Resolution (Traffic Sign control standards) FOR 2/14/12 MTG

      WHEREAS, the Town of Brant urges Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the State 
Legislature to exempt the Municipalities of Erie County from the Federal Highway
 Administration?s latest Uniform Traffic Control Devices(UTCD) National Standard for 
Street  Signs, as adopted by the State of New York, and 

     WHEREAS, this would apply only to local roads within the municipal jurisdictions within
The State of New York, and

     WHEREAS, these regulations in effect create another unfunded mandate by the State
Of New York and serve no advantage to State motorists; and 

     WHEREAS, Congressman Brian Higgins has also expressed his concern about unreasonable
And unwarranted new mandates relative to signage, and

     WHEREAS, per state Law, the State of New York automatically adopts whatever changes
The FHWA makes to the ?Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices?; and

     THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Brant requests the State of New York cease 
This practice and adopt only those FHWA traffic control standards that create no hardship
On local government; and

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Congressman 
Brian Higgins, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and 
Minority Leader Brian Kolb and The Western New York Delegation.

     I, BARBARA DANIEL, Town Clerk of the Town of Brant, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Is a full and true transcript of the resolution passed at the Town of Brant Board Meeting, as
Held in the Town of Brant on February 14, 2012, and that said meeting was duly called and 
Duly constituted and that a quorum was present.

     WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Town of Brant this February 14, 2012.

                                                 BARBARA DANIEL, BRANT TOWN CLERK