Minutes of the 2006 Budget meeting held on Monday November 14, 2005 of the Brant Town Board at 7:00 PM at the Brant Town Hall, at 1294 Brant-North Collins Rd, Brant, New York. There were present: Supervisor Samuel J. Chiavetta Councilman Martin Rosiek Councilman Eugene Czyz Councilman John Arrigo Councilman Leonard Pero Attorney John Grennell Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Thea A. Ells Also present were: Alice Escott & Ron McPeek, Town Crier Lee Brunelli, resident Bill Wesp, Deputy Hwy Super Kirk Ritz, resident Melanie Larson, The Sun Samuel Lojacano, resident Christine & Dave Gierlinger, resident David Berns, resident George Cordia Jr. Village Trustee Jeffrey Gier, Councilman-elect Roseann Turner, Councilman-elect Charles Arrigo, resident Joseph Gardyjan, Planning Board Chair. Judge Debra Ritz The meeting was opened at 7:08 PM with a pledge to the flag led by Supervisor Chiavetta. As the meeting was being held to consider the adoption of the 2006 Town Budget Supervisor Chiavetta said that they would go through the Budget and start with the other funds first and do Town Wide last. On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman Rosiek, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE GENERAL PART TOWN FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman Rosiek, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE HIGHWAY TOWN WIDE FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Rosiek, seconded by Councilman Czyz, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE HIGHWAY PART TOWN FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Rosiek, seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE FIRE PROTECITON FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman Arrigo, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE STREET LIGHTING FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Rosiek, seconded by Councilman Czyz, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE LOTUS BAY SEWER DISTRICT #1 FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman?s Arrigo and Pero, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES 0 NAY Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE BRANT FARNHAM SEWER DISTRICT #2 FUND BE APPROVED On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman Arrigo, the following motion was Adopted: 5 AYES 0 NAY Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo Pero Nays 0 RESOLVED THAT THE BRANT WATER DISTRICT #1 FUND BE APPROVED Supervisor Chiavetta stated that the accountant Dick Gryska was still formulating the revenue side of the budget with the current information from the county. The General Fund Town Wide was looked over by the Board members page by page with Supervisor Chiavetta asking for any questions of each page. Page 1; no questions, Page 2; no questions, Page 3; no questions, Page 4; some discussion of the youth program and the amount will be not included in the budget for 2006. On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Councilman Rosiek, the following motion was ADOPTED: 5 AYE 0 NAY Ayes 5 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo Pero Nay 0 RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE 2006 BUDGET The board discussed that the property tax amounts were the same as the Tentative budget. They discussed the sales tax revenue, interest earnings the same as the tentative and State Aid/Star/Revenue sharing same as 2005. On a motion from Councilman Czyz, seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta, the following motion was Adopted: 5 ayes - 0 nays Ayes 3 Chiavetta, Rosiek, Czyz, Arrigo, Pero Nays 2 Arrigo Pero RESOLVED THAT THE MEETING BE ADJOURNED AT 7:40 PM Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells Brant Town Clerk APPROVED BY: SUPERVISOR CHIAVETTA: COUNCILMAN ROSIEK: COUNCILMAN CZYZ: COUNCILMAN ARRIGO: COUNCILMAN PERO: