TOWN OF BRANT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING THE TOWN OF BRANT will hold a public hearing on Tuesday October 13th, 2009 at 8:00PM at the Brant Town Hall, 1294 Brant North Collins Rd., Brant, New York, regarding the use of Federal Community Development funds in the Town of Brant. THE TOWN OF BRANT is eligible for a Federal Community Development grant under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. THE PURPOSE OF the hearing is to provide an opportunity for Citizens to express Community development and housing needs and to discuss possible projects which would benefit low and moderate income persons in the Town of Brant. CITIZENS ARE URGED to attend this meeting to make known their views and/ or written proposals on the Town of Brant?s selection of potential projects to be submitted for possible funding by the Federal Community Development Grant Program. THE HEARING WILL also present a review of prior Community Development projects and expenditures and a discussion of eligible activities. The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Those needing special arrangements should call the Town of Brant at (716) 549-0282. By order of the Brant Town Board Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk Dated September18, 2009