Minutes: Town Board Meeting Tuesday September 8th, 2009 at 7:30 PM Brant Town Hall. Present: Supervisor Leonard Pero, Councilman Roseann Turner, Councilman Jeffrey Gier Councilman Daniel Kujawinski, Councilman Vincent Fullone, Attorney John Grennell, Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Thea Ells Absent: Record of Sign In: Lee Brunelli, Joseph Giambrone, Charles Arrigo, Brian Campbell, George Cordia, Kirk Ritz, Rose DeMaria, Janet Bowman, Brian Campbell, Barbara Daniel, Brian Rott, Joseph Giambrone Clerks note: August 11th meeting was cancelled by Supervisor Pero due to major storm which hit surrounding areas and the Town over the weekend. Workshop was held before this meeting at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Pero at 7:30 PM with a pledge to the flag. Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #235, seconded by Councilman Fullone: 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone. 0 nays # 235: RESOLVED: TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM JUNE 9th and JULY 14th MEETING ARE APPROVED AS PRESENTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #236, seconded by Councilman Fullone : 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone. 0 nays # 236: RESOLVED: SUPERVISORS JUNE 2009 FINANCIAL REPORT IS APPROVED AS PRESENTED Councilman Turner moved for the adoption of following motion #237, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Gier, Tuner, Fullone 0 nays #237: RESOLVED SUPERVISORS JULY 2009 FINANCIAL REPORT IS APPROVED AS PRESENTED Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following motion #238, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 5 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Gier, Tuner, Fullone 0 nays #238: RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING BUDGET MODIFICATIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30TH AS RECOMMENDED BY THE TOWN ACCOUNTANT AS PRESENTED Budget Dec From/ Fund Account Amount Modification (Inc) To Code Description Object Over Budget General Fund Townwide (A) $ 11,427.00 Increase A510 2009 Estimated Revenues $ (11,427.00) Increase A960 2009 Appropriations $ 11,427.00 Increase A3060 State Aid Archive Grant (9,959.00) Increase A1460.21 Records Management-Grant Equip & Cap Out (1,468.00) Increase A1460.41 Records Management-Grant Contr expend $ (11,427.00) To increase the 2009 Budget and related revenue and expenditure accounts per the grant reveived to purchase file cabinets & related supplies for the Police dept. $ 105.00 Decrease A1460.11 Records Management-Grant Pers Svs $ (105.00) Increase A1460.41 Records Management-Grant Contr expend To re-distribute archive grant budget Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following motion #239, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Gier, Tuner, Fullone 0 nays #239: RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING BUDGET MODIFICATIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30TH AS RECOMMENDED BY THE TOWN ACCOUNTANT AS PRESENTED Budget Dec From/ Fund Account Amount Modification (Inc) To Code Description Object Over Budget General Fund Townwide (A) $ 920.00 Decrease A1630.1 Community Bldng Pers Svs $ (920.00) Increase A1625.1 Recreation Bldng Pers Svs $ 1,003.00 Decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account Contr expend $ (1,003.00) Increase A1625.2 Recreation Bldng Equip & Cap Out $ 3,800.00 Decrease A1630.4 Community Bldng Contr expend $ (3,800.00) Increase A1625.4 Recreation Bldng Contr expend The above budget changes are the result of splitting the combined A1630 account (Community & Recreation Bldngs) into separate accounts to better track the expenses to maintain and upkeep each building. $ 750.00 Decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account Contr expend $ (750.00) Increase A1440.4 Engineer Contr expend 750.00 $ 66.00 Decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account Contr expend $ (66.00) Increase A3410.4 Control of Dogs Contr expend 65.24 $ 6,600.00 Decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account Contr expend $ (6,600.00) Increase A5132.2 Garage Equip & Cap Out 6,600.00 $ 1,000.00 Decrease A1990.4 Contingent Account Contr expend $ (1,000.00) Increase A7270.4 Concerts Contr expend 1,000.00 Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #240, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski: 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone. 0 nays #240 RESOLVED: TOWN CLERK?S JUNE 2009 FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORTS BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #241, seconded by Councilman Fullone: 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone. 0 nays #241 RESOLVED: TOWN CLERK?S JULY 2009 FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORTS BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED BOARD MEMBERS ACKNOWLEDGED RECEIPT OF TAX COLLECTORS FINAL REPORT & FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORTS AS PRESENTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #242, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays #242: RESOLVED: 2009 JUNE JUSTICE GUGINO FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #243, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays #243: RESOLVED: 2009 JULY JUSTICE GUGINO FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following motion #244, seconded by Councilman Turner. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays #244: RESOLVED: 2009 JUNE JUSTICE CROUSE FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following motion #245, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays #245: RESOLVED: 2009 JULY JUSTICE CROUSE FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following motion #246, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays # 246 RESOLVED: JULY 2009 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER REPORT AS PRESENTED Summary? 19 Inspections, 2 court appearances, 5 ongoing court cases. Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following motion #247, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays # 247 RESOLVED: AUGUST 2009 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER REPORT AS PRESENTED 13 Inspections, 1 Violation notice issued, 1 Police assist, 2 court appearances, 5 ongoing court cases. Board members questioned CEO on various properties that are scheduled for clean up, and or are in violation and concerning a visible permit for work conducted on a property Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #248, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 abstain #248: RESOLVED: JULY 2009 DOG CONTROL OFFICER?S ACTIVITY REPORT AS PRESENTED Summary? 2 barking dog complaints, 4 dogs at large, 1 lost dog Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #249, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 abstain #249: RESOLVED: AUGUST 2009 DOG CONTROL OFFICER?S ACTIVITY REPORT AS PRESENTED Summary- 4 barking dog complaints, 4 dogs at large complaints, 1 lost dog notification for 2 dogs, 8 appearance tickets Dog discussion Dog Control Officer Barbara Daniel spoke regarding several concerns. To summarize, she requested the Town impose by resolution an impound fee of $25.00 plus $15.00/day kennel fee to be charged to owners of dogs is captured as stray. Pero questioned the fairness of charging people just because their dog got loose. Barb explained that the fee was meant mostly for repeat offenders and that other Town?s are now charging fees. She also requested Board approval to place unredeemed dogs up for adoption upon expiration of their stray time, as defined by Town Ordinance. (No tag = 3 days, w/tag up to 9 days after notifying owner by mail). The DCO reminded the Board of her previous request for them to enter into a secondary contract with another approved kennel (approved humane society in the event a dogs stray time expires). The Board was unsure of what to do, and chose to allow DCO and her liason Councilman Gier to meet to discuss the options prior to the October TB Mtg. DCO gave kennel update, and thank Board for gravel and Councilman Kujawinski for donated dog house. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #250, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 4 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone. 1 Abstain Gier #250: RESOLVED: JULY 2009 POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #251, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 4 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone. 1 Abstain Gier #251: RESOLVED: AUGUST 2009 POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following #252, seconded by Councilman Gier 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Turner. O nays #252: RESOLVED: JULY TOWN CLERKS ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Summary: July Town Clerk Cash Report: Total monies rec?d - $11135.33, Town share $686.76 Erie County $31.72, NYS Health (marriage) $22.50 NY State Ag & Mkts $9.00, NYS DECALS $85.35, Security Deposits $300.00 - TC reported culvert wash out @ park to Giambrone-repaired that day, FOIL: Appeal to Supervisor & attorney, need response by 20th Copier: Met with one vendor, rec?d quote from another moving forward meeting with Reickart as programs will be added to server for less use of printers,& fax machine, Rentals June SCB 1x rentals ? 24x group uses, RB ? 6x 5x group uses, LSYF ? received list of Board members ? dates for picnics with use of RB bldg 7/15 & 8/7 (recreation notified), no insurance cert yet Concession Stand ? per agreement - to this date file is incomplete ? no plans, building value, building permit, septic permit, health permit, electric permit, occupancy certificate all needed for complete file, & insurance, Correspondence to Board: Resolutions: tax cycle for towns in the second class, claim against town, letter from Mary D.