Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 @ 8:00 PM ATTENDANCE: Supervisor Leonard Pero Councilman John D. Arrigo Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier Councilwoman Roseann Turner Councilman John D. Chiavetta William J. Trask Sr., Attorney Agenda: 1.) Discuss Junkyard Ordinance 2.) Discuss Surfside Water Extension 3.) Announce New Police Chief 4.) Discuss Racetrack Ordinance 5.) Review Panning Board Matters This meeting was posted in the Brant Town Hall, Brant Post Office, Farnham Village Hall, and Farnham Post Office, and The Town Crier and the Hamburg Sun were notified on Thursday April 20th and advertised in the Angola Penny Saver. Pledge to the Flag 1.) Announce New Police Chief Supervisor Pero stated that they would go right to number 3 and announce the new Police Chief, David Hock. Supervisor introduced Chief David Hock and Hock addressed the audience stating that he would be making some changes and improvements and while minor the changes would be for the better and he will always be available. Hock starts May 1st, and will be hiring some new officers. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following RESOLUTION 042506-#10 was adopted with a roll call vote of the following members present: 5 AYES- 0 NAYS Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Leonard K. Pero Voting Aye Councilman Arrigo Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF BRANT; ERIE COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK: TO APPOINT DAVID HOCK AS CHIEF OF POLICE FOR THE TOWN OF BRANT. Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 @ 8:00 PM Attorney William J. Trask administered the oath of office to Chief Hock. Board members made comments in support of their decision. Supervisor Pero announced that Chief Hock will be a full time Chief and will be assisted by Police Dog Ambo. Pero spoke of Sheriff Howard’s’ support of the Boards decision. 2.) Discuss Junkyard Ordinance The Planning Board Chairman Gardyjan reported that the Planning Board is recommending the adoption of a six month moratorium on junkyards to allow them to fine tune the ordinance’s in our code. Supervisor Pero stated that they do want to clean up the town and that they do not want to stop any more discarded junk on properties. After some discussion with Attorney Trask and Code Officer Brecker it was decided to name a committee and review the current law, set a public hearing for the adoption of a moratorium. This item will be under old business at the May 9th Board meeting. 3.) Discuss Surfside Water Extension There was discussion about the cost and the discussion as to how to go forward for the funding. Supervisor Pero talked about providing water service to properties within the water district, the growth of more homes, and in turn tax revenue for the town. Committeemen Gier and Chiavetta reported that as they are currently researching the water contract, they would like to hold off, enabling them to make a more educated decision. On a motion from Councilman Arrigo, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta, the following motion was Ayes 5 Pero, Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON THE PROPOSED WATER LINE EXTENSION ON SURFSIDE DRIVE IN THE BRANT WATER DISTRICT #1. 4.) Discuss Racetrack Ordinance Supervisor Pero stated that the board has become aware of a possible racetrack on Vermont St. and would like to have an ordinance. Attorney Trask advised the Board to have the planning board and the Code Officer review the code and decide what they would consider for an ordinance. Brecker stated that they could review the noise ordinance and add a nuisance ordinance concerning mufflers, and dust. Trask also advised the board members that many property use disputes between neighbors are taken care of in the civil courts system. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta, the following motion was Ayes 5 Pero, Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 @ 8:00 PM Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON RACETRACK ORDINANCE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION 5.) Review Panning Board Matters Planning Board Chairman Gardyjan brought forward that the town law pertaining to noise control states that a noise control administrator needs to be appointed. There was some discussion in relation to the aforementioned property concerning a dirt track for motorcycles. Workshop meeting is set for May 4th, including a public meeting concerning the Memorial Park plans. No comments or concerns from public. Reported that the State DOT extended and put up an advisory concerning the speed limit near Mile Block Rd and Route 249, and Bill Wesp stated that it was already complete. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Arrigo, the following motion was Ayes 5 Pero, Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO ADJOURN THE APRIL 25, 2006 SPECIAL BRANT TOWN BOARD MEETING AT 8:50 PM Recorded by Michele Browning and compiled by Thea A. Ells Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk