Planning Board Minutes Of August 27, 2013

August 27, 2013

Planning Board Members Present:
Carol Brodie
Joe Ostrowski
Janice Ross 
Neil Ross
Jamey Solecki

Guests: Gary Brecker Code Enforcement Officer, Kyle Stritchfield of Greyline Signs, Mike Daniel

Call to order: Chairman Ostrowski called the meeting to order at 7:30pm

Minutes of Previous meeting: The minutes of the April 1st 2013 meeting were read. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Janice and 2nd by Carol. Carried

No old Business

New Business: 
Greyline Signs � Kyle Stritchfield was present to answer the questions of the board. It was noted that his application was denied by the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with existing town code sections 161-49B (1) �Separate business uses are permitted no more than 300 square feet of outdoor advertising, so long as no single sign face has more than 60 square feet of area.� The total surface of the proposed sign is 288 square feet, but exceeds the 60 square feet of sign face area. The application calls for 12x24 which is 288 square feet per face.

After a lengthy discussion, no compelling reason was presented to reverse the Code Enforcement Officers decision. In addition, it was pointed out by Neil that under the Limitations Law section 161-49-D6 �No freestanding billboards shall be allowed�.

A motion was made by Neil and 2nd by Joe to recommend to the Town Board and Zoning Board of Appeals to uphold the current law as it stands. Carried.
A letter of this recommendation is attached. 

Adjournment: A motion was made by Jamie and 2nd by Janice. Carried
Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm

Respectfully Submitted
Lynda Ostrowski Secretary