NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FIRE / AMBULANCE 2014 CONTRACTS Pursuant to Town Law Section 184, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Brant Town Board in the Brant Town Hall, 1272 Brant North Collins Road, Brant, New York on the 12th day of November, 2013 at 8:30 pm local time for the purpose of considering the proposal of the Town of Brant to enter into the fire protection contracts and general ambulance and emergency service contracts as follows: 1) Fire protection contract with Brant Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Inc. covering calendar year 2014 for the annual amount of $122,150.00. 2) Fire protection contract with Village of Farnham/Farnham Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. covering calendar year 2014 for the annual amount of $108,650.00. 3) Fire protection contract with Village of North Collins/North Collins Fire Department covering calendar year 2014 for the annual amount of $10,865.00. 4) General ambulance and emergency service contract with Village of Farnham/Farnham Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. Ambulance Squad covering calendar year 2014 for the annual amount of $42,602.00 All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. By order of the Brant Town Board Barbara Daniel, Brant Town Clerk