Dear Brant and Farnham Residents

Lotus Abode Beach Purchase

Fellow Residents, I would like to thank everyone for their valuable input and recommendations regarding the proposed purchase of the Lotus Abode Beach property. This opportunity has generated a great deal of healthy conversation about the direction of our community. I would like to take a minute of your time to explain and review this opportunity as I understand it. The town was approached by the land owner for the potential purchase of this property; the board was not actively searching for property with lake access to purchase. The negotiation was based on what the board believed to be a fair price for 47 acres which included a sandy beach. The options of finance were discussed internally and publically in great detail and with great concern to the financial stability of our budget. The option that seems to fit our budget is a long term serial bond, approximately 20 years; this will also give the town the ability to renegotiate terms though out the life of the loan. We have also included funds to engage an engineering firm to develop a site and business plan for the property in controlled affordable phases. The suggestion has been purposed to establish a steering committee of residents which would represent the effected communities to work with the engineering firm. This process should be professional and transparent.

What I do not know, is what will happen to this property if the town decides not to purchase it, nobody can predict the future. The open access to beach property is becoming rare and this will most likely be the last chance for the residents of Town of Brant to own a parcel. I would encourage residents to inquire about an opportunity to view the property in person prior to the referendum vote on February 8th. There are also photographs of the parcel available. This is an opportunity to provide a park including a beach for the future generations of Brant residents.
If you have any questions about the costs, financing, impact, accessibility and scope of this opportunity please contact me or any board member. There are also two (2) Town Board meetings prior to the vote that you can attend to ask questions.

Please be informed and participate in this important opportunity. 

Thank you 
Don Clark