September 4 Waiver Vote

The Town of Brant has set forth on this day September 4, 2003 that the Board waives any and all notification for an Emergency Board meeting to be held on this day at 5:00pm at the Town Hall.


Notices were posted in the places of public access within the Town of Brant and the Village of Farnham.  Notice of mailing is filed at the Town Clerks Office aand also with Hamburg Sun and The Buffalo Evening News. Copies of such postings are also on file at the Clerks office.



We the undersigned do hereby waive any and all irregularities in regards to the notification and posting for the before mentioned emergency meeting of the Brant Town Board.






Supervisor Chiavetta______________________________________ DATE_________________


Councilman Rubeck______________________________________DATE_________________


Councilwoman Bowman___________________________________DATE_________________


Councilman Rosiek_______________________________________ DATE_________________


Councilman Czy_________________________________________DATE__________________



Submitted By



Thea A. Ells

Town Clerk

September 4 Waiver Vote