(Chose to Lose) Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #253, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Turner. O nays #253: RESOLVED: LEASE TWO COPIERS FROM COPIER FAX (TOWN CLERK?S OFFICE & SUPERVISORS OFFICE) FOR LEASE OF 60 MONTHS @ $136.00 a month (CONTINGENT WITH TECH SUPPORT CONFIRM PROGRAMS COMPATIBLE WITH NETWORK) Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #254, seconded by Councilman Turner 4 Ayes, Pero-aye, Turner- aye, Fullone?aye, Kujawinski-nay, 1 Nays, 0 Abstains #254: RESOLVED: APPROVED TO REIMBURSE SECURITY DEPOSIT TO THE REPUBLICAN COMM. AS THEY CANCELLED THEIR RESERVED DATE FOR THE RECREATION BUILDING Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #253, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Turner. O nays #253: RESOLVED: AUGUST TOWN CLERKS ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Councilman Gier thanked Thea for her efforts with the concerts at the Park this year. Summary: August Town Clerk cash report: Total monies rec?d - $2,886.62, Town share $1192.03.76 Erie County $55.22, NYS Health 0.0 NY State Ag & Mkts $18.00, NYS DECALS $1,521.37, Security Deposits $100.00, Town Hall: conferred with Supervisor & committee for utilities- signed with approval to go with same vendor for electric bills US Gas & Electric), Rentals: August SCB 5x rentals ? 20x group uses, SCB- back door in need of repair and issue with Ladies Toilet ? 9/4 fixed by Guarcellos, RB ? 8xrentals 3x group uses & 4 concerts, LG -1x, SG 2x, LSYF: received list of Board members ? dates for games ? 1st game 8/29, Rec?d insurance cert 8/25/09 for 7/1/09 to 7/1/10, Concession Stand: please advise - Town Clerk?s file does not have anything except agreement, Concerts: this year went very well ? good attendance for most ,Thea attended class for new grant request, FOIL: Appeal ? rec?d from Supervisor - have 3 more FOIL?s filed recently, Request Approval to raise Joe Giambrone cell phone minute allowance as he goes over the 400 quite often ? same plan as Police Dept. cell. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following #254, seconded by Supervisor Pero 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, 1 nays Turner, O nays #254: RESOLVED: JULY PLANNING BOARD MEETING REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED AS PRESENTED Summary of Report: Planning Board heard the application to operate a motor vehicle repair ship in an agricultural district. Application was denied. Acknowledgement of Dignitaries and Invited Guests: None OLD BUSINESS: LSYF POLES: Supervisor Pero reported that someone in the City will be in touch with him about poles being removed from the waterfront area. Wind Energy: Supervisor Pero has spoken with several wind development companies Water Project: Supervisor Pero read an e-mail concerning water supply from the west (Farnham), quoting an increase in costs comparable to relieving water from North Collins. Discussion of who will run system, etc. Phase II Park Project: Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following #255, seconded by Supervisor Pero Roll Call Vote: Turner- aye, Pero-aye, Kujawinski- abstain, Gier- nay, Fullone ? aye, 3 Ayes, 2 Nays, 0 Abstains #255: RESOLVED: THAT LEONARD K. PERO AS SUPERVISOR OF THE TOWN OF BRANT, IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDS FROM THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE 9 OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 1993 OR THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACT OF 1965, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000.00 WITH A $75,000.00 MATCH TO BE PROVIDED BY THE TOWN OF BRANT, AND UPON APPROVAL OF SAID REQUEST TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A PROJECT AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE FOR SUCH FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO THE TOWN OF BRANT FOR THE BRANT TOWN PARK PHASE II DEVELOPMENT & REHABILITATION PROJECT AND, IF APPROPRIATE, A CONSERVATION EASEMENT/PRESERVATION COVENANT TO THE DEED OF THE ASSISTED PROPERTY. Surplus File Cabinets: Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #256, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski 5 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Gier, Fullone, Turner. O nays #256: RESOLVED: DECLARE OLD FILE CABINETS AS SURPLUS AND TO GET RID OF THEM APPROPRIATELY Turner suggested donating to those in need in Gowanda or Silver Creek, she will look into, and Janet Bowman requested two cabinets for Holy Cross Lutheran to purchase. Councilman Kujawinski requested the Board members to consider the Code of Ethics, as the Board requested the Board of Ethics members to review, Pero said it goes along with employee handbook and board should bid out from a vendor, Turner spoke on concerns with legal issues of handbook. Board members will have a workshop soon to discuss Code of Ethics and employee handbook. NEW BUSINESS: Police Appointment Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #257, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Pero-aye, Fullone ? aye, Turner- aye, Kujawinski- aye, Gier- nay, 3 Ayes, 1 Nay, 0 Abstains #257: RESOLVED: APPOINT SEAN HOTNICK AS PART TIME POLICE OFFICER. Councilman Kujawinski requested updated Roster. Refuse discussion. Board and attorney discussed what is required in order to send out for refuse bid requests. Grennell explained requirements: current detailed specs. Gier to review the previous specs and make adjustments for board to review prior to next meeting. Board noted that specs must be posted thirty (30) days prior. Per town clerk, last bid opening for refuse was opened November 2nd. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following #258, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Pero-aye, Turner- aye, Gier- aye, Fullone ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, 5 Ayes, 0 Nay, 0 Abstains # 258 RESOLVED: ALLOW SUPERVISOR PERO TO SIGN TO RENEW THE BAN FOR THE PARK PROPERTY AT 2.40% INTEREST, $4810.00 BALANCE DUE. PAYMENT TO BE $12,780.00 Board members discussed parking problem during court nights. Pero presented the possibility of using Mary Muscato property to park cars two court nights (V&T) per month at a cost of $100.00/night plus a $50.00 charge for an attendant to direct the parking, for a total of up to $300/month based on need. Questions/discussion: a contract for insurance to cover any liability, plowing, damages, would the Town be liable for damage?, Kujawinski found several cans of beer after court, and expressed concern over Town liability, current parking along the roadway were discussed, staggering court nights to schedule fewer cases. Board decided to look into for next meeting in October. S.I.T. Discussion on the Southtowns Inter-community Transportation Proposal. Proposal to have buses to continually run through the Southtowns. Pero spoke of August 19th meeting. Thirteen communities expressed interest; seven communities will pay because villages will be exempt. Grant possible. Total Cost for the study would be $2,600.00 to be split seven ways. Pero spoke about who would benefit and who would pay. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #259, seconded by Councilman Turner to read $372 is the limit and to be approved only if the other communities join in. 4 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Fullone, Turner, 1 nay: Gier # 259 RESOLVED: APPROVED FOR TOWN TO SPEND A CAP OF $372.00 TOWARD THE STUDY OF THE MASS TRANSIT BUS ROUTE THAT WOULD GO THROUGH BRANT/FARNHAM PROVIDED ALL SEVEN COMMUNITIES JOIN IN. LGE Grant (Local Government Efficiency) as described by Supervisor Pero with Village of Farnham listed as the Lead Agent for the grant. Discussion regarding the merging of the Village of Farnham Dept of Public Works with the Town of Brant Highway Dept share services to save tax payer money. Supervisor Pero requested the Board pass a resolution to conduct a feasibility study about the merge, using grant money. The NYS Local Government Efficiency Grant would be up to $25,000 as long as two collaborating municipalities share equally in the 10% local funding match to conduct the feasibility study. Questions regarding the need to make fast decision from Fullone and Gier. Councilman Kujawinski moved to adopt the following #260, seconded by Councilman Gier to table the draft resolution, ?Local Government Efficiency Grant? until the Lead Agent, Village of Farnham acts and decides the matter at their next regular scheduled Board meeting. Motion was seconded by Councilman Gier. 4 ayes: Kujawinski, Gier, Fullone, Turner, 1 abstain: Pero # 260 RESOLVED: TO TABLE THE DRAFT RESOLUTION, ?LOCAL GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY GRANT? UNTIL THE LEAD AGENT, VILLAGE OF FARNHAM ACTS AND DECIDES THE MATTER AT THEIR NEXT REGULAR SCHEDULED BOARD MEETING. Unified Courts Audit: Supervisor Pero read from a letter from State of New York Unified Court System. ?Section 2019 of the Uniform Justice Court Act require the Town and Village Justice to annually provide the court records and dockets for the respective Town or Village Auditing Board?? Supervisor Pero moved to adopt the following #261, seconded by Councilman Gier. 