New Town Hall comittee meeting

Minutes: Town Board Meeting with New Town Hall Committee, Thursday January 21, at 7:00 PM, Brant Senior Community Building. 	

Present: Councilman Jeffrey Gier, Councilman Daniel Kujawinski, Councilman Vincent Fullone, Attorney William J. Trask Sr., Town Clerk Thea Ells, Deputy Supervisor Donald Clark
Absent: Supervisor Leonard Pero, Councilman Clark Borngraber, 
New Town Hall Committee: Judge Peter Gugino, Joseph DeCarlo, David Taylor, Richard Gryksa, Connie Miner, Carman Vacco, Tish Brady, John Schenne, Clark Phillips, Gary Brecker. Absent: Joseph Gardyjan 
Guests: Chad Kaczmarek, Scott Kaczmarek

The meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor Donald Clark at 7:00 PM.

Clerks note: This meeting was called at the request of the New Town Hall Committee and the board members will not be making any motions so the meeting was turned over to Judge Gugino and an agenda as follows.

Presentation to Town Board and Committee Members
1)	Final New Town Hall plans by John Schenne Engineer
2)	Report from Town Bookkeeper- How much money the town has inn reserve for use toward New Hall and the feasibility to build New Hall on Bond only.  
3)	Report form Grant Writer ? any grants available to help build new hall
4)	Contacts made by Board members to state and county representatives ? stimulus money

Board thanked the committee for hard work done well and thanked those for attendance. 
Judge Gugino thanked all committee members. 
The board informally asked for a report composed by financial, building plans, grants and committee chair to allow board to share with those not present and to help them take next steps.  

 Meeting Adjourned At 8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk