For meeting held
TUESDAY, September 25, 2007
1294 Brant-North Collins Road, Brant, New York 14027
Joseph Gardyjan
Michelle Hy
Patricia Brady
Brenda Giacchino
Jamey Solecki
Tom Gerace, Jr
Tim Kobel
Lee Brunelli
John Giacchino
The Town of Brant Planning Board held their monthly meeting at the Town Hall. The regular meeting was scheduled for 7:00 PM but was delayed until 7:15 PM as they awaited the arrival of a fifth member of the board to make a quorum. Joseph Gardyjan then motioned to accept the minutes of Planning meeting held August 28, 2007. Patricia Brady seconded the motion.
GIACCHINO APPLICATION: (Pertaining to property located 1159 Brant Farnham Rd, Brant, NY)
John & Brenda Giacchino submitted an application to build an addition to their home but were denied because the proposed build would violate the minimum 50? side yard setback requirement as established by the Brant Code 161-12. They were then required to obtain a variance that would allow them to build with less than the minimum setback. The setback they were able to maintain was 30? after the build.
The Board reviewed photos and the drawn plans of the proposed project. The board was required to await a fifth member who was late in order to vote on the application. Upon the fifth members arrival, the board reviewed the application as a whole and in conclusion, Michelle Hy mentioned that she is normally against changing the footprint of an existing home, but based on the existing fence, buildings, etc, she was going to motion that the board approve the application. Joseph Gardyjan seconded the motion. Five members voted aye, one abstained. (Brenda, being an applicant was required to abstain from the voting process). Motion passed.
WINDMILL LAW REVIEW: The Planning Board discussed various non specific issues they were interested in with regards to windmill placement, revenue generation, and bonds to be imposed. The Hardpan brownfield energy park project was discussed and Lenny Pero arrived to explain the benefits of having the energy park. It was explained that it would allow the Town to fund its budget based on the income generated from the energy park. An additional Energy Park was discussed for the Farnham area near the water tower.
No specific recommendations were made by the board. Windmill law recommendations will be discussed at the next Planning Board Meeting.
Joe Gardyjan motioned to close the meeting at 9:02 PM. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Daniel/Planning Board Secretary