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Turner, Nays: 0 # 261 RESOLVED: TO HAVE THE TOWN AUDITING COMMITTEE CONDUCT THE REQUIRED ANNUAL AUDIT OF THE BRANT JUSTICE COURT, AS PROVIDED BY THE NYS UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM Recreation Travel Pay: Pero discussed the way the Town paid for mileage to recreation employees who had to use their own vehicles carrying passengers for Brant Recreation field trips. He stated it was usually $15.00 flat rate amount. He then added that he was against using personal vehicles for liability reasons, and that he was against paying the requested .50 cents/mile as the vouchers requested for the recent trips. T/C explained that mileage was used because the vouchers were originally submitted with request for gas reimbursement using gas receipts that had handwritten notes saying ?double?. Discussion regarding why so many drove private vehicles, and who drove with who. Discussion of Policy options such as limiting number of children attending to the ones who signed up first up until a certain limit. Turner then expressed concern that each counselor is supposed to be assigned to watch 5 kids, so if all counselors were in private cars, who was supervising all the children on the bus? And does the director ride the bus? To be further discussed upon inquiry. Councilwoman Turner moved to adopt the following #262, there was no second although clerk requested clarification 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Turner, Nays: 0 # 262 RESOLVED: TO REJECT PAYMENT OF MILEAGE TO COUNSELORS WHO DROVE PERSONAL VEHICLES TO THE LOCATION OF FIELD TRIPS ON VOUCHERS A358, A358, A359 Salt Purchase Elma Resolution: Discussion of prices for being locked into State contract 40.12/tn vs 37.22 per ton charged to county. No action taken. November 1st through November 30th as the annual 30 day time period wherein a property owner can request their property to be included in the certified agricultural district per 303B of NYS agricultural markets law. Supervisor Pero read per the requirement of the NYS Public Notice as part of Ag & Mkts requirements to read this notice at the September and October Meeting. Audio Recordings of Town Board Meetings proposal to put online. Supervisor moved to allow the uploading audio recordings of monthly Town Board meetings. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. Discussion on cost, who will pay, how much room on website. Supervisor Pero stated spoke with Deputy Barbara Daniel, which he did several months earlier. Supervisor moved to adopt the following #263, Councilwoman Turner seconded the motion 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Nays: 0 # 263 RESOLVED: TOWN CLERK?S OFFICE TO RESEARCH FEASABILITY OF UPLOADING RECORDINGS OF TOWN BOARD MEETINGS ONLINE FOR PUBLIC ACCESS. IF DEEMED FEASIBLE, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION COST, WORK REQUIRED, AND WEBSITE ROOM, TOWN BOARD WILL CONSIDER AT OCTOBER MEETING. Supervisor Pero read letter from Choose To Lose, thanking Board for allowing their use to the Senior Community Bldg to hold the nutrition classes. Also expressed interest in holding another 8 week session. Town Clerk informed board that next CTL information date will be held the 16th of September and the next session will start the September 23rd. Flu clinic reminder for October 10th from 12-3 PM at the Senior Community Bldg. Poling location lease agreement: Councilman Gier moved to adopt the following #264, Councilwoman Turner seconded the motion 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski, Nays: 0 #264 RESOLVED: TO AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR PERO TO SIGN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH ERIE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS TO USE THE SENIOR COMMUNITY BLDG, 1000 BRANT FARNHAM RD AS A POLING LOCATION. Town Clerk asked Supervisor Pero if he received a letter from Diana Cafferty regarding her requested October 9th use of the Town Hall to collect school taxes from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM Supervisor Pero answered he did not receive the request. Clerk reminded need for approval, no action taken. Report of Committees: New Town Hall: Pero-nothing to report, seeking funding at this time. Time Clock: Leonard Pero stated Clock use to be in effect on September 13, 2009 August 9th State of Emergency, Storm update: Supervisor Pero described damage to lake shore area of Brant and need for immediate cleanup of debris, included sewage, woodland debris containing emerald ash borer, etc. Spoke of who he contacted with EC Health dept, DEC to obtain permits, etc. He added that on Wednesday, he received Tuesdays water test results were showing e-coli readings of 10,000 where 250 are considered normal. He then instructed Brant Police to put up signs among the debris. On the following Monday, he received notice the water quality was back to normal. He then contacted Local 17 to clean up. They agreed to clean the beach for the cost of fuel and lunch. Will the Town be reimbursed? He was unsure. The cost amounted to approximately $900.00 in fuel, or 11 to 1200 dollars. As far as the wood, it has to be chipped and burned, Pero stating he obtained permission from the NYS forestry authorities. He has a gentleman coming out to handle the chipping, again for the cost of fuel. Local 17 couldn?t work with Non union, so had to wait until Local 17 was finished stacking the wood on the beach before the gentleman could come to chip it. The wood will then be sold to be burned for power in Niagara County. Pero explained due to the hot weather and people unable to use the beaches, he approved beach residents