October 4 Special Tentative Budget

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on October 2, 2003 at 7:00 PM at the Brant Town Hall, Brant New York.


PRESENT: Supervisor Sam Chiavetta

                        Councilwoman Ellen Bowman

                        Councilman Martin Rosiek

Late attendance:         Councilman Czyz      

ABSENT:       Councilman Rubeck              


ALSO PRESENT: Attorney John Grennell


Pledge to the Flag

Acknowledgement of Visitors - There were none present                


The Town Clerk presented the Town Board with the 2004 tentative



Supervisor Chiavetta reviewed and highlighted and explained some amounts in the budget. There was discussion about the deadline dates the Town Board

and the Town Clerk needed to follow to stay within the confines of the law for the budget. 


Supervisor Chiavetta stated that they would set the dates for the department reviews at the October 14 meeting, and that they will need to vote on the November meeting date change as Veterans Day was being observed that date. The Board acknowledged that they would need to set the public hearing date at the October meeting for the 2004 Budget. These items will be on the agenda for the October 14th meeting of the Town Board.


Motion made by Councilwoman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Rosiek to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 PM



Respectfully Submitted


Thea A. Ells






SUPERVISOR CHIAVETTA__________________________


COUNCIMAN RUBECK_____________________________


COUNCILWOMAN BOWMAN _____________________________


COUNCILMAN ROSIEK________________________________


COUNCILMAN CZYZ________________________________