Minutes: Town Board Meeting Tuesday January 13th, 2009, at 7:30 PM, Public Hearing: LL#1 Cold War Tax Exemption -Brant Town Hall. Present: Supervisor Leonard Pero, Councilman Jeffrey Gier, Councilman Daniel Kujawinski, Councilman Vincent Fullone, Attorney John Grennell, Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Thea Ells Absent: Roseann Turner, Councilman Record of Sign In: Lee Brunelli, Jean Brunelli, Joseph Giambrone, Kirk Ritz, Charles Arrigo, Brian Rott, George Cordia Jr. Workshop was held before meeting and was attended by Pero, Gier Kujawinski, & Fullone at 7:00 pm. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Pero at 7:30 PM with a pledge to the flag. Thea Ells verified notice in the legal paper was published with a list of meetings for the year. Supervisor Pero announced that there would be a break for the public hearing at 8:00 PM. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following motion #75 with the following corrections, seconded by Councilman Fullone, 4 ayes: Pero, Gier Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays # 75: RESOLVED: TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 9th MEETING ARE APPROVED with corrections on page 180 clarifying Senior Citizens added and page 181 to clarify state registry and schools notified (clerk verifies changes made) For the Record: Supervisor Pero listed some comments for the record from the voice recording concerning November 12th, 2008 meeting: ? 2:22 time stamp: in response to discussion with Brant Fire Co. concerning contract monies and mutual aid as per Brant Fire Co. rep?s: Councilman Gier directed comment to Brant Fire Rep?s that they need to get with Chiefs Association, North Collins mutual aid, etc. and inform Town of information as we should not pay North Collins if we don?t have to. Time Stamp 2:32 during public hearing: asked clerk to clarify amounts and line items changed at public hearing: Sidewalks A5410.2 cut by $1,000 to $5,000., Police equipment A3120.2 cut by $4,000 to $6,000, Police Traffic control A3310.4 cut by $1,000 to $2,500., ?Stop DWI A3315.4 cut by $1,000 to $2,500., Park Equip A7110.2 cut by $4,000.00 to $ 18,000.00 police youth programs personal services A7310.1 cut by $2,000.00 to $2,000.00, also, Questions from public ? Mr. Brunelli - do seniors get full amount if they do not use all of funds, Pero ? they get all monies and senior?s budget line will not be cut. Clerk verifies that she put in line items as above in public hearing. Time stamp 2:45 during discussion of job position motor equipment operator and pay rate, Councilman Gier stated we do not have new hire policy in place which would include drug and background checks as we should and board agreed to approve appointment pending outcome of check. (Motion reflects this) (clerk verifies these additions to minutes) Councilman Kujawinski moved for the adoption of following motion #76, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 4 ayes: Kujawinski, Pero, Fullone, Gier 0 nays #76: RESOLVED SUPERVISORS NOVEMBER 2008 FINANCIAL REPORT IS APPROVED Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following motion #77 seconded by Councilman Gier. A roll call vote was taken: Kujawinski-aye, Gier ? aye, Fullone Aye, Pero-aye, 4 ayes, 0 nays #77: RESOLVED TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AS OF THE PERIOD ENDING NOVEMBER 2008 RECOMMENDED BY THE TOWN ACCOUNTANT General Fund Townwide(A) $ 1,104.00 from A1990.4 Continget Account $ (1,104.00) to A1110.12 Municipal Court/Gugino Clerks Pers Serv $ 1,103.71 $ 455.00 from A1990.4 Continget Account $ (455.00) to A1355.4 Assessment Contr Expend $ 454.86 $ 100.00 from A1990.4 Continget Account $ (100.00) to A1680.2 Central data Proc-Town Network Contr Expend $ 99.46 Highway Fund Part Town(DB) $ 264.00 from DB9010.8 State Retirement $ (264.00) to DB9030.8 Social Security $ 263.70 $ 833.00 from DB9010.8 State Retirement 1,100.00 from DB9040.8 Workmens Compensation 6.00 from DB9055.8 Disablity Insurance $ 1,939.00 to DB9060.8 Hosptal & Medical Insurance $ 1,938.51 Currently, this fund has exceeded its 2008 budgeted appropriations as amended by $30,660 and thereby reduced the Fund Balance to $8,040. Pending receipt of the 4th quarter sales tax revenue, it is anticipated that the year end Fund Balance will not have a negative impact on the 2009 Budget. Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following motion #78, seconded by Supervisor Pero A roll call vote was taken: Gier ? aye, Pero-aye, Fullone Aye, Kujawinski-aye 4 ayes, 0 nays #78 RESOLVED: NOVEMBER TOWN CLERK?S FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT BE ACCEPTED Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following motion #79, seconded by Councilman Fullone 3 ayes: Pero, Fullone, Gier 1 abstain: Kujawinski, 0 nays #79: RESOLVED: NOVEMBER 2008 JUSTICE GUGINO FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #80, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 3 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone, 1 abstain: Kujawinski, 0 nays #80 RESOLVED: NOVEMBER 2008 JUSTICE CROUSE FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Gary Brecker CEO read his report and board had discussion with him on various properties. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following motion #81, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 ayes: Pero, Fullone, Gier, Kujawinski, 0 nays #81 RESOLVED: NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2008 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER REPORT Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #82, seconded by Councilman Gier. 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 abstain #82: RESOLVED: DECEMBER DOG CONTROL OFFICER?S ACTIVITY REPORT Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following #83, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 abstain #83: RESOLVED: PRELIMINARY JANUARY 2009 DCO ACTIVITY REPORT Ad will be placed for DCO phone number and board reviewed page ad Thea presented for residents with Town hours etc. Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following #84, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 3 ayes: Pero, Kujawinski, Fullone 1 abstain Gier #84: RESOLVED: DECEMBER POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT BE ACCEPTED Clerks report included Fire contract information & issues, NYS Audit request for clerk to set up exit meeting, alarm issue, & TH building issues Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #85, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 4 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays #85: RESOLVED: DECEMBER TOWN CLERKS ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED 8:00 Public Hearing Clerk Thea Ells read and verified the following notice was published in the SUN and posted in the Brant Town Hall, on the Brant web site, and Brant Post Office: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there has been presented to the Brant Town Board, Erie County, New York, Proposed Local Law # 1 of the year 2009, entitled ?A Local Law for Veterans Exemption ? Cold War?. A local option for Towns now permitted in New York to benefit those veterans who served during the Cold War. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Brant Town Board will conduct a public hearing on the aforesaid local law at the Brant Town Hall, 1294 Brant-North Collins Road, Brant, New York on Tuesday the 13th day of January, 2009 at 8:00 P.M. Local Time. Copies of the proposed local law are available for review in the office of the Town Clerk, 1294 Brant- North Collins Road, Brant, New York during regular business hours. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard. Dated: 12-16-08 By order of the Brant Town Board, Thea Ells, Brant Town Clerk Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #86, seconded by Supervisor Pero. Roll Call Vote: 4 ayes: Gier, Pero, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays #86: RESOLVED: TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING @ 8:00 PM Attorney Grennell spoke on history of legislation and that County law is now in place to offer the exemption in the Town of Brant. Reviewed conditions to qualify and decided that Assessor has information same as other exemptions. The County of Erie allowed a 15% exemption, the Law presented allows for a 10% exemption. Enabling Legislation has the provisions etc. our law does not have to include those they would be an addendum to that legislation. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #87, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone Kujawinski, 0 nays #87: RESOLVED: TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING @ 8:06 PM Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #88, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Fullone Kujawinski, 0 nays #88 TO ENACT LOCAL LAW #1 OF 2009 AS FOLLOWS TOWN LAW READS: TAXATION THROUGH THE ENACTMENT OF A LOCAL LAW ESTABLISHING A REAL PROPERTY TAXATION EXEMPTION FOR COLD WAR VETERANS BE IT ENACTED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF BRANT AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislative Intent This Local Law is intended to grant a reduction in the amount of property taxes paid by qualifying persons who are Cold War Veterans as defined in Real Property Tax Law Section 458-b. Section 2. That Taxation, codified at Chapter _____ of the Town of Brant Code, be and it is hereby amended to create a new Article to read in its entirety as follows: ยง Exemption Stated. The Town Board of the Town of Brant hereby grants to taxpayers within the Town of Brant who are Cold War Veterans as defined in Real Property Tax Law to the extent of 10% of the assessed value of such property, provided that such exemption shall not exceed $8,000.00 or the product of $8,000.00 multiplied by the latest state equalization rate of the assessing unit, or, in the case of special assessing unit, the latest class ratio whichever is less. If the taxpayer is eligible for both the Cold War Exemption and the Alternate Veterans Exemption, the taxpayer may choose one of the two exemptions, but not both. The taxpayer must make a written designation of the choice of exemption; otherwise the Town Assessor may make the choice for the taxpayer. Section 3. Miscellaneous A. This Local Law shall be deemed to supersede and repeal any other Local Laws to extent therein inconsistent herewith. B. If any part of this Local Law shall be judicially declared invalid, void, unconstitutional or unenforceable, all unaffected provisions hereof shall survive such declaration and this Local Law shall remain in full force and effect as if the invalidated portion had not been enacted. C. Nothing herein shall be deemed to be a waiver or restriction upon any rights and powers available to the Town of Brant to further regulate the subject matter of this Local Law. Section 4. Effective Date This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York as required by the Municipal Home Rule Law. Supervisor Pero read CEO report: Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #89, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 4 ayes: Gier, Fullone Pero, Kujawinski, 0 nays #89: RESOLVED: DECEMBER PLANNING BOARD REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED Supervisor Pero read a proposed local law presented by the planning board concerning Commercial vehicles; Town of Brant Commercial Vehicle Parking Ordinance. Purpose. The Town of Brant recognizes the adverse impact on the financial welfare of a resident of the Town of Brant that uses commercial vehicles as a main source of income, but also deems it appropriate to control the number of said vehicles being used without creating a separate business which needs to be approved by permit. Ordinance. The Town of Brant recognizes and does permit up to two (2) commercial vehicles or units to be parked in the Town of Brant provided they are owned or operated by the resident residing at that location and there is adequate pace available which could cause a hazard or nuisance. Setback shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from center of public roadway and thirty (30) feet from nearest property line. To store more than two (2) commercial vehicles or units will require a special use permit. Penalty for offense. Unless otherwise specified, provided by state statute, any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation and upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than two hundred fifty ($250) dollars or imprisonment not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or both. Pero asked to set a public hearing, Board Discussion: CEO needs to review, and attorney needs to review. Pero said the town needs to resolve these issues. Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #90 seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. Roll Call Vote: Gier ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, Pero-aye, 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains #90 RESOLVED TO TABLE SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LAW CONCERNING COMMERCIAL VEHICLES UNTIL ATTORNEY AND CEO REVIEWS AND PRESENTS. Discussion of attachment from Planning Board Secretary asking for acceptance of on-line training being offered by New York State Department, Division of Local Government entitled Planning Board Overview ? 2 hour tutorial - each member would have a password and sign on - Zoning Board of Appeals tutorial coming soon. This training must be approved by the local governing body. Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following #91 seconded by. Roll Call Vote: Gier ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, Pero-aye, 4 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains #91 RESOLVED BRANT TOWN BOARD ACCEPTS ON LINE TRAINING TO MEET MANDATORY TRAINING REQUIREMENTS OF PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS. Acknowledgement of Dignitaries and Invited Guests: NONE OLD BUSINESS: Financial Audits: Supervisor Pero reported that the audit of Brant Justice Courts and Town Clerk and Tax Collector for year 2007 are complete and we are waiting for the reports. The Audit of the Brant Park Expansion Project may not be complete yet. Brant School: Supervisor Pero reported that the Lake Shore School Board took no action on the issue of the Brant Elementary School Closing until further notice. Westfield Disposal: Supervisor Pero reported that the amount for refuse went down from the original amount that the budget was based on. Last year the town amount was 750 units @ 172. 68 per unit annual, 2009 will be 750 units @ 183.24 for a total of $137, 430.00. Town Clerk Thea reported that the continuation certificate received from Westfield stated an amount of $ 135,665. Supervisor Pero will check- the tipping fee might of went down and Clerk verified that she put the amount in the revised resolution which was on the continuation certificate all board members received copy of corrected amount in resolution # 081112-332 and correspondence form Westfield. NEW BUSINESS: Brant Pool: Pool & Spa Safety Act requires The Town to have safety features installed on the drain in the pool, due to accidents, this is a federal requirement. Supervisor Pero has received correspondence from area pool companies and will ask for quotes and report those to the Board at the next meeting. Building & Grounds Superintendent Joe Giambrone reported that The pool has to have tile and cement repairs this year along with painting. NYS Archive Grant w/ Farnham Supervisor Pero reported that the 2009 - 2010 New York State Archives Grant has been filed for a Feasibility Study for Brant and Farnham for GIS tracking & mapping of utilities. Appointment of Ray Zabron Supervisor Pero reported that this appointment for a part time patrolman to cover bailiff duties occasions when needed would have to be tabled due to health reasons. Councilman Kujawinski inquired that when Board is approving any hiring additions to the department all board members should be informed and given the opportunity to see resumes, references etc.. Pero stated Zabron worked for the Town in the past. Operating Engineers Local 17 appreciation night Supervisor Pero asked for suggestions for a time to have a dinner for the workers. There is about thirty workers and option to have it catered at our senior building. Councilman Gier stated that they did a lot of work but the project was part of their training; Supervisor Pero said they did about $200,000.00 worth of work on park. Councilman Fullone asked if the union was told we would be giving them an appreciation dinner and Pero said yes possibility and that he wants to present them with a plaque. Gier said yes plaque would be appropriate for their union hall, but we have supplied breakfast food throughout the project. Kujawinski stated we spent over a $1,000.00 on breakfast and coffee and at this time a private dinner would not be appropriate, and acknowledged the work the union did and an appreciation plaque would be fine. Fullone said they have done a lot of work and a diner and or plaque would be fine. Pero said cost would be approximately three or four hundred dollars, and he just wanted board members opinions. Obama Economic Stimulus Projects Supervisor Pero acknowledged all board members received copies with information. Brant Town Board Meeting Policy Councilman Kujawinski made the following motion #92: and read the following: Motion is made to rescind and void the Brant Town Board Policy established at the Organizational Meetings of the Brant Town Board on 03 Jan 08 and 06 Jan 09 because it eliminates the right of citizens to address their elected officials and their right to participate in the democratic process of this American Community. It is further moved to establish an alternative policy that restores the right of citizens to address their elected officials in a civil, reasonable, timely, and uninterrupted manner. Under the ?Acknowledgement of Visitors? segment, those wishing to address the board shall be recognized by the chair and limit their comments to three uninterrupted minutes (unