April 2011 Planning Board minutes
Guests: Gary Brecker, Jefferson Thomas
Chairman Ostrowski opened the meeting.
Minutes of March meeting ? Carol Brodie made a motion to accept the minutes of the March Meeting, 2nd by Joe Ostrowski - approved
Jefferson Thomas requested the Planning Board to review his proposal to put up a living fence on his property on Rte. 5. Gary Brecker provided the Planning Board with the code 161-23 regarding fences and walls. Jefferson stated that he will be planting Evergreens and will keep the hedge to a maximum height of 6 feet. The hedge will be 21 feet from the edge of the road. After further discussion a motion was made by Barb Daniel and 2nd by Carol Brodie to approve the natural fence ? approved
Hydrolawn update ? The Town Board stated that they cannot issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. The Town Board referred Hydrolawn to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the zoning variance.
Tower Codes ? The Planning Board reviewed the tower codes and made their final adjustments. A motion was made by Joe Ostrowski and 2nd by Barb Daniel to submit the Communication Tower Code to the Town Board and the Town Attorney for review and approval ? approved.
Chairman Ostrowski advised the board that they will be reviewing a possible new code regarding high impact industrial usage of the water shed and possible effects of pollution on the water shed.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting Joe Ostrowski and 2nd by Barb Daniel ? approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Lynda Ostrowski