Minutes of the special meeting of the Brant Town Board held on Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. at the Brant Town Hall, Brant-N. Collins Rd, Brant, New York.
There were present:
Supervisor Samuel J. Chiavetta
Councilman Dennis Rubeck
Councilwoman Ellen Bowman
Councilman Martin Rosiek
Attorney John Grennell
Absent: Councilman Eugene Czyz
Also present:
David Kozlowski
The meeting was opened with a pledge to the flag led by Supervisor Chiavetta.
Supervisor Chiavetta stated that there was a meeting held on December 19th with Charlie Allessi of Erie County Sewer with District #2. He stated that Erie County lets the Town know what the costs are and then Brant in turn taxes the district customers to the amount due the Sewer Authority along with the debt repayment schedule.
They would then take over the billing on everything and it would then get removed from the tax bill. EC Sewer would then send the Town the money for debt repayment. In support of the public hearing they would need approval on the contracts which they have not yet been looked at by the Town Attorney.
They are now going to take over the use portion of the billing and service. There is a public hearing on February 20th at the County level and they would need a letter of support for the Public Hearing.
Councilman Rosiek made a motion to authorize the Supervisor to enter into and execute the contracts pending the approval of the Town Attorney. Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Bowman and a roll call vote taken:
Councilman Rosiek Aye
Councilwoman Bowman Aye
Councilman Rubeck Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta gave an update on the Water Consortium. He stated that E. Aurora, Evans, Elma and Brant all want to expand their districts and it appears that the Cain Road, Evans portion may get the first benefits with extension of the water from Eden. This would help Brant so the water could then be extended to Brant from the Evans lines.
He stated that Erie County water would like to see expansion in Towns that have there own districts. No Action was taken at this time.
BFI submitted a contract renewal agreement due to the negotiations between Brant, Farnham and BFI as discussed. The negotiations first suggested a 2.6% and 2.5% renewal however, Supervisor Chiavetta suggested 2% for each of the two year extensions. It was noted that the current rate was $119.11 for the 2002 year and would be $138.50 for 2003. Authorization was needed for the Supervisor to sign the contract if agreeable.
Councilwoman Bowman made a motion to accept the proposal and to authorize the Supervisor to execute the agreement, the motion was seconded by Councilman Rubeck and a roll call vote taken.
Councilwoman Bowman Aye
Councilman Rubeck Aye
Councilman Rosiek Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta asked if anyone wanted to discuss any other matters at that time.
John Grennell stated that there should be a bond anticipation note coming up for renewal discussion would be held at either the Organizational or Regular January meeting.
Dave Kozlowski presented a letter of interest in the Code Enforcement Officers position, as that would be decided at the Organizational meeting on January 2nd, 2003.
Ellen Bowman discussed the upcoming Justice appointment and stated that interviews will be held on Saturday, December 28th but that since Justice Trask has expressed interest in possibly being appointed to fill the term, that Gene Czyz would be working with her to conduct the interviews. Councilman Rubeck asked who the five people were that were going to be interviewed. She stated that they were: Jeff Gier, Linda Crouse, Joe DeMaria, Debra Ritz and Bill Trask. They would then make their recommendations to the Board for the appointment.
Town Clerk, Jamie Nolan, mentioned that she would like to discuss personnel issues before the Organizational meeting appointments are made. Supervisor Chiavetta made a motion to go to executive session as it was to discuss personnel, the motion was seconded by Councilwoman Bowman. CARRIED.
The Board returned from executive session at 8:02 p.m. and no action was taken.
A motion was made by Councilman Rubeck seconded by Councilman Rosiek to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Jamie S. Nolan, Town Clerk
Special Meeting