to use the pool area for free and extended the time it was open. He reported he has a meeting with FEMA on Thursday (9/10), and a meeting with Quinn, Volker and Higgins. Budget requests sent to Department Heads. Energy Fair reminder taking place 9/26/09 at Gilbert Lay arena. TOB Employee Photo ID: Pero suggested the Board consider issuing photo ID to Town employees, and offer option to purchase TOB embroidered shirts, at cost to the employees of the Town. General consensus was board agreement. No action taken. Rural Transit: Pero read the list of individuals who were honored for their volunteer service, and commended Lee Brunelli for his organizational skills. Larson Engineers Grant ($20,000.00): A grant that requires to the Town of conduct an energy audit of all the Town facilities and vehicles, based on a formula they provide. The figures have been sent, and there is no cost to apply. If we do get the grant, it will be needed for the energy block grant that will be coming this fall. Pero stated he was just tonight informed of this grant and did not consult Town Grant Writer after council questioned and stated the board needs to act now. Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following #265, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: Fullone ? aye, Gier- aye, Turner- aye, Kujawinski- aye Pero-aye, 5 Ayes, 0 Nay, 0 Abstains #265 RESOLVED: TO PREPARE APPROVE APPLICATION FOR A NYS ENERGY FUND STUDY GRANT. CDBG Route 5 & 20 reviewing a draft of final copy. Storm Water Drainage: Read from a letter from Robert Reynolds ? hoping to get a study And received a letter from county rep and district engineer ? meeting soon to take place Reviewed and discussed resolution concerning tax cycle change. Pero announced County recycles information. Miscellaneous information shared. Energy Fair: September 26 at Gilbert Lay Arena Abstract 8 0f 2009 Supervisor Pero read the following abstract totals and councilman Kujawinski inquired as to how bills were paid without board approval without a meeting, Pero responded that he approved payment, and why certain bills that are not approved for prepayment were pre paid, Pero stated they was an emergency. Councilman Gier suggested that the next time there is an emergency to have Deputy Supervisor hold the meeting and business can be done such as bills paid properly. Councilman Turner left during discussion. Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following #266, seconded by Supervisor Pero Roll Call Vote: Pero-aye, Gier- aye, Fullone ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, Turner ? Absent 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains #266 RESOLVED TO APPROVE ABSTRACT 8 0F 2009 FOR PAYMENT Prepaid and unpaid as of August 11, 2009 General Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 321-326/Unpaid 327-368 Totaling: $30,735.96 General Fund ? Part Town No PrePaid / Unpaid 22-25 Totaling: $52,981.69 Highway Fund T.W. Vouchers no prepaid / Unpaid 61-63 Totaling: $32.62 Highway Part Town Vouchers: prepaid: none / Unpaid 19-24 Totaling: $21,992.95 Streetlighting ? Voucher #7 unpaid Totaling $1,754.27 08/09 CDBG Rt 5 Study ? Voucher #6-7 unpaid, Totaling: $6652.00 Highway Payroll PT 6/28 to 7/24/09 Totaling: $6,348.49 Highway Payroll TW 6/28 to 7/24/09 Totaling: $1,162.46 General Town Wide Payroll 6/28 to 7/24/09 Totaling $43,930.91 General Part Town Payroll 5/30 to 6/26/09 Totaling $554.40 Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #267, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Gier ? aye, Fullone ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, Pero-aye, Turner ? absent, 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains # 267 RESOLVED TO APPROVE ABSTRACT 9 0F 2009 FOR PAYMENT Abstract 9 0f 2009 Prepaid and unpaid as of September 8, 2009 General Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 369-374/Unpaid 375-404 Totaling: $28,531.62 General Fund ? Part Town No PrePaid / Unpaid 27-28 Totaling: $11,489.36 Highway Fund T.W. Vouchers no prepaid / Unpaid 64-66 Totaling: $111.68 Highway Part Town Vouchers: prepaid: 25-26 / Unpaid 27-30 Totaling: $14,258.13 Streetlighting ? Voucher #8 prepaid Totaling $1,880.07 08/09 CDBG Rt 5 Study ? Voucher #8 unpaid, Totaling: $4,352.50 Highway Payroll PT 7/26/09 to 8/29/09 Totaling: $10,684.69 Highway Payroll TW 7/26/09 to 8/29/09 Totaling: $1,357.35 General Town Wide Payroll 7/26/09 to 8/29/09 Totaling $76,452.09 General Part Town Payroll 7/26/09 to 8/29/09 Totaling $554.40 Recognized Privilege of the Floor: None rec?d Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following #268, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Fullone, Gier, Turner 0 nays # 268 RESOLVED: TO ADJOURN THE SEPTEMBER MEETING OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD AT 10:10 PM IN MEMORY OF MATILDA JOHENGEN, EVELYN SCHWARTZ, SAM GIGLIA DORCAS HAMMOND WITH A MOMENT OF SILENCE. Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk