7:45pm. 

Cost: $40.00 for Brant / Farnham Senior Residents. Cost for non-members will be posted with each trip
Contact :Marge Pero - 716-549-3103 or Sharon Catalano - 716-337-3710



President – Dolly Huffnagle
Vice-President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Treasurer – Diane Czyz

President – Faith DeLong
Vice-President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Treasurer – Diane Czyz

President – Faith DeLong
Vice-President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Treasurer – Diane Czyz

President - Elmer McSkimming
Vice-President - Sharon Catalano
Secretary - Lynda Ostrowski
Asst. Secretary – Mary Ann Wargula
 WeTreasurer - Marie Lalka
Asst. Treasurer – Marge Pero

President - Elmer McSkimming
Vice-President - Sharon Catalano
Secretary - Lynda Ostrowski
Asst. Secretary – Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer - Marie Lalka
Asst. Treasurer – Marge Pero

President - Elmer McSkimming
Vice-President - Sharon Catalano
Secretary - Lynda Ostrowski
Asst. Secretary – Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer - Marie Lalka
Asst. Treasurer – Marge Pero

Appointed Officers
Supply Sargent -
Assistant Supply Sargent – Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine Club - Theresa Quagliana
Travel Committee - Marge Pero & Sharon Catalano
Sergeant At Arms - Marie Lalka



no meeting



no meeting
Recording of Meeting



no meeting



No Meeting
No Meeting
No Meeting


Due to COVID, April – December Meetings were cancelled



Annual Picnic
No Meeting


uary 1February
Meeting Cancelled
March 3April 4
May 5June 6July 11August
Annual Picnic
No Meeting
September 12October 3November 14December 5


January 4February 1
March 1
April 5
May 3June 7July 5August
 Annual Picnic
no meeting
September 6October 4November 1December 6



Unfortunately, some of the minutes of the Seniors were distroyed in a flood.


Founding Year January 31, 1973
President – Angeline Ahlers
Vice President – Albert Argaver
Treasurer – Mildred Bowman
Secretary – Dorothea Nordblum

Trips -  Ed Dion


President – Faith DeLong
Secretary – Gerri Depovelo

Treasurer – Janet Bowman
Sunshine Club – Theresa Quigilano
Travel – Ed Dion

Feb: Betty, Marie, Pat
June: Emily Millitello, Marilyn Russell, Theresa Quagliana,
July: Jennie Renaldo, Elzada Schrader & Julie Muscato
Aug: Josephine Friend, Thel Winters, Pauline Leigh
Oct: Faith DeLong Rose Marie Demaria, Jean Hoisington
Nov: Elzada Schrader, Jul, Annabelle
Dec: Elzada Schrader, Bernice, Helen Catalano       


Secretary – Gerri Depovelo & Janet Bowman
Travel – Gerri Depovelo
President – Faith DeLong

January – Ethel, Julie & Jean
March – Joyce, Theresa & Elzada
April – Jeanne Hoisington, Pauline Leigh, Jennie Renaldo
May – Faith DeLong, Julie Muscato, Jeanette Mirusso
June – Bev Wasmund, Janet Bowman, Marilyn Russell
October – Julie Muscato, Janet, Elzada
November – Verna, Rose Marie, Josephine Friend
December – Pauline Leigh, Bernice Twarozek & Elzada Schrader

January – Charlie, Janet, Verna
February – Brinkmans, Bertha Notaro, Josephine Muscato
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Janet Bowman
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino   
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Julie Muscatto
Sunshine Club – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Gerri Depovelo & Ethel Winters

March – Alzada Schrader, Bertha Notaro, Pat Dudek
April – Sharon Catalano, Jean B. Gerri Gugino
President – Gerri Depovelo
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Janet Bowman
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Marie Lalka
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Marie Lalka
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Faith DeLong

Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Marie Lalka
Assistant Secretary – Gerri Gugino
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Mary Ann Wargula
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Neil Ross
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Kathy Vespa
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Assistant Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming              
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Faith DeLong
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer – Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Janice Ross
Assistant Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine – Theresa Quagliana
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms – Phyllis Muscato
President – Elmer McSkimming
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant Janice Ross
Assistant Supply Sergeant Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine Theresa Quagliana
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Phyllis Muscato
President Elmer McSkimming
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer Jeanette Mirusso
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant Janice Ross
Assistant Supply Sergeant Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine Theresa Quagliana
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Phyllis Muscato / Marie Lalka
President Elmer McSkimming
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary Mary Ann Wargula
Treasurer Marie Lalka
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant
Assistant Supply Sergeant Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine Theresa Quagliana
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Marie Lalka
President Elmer McSkimming
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Rosemary Hauser
Treasurer Marie Lalka
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Assistant Supply Sergeant
Sunshine Tish Brady
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Marie Lalka
President Elmer McSkimming
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Rosemary Hauser
Treasurer Marie Lalka
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Assistant Supply Sergeant
Sunshine Tish Brady
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Marie Lalka
President Faith DeLong
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Rosemary Hauser
Treasurer Diane Czyz
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Assistant Supply Sergeant
Sunshine Tish Brady
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Marie Lalka
President Faith DeLong
Vice President Sharon Catalano
Secretary Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Rosemary Hauser
Treasurer Diane Czyz
Assistant Treasurer Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Assistant Supply Sergeant
Sunshine Tish Brady
Travel Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant Of Arms Marie Lalka
President – Dolly Huffnagle
Vice President – Sharon Catalano
Secretary – Lynda Ostrowski
Assistant Secretary – Rosemary Hauser
Treasurer – Diane Czyz
Assistant Treasurer – Marge Pero
Supply Sergeant – Marlene McSkimming
Sunshine – Tish Brady
Travel – Marge Pero, Sharon Catalano
Sergeant of Arms – Geri DePovelo


Feb: Homestead Restaurant, Niagara Falls
see Man of LaMancha
Mar: Bolivar, Hilltop Restaurant
Apr: Sheas – The Unsinkable Molly Brown
May: Toronto then cruise around harbor
June: Miss Buffalo Cruise, Galleria Mall,   Hamburg Raceway
July: Grove City PA
Aug: Niagara on the Lake
Aug: Wildwood
Sept: Train Trip in Kane PA
Oct: Holiday Inn, Jamestown – Wedding
Nov: Perry Ice Cream, Gaslight Christmas
Store, Vidlers
Mar: Memorial Aud – Stars on Ice
Apr: Fredonia College - “Anything Goes”
June: Melody Fair – Lawrence Welk        
July: Mark Twain in Elmira
Aug: Wisconson
Aug: River Bend, PA
Sept: Niagara Clipper Boat Ride
Oct: Fredonia – Glenn Miller Band
Nov: Niagara Falls to see the lights in Canada
Dec: Convention Center – Rosemary Clooney
April: Sugar Creek, OH
May: Brown Bag Trip to PA
June: Day at the Bay in Erie PA
Aug: Mystery Trip
Sept: Montreal
Oct: McKinley Park Inn – Octoberfest
Nov: Wickcliff, OH
March: Atlantic City
Apr: Pennsylvania – Big Buck Poker
May: O Canada Show
June: Gertod Follies – Canada
July: Show Boat – Warren
Sept: Cape Cod
Oct: Octoberfest at Hearthstone Manor
April: Atlantic City
May: Brown Bag
June: Fingerlakes for a show
July: Railroad Trip
Sept: Branson
Oct: Toronto Big Bands
Dec: Rochester – Dickin Christmas
April: Mt. Pleasant MI
June: Mama Mia
Sept: New Orleans
Oct: Hamilton, Canada – Carmin Restaurant
Nov: Pitsford
April 29th
May 12th – Hollywood Comedy
June 16th – Cruising Lake Keuka
July 20th – Patio Party
June: Great Lakes Escape
July: Pittsburgh, PA - Carosel Play
Aug: Auburn – Beauty and the Beast
Sept: Boston Trip
Oct: Erie PA – Golden Follies
March: Grove City – Shopping
April: Seneca Casino
May: Station House
June: Canada
Aug: Culinary Institute in Canada
Sept: Chicago
Oct: Mama Mia
Nov: Rockettes
April: Fredonia – Musical
May: Cape Cod
May: Corning Glass Trip
June: Station House
June: Salamanca Casino
July: Walkins Glen
Aug: Finger Lakes Theatre
Sept: Kutshers Country Club
Oct: Letchworth State Park
Nov: Samuels Grand Manor


April: Fredonia
May: Corning
June: Erie Canal Locks
July: Station House
Aug: Chautauqua
Sept: Cape Cod
Oct: Jamestown “Wedding” trip
Nov: “Jamestown Girls”
Nov: Lancaster Opera House Crazy for Me

Mar: New York City
Apr: Music Fare Show
May: Progressive Pleasures trip
Aug: Chautauqua Lake Cruise
Sept: Nashville
Sept: Chautauqua Wine Trip
Nov: Music Fare Theatre – Man from LaMancha
April: Sheas – Jersey Boys
May: Lilac Festival in Rochester
June: Station House – Run for your Wife which is Caught in the Net
July: Erie
Aug: Skaneateles
Oct: Olean – Octoberfest?
Nov: Riverside
April: Vicky Lawrence
May: Sprague Maple Farms & Alleghany Casino
June: Station House
July: Buffalo Land & Sea & Chef’s
Aug: Wellsboro PA – Grand Canyon of the East
Aug: Fredonia Opera House – Calamari Sisters
Sept: Branson, MO
Oct: Medina Stone Farm – Tribute to Johnny & June Carter Cash
Nov: Riverside Inn – Christmas
April: ECC North – Marvelous Wonderettes
May: Jamestown – Lucy Trip

May: Lancaster, PA
June: Stationhouse – Not Now Darling
July: Auburn – My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding
Aug: Dunkirk – Clarion Hotel – Flannagan’s
Shenanagan’s & Merritt Winery

Sept: Myrtle Beach
Oct: Albion – Tillman’s Village Inn – Here’s to the Divas & Dames, Watt Farms Country Market & Leonard Oakes Estate Winery
Nov: Alleghany
Dec: SUNY Fredonia – Big Band Spectacular
March: Shea’s for Sister Act, Lafayette Hotel Green Room
April: Station House – We Gotta Bingo, mall or casino

May: ECC North – Nunsense II & Dinner at The Red Mill
June: Seneca Niagara
June: Yorkshire Hall Corfu for meal, Anastasja & Made In America
July: Sound of Music at Artpark, Dinner at Paynes
Aug: Hidden Valley, Vidlers, Made In America
Sept: Chicago
Oct: Dinner at Michaels then Damien College for Musical Fair
Nov: Spragues for breakfast then Alleghany Casino
Dec: Seneca Niagara Casino for Tony Orlando

April : Cheese Chocolate and Chaos
May: Osmond Brothers Seneca Alleghany
June: Station House and Presque Isle
July: Niagara River & Fatima Shrine
Aug: Naples
Sept: Allegany Casino
Oct: Church Basement Ladies
Nov: Sheas
Dec: Salvatores

March: Sheas to see Phantom
March: Seneca Niagara Casino.

April: Casino Niagara to see a Tribute to Frankie Valli.
May: Tillman’s Village Inn in Albion
June: Station Dinner Theatre to see “Always a Bridesmaid”
July: “Buffalo Then & Now.
Aug: Niagara Falls Ontario with Greg Frewin.
Sept: is a trip to Boston.
Sept: Alleghany Casino to see My Sinatra.
Oct: Mystery Trip
Nov: Tribute to Dolly
Dec: Casino to hear the Texas Tenors

April: Supreme Reflections at Seneca Niagara Casino
May: Forest Lawn Tour
June: Station House
July: Buffalo Canalside & Silos
Aug: Niagara Casino
Sept: Alleghany Casino.
Oct: Hurd Orchards in Holley NY
Nov: Niagara Falls Culinary Inst.
Dec: Trip to Canada for Night Fever.
April: Seneca Niagara Casino see The Crystals
May: Kleinheins to hear Swingin’ Sars and Stripes & Chefs
June: Station House to see “Sex Please, We’re Sixty”
July: Canadian Food & Wine Institute
August: Hamlin House to see “Who Killed Rocco Paladino”
September: Chautauqua Institute to see “Shades of Chautauqua
October: Seneca Niagara to see “My Mother’s Italian, My Father’s Jewish and I’m In Therapy”
November: SUNY Fredonia to see “Much Ado About Nothing”

April: Sprague’s Maple Farms & Seneca Allegany Casino. 
May: Yorkshire Hall Lunch / Dinner Theatre to see “Don’t Blame the Chef”, then go to The Country Cottage.
June: Station House to see “Things My Mother Taught Me” then go to Millcreek Mall or Presque Isle Downs Casino
July: Tillman’s Village Inn in Corfu to see “Lengends of Laughter & Song
August: Niagara Falls
September 1720: Mackinac Island
October: Grand Canyon of the East in Pennsylvania
November: Niagara Falls Canada to see “The Rat Pack
December: Seneca Niagara to hear “The Drifters
April: Belmonte Show at Seneca Niagara
May: Finger Lakes for a Taste, Tour & Treats Trip
June: Leading Ladies at Station House
July: Double decker bus ride in Buffalo
September: Trip to Nashville, TN
September: Seneca Alleghany
October: Foul Play at The Old Mill Inn
November: The Barrel Factory
December: Salvatores Restaurant for a Christmas Lunch
Due to COVID, no trips were taken
Due to COVID, there were no trips
May: Star Spangled Salute at Kleinhans Music Hall
June: Bette & Barry Tribute at Seneca Niagara Casino
July: Lucy Desi Museum
August: Amish Brown Bag
September: Mystery, Mayhem & Crime – Double Decker Bus ride downtown
October: Oktoberfest at Hofbrauhaus 
November: Murder at Lost Memory Manor at The Barrel Factory
April: Motown Years at Seneca Niagara
May: Country Fun in Cuba 
June: The Gambler Returns at Seneca Allegany Casino
July: The Chicago Speakeasy at Station Dinner Theatre
August: Lockport Locks
October 3: A Chorus Line in Auburn Ny
October 18: Arcade & Attica Railroad
December 5: Merry Christmas Darling: Carpenters Christmas at Seneca Niagara



The Town of Brant is an equal opportunity proveder, and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write:
USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410,

or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD)