Record of the Work Session of the Brant Town Board held on October 26th, 2004 at 7:00 PM at the Brant Town Hall, Brant New York.
PRESENT: Supervisor Chiavetta, Councilman Rosiek, Councilman Czyz Councilman Arrigo, Councilman Pero (via telephone)
Town Clerk, Thea Ells Others Present: Joseph Gardyjan, Anne Prince, Fred Ball
The board held an interview at 7:30 for the position of Code Enforcement Officer, as the person chosen has withdrawn from taking the position. Interviewees: Fred Ball
The board reviewed the budget line by line. Some items of review follow:
The courts lines were discussed as Judge Gugino was asking for a raise and Judge Ritz was not, and the increase for the court clerks reflects enough hours to cover court nights.
The board members present discussed the recreation building and the estimate for the roof from E& M. The budget will reflect an increase for the roof.
The John A. and Leonard P. discussed a 3.5% increase for full time employees only and 0 % for all other positions. Gene C. and Martin R. discussed the need for an increase for part time employees, and that the impact doesn?t affect the budget that much as shown by the presented budget.
Elected officials would not receive an increase and the amount those would have received would go into the contingent account. Martin R. mentioned a cut for the board members.
Discussion on trips and training and that only the Supervisor and Judges would attend New York with no clerks or secretaries going.
The board will meet again on Monday November 1st to review the budget again.
The board reviewed information about Chapter 61 and the Public Hearing is set for November 9, 2004.
Work Session closed at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Thea A. Ells
SUPERVISOR CHIAVETTA __________________________
COUNCIMAN ROSIEK ___________________________
COUNCILMAN CZYZ ___________________________
COUNCILMAN ARRIGO ___________________________
COUNCILMAN PERO ___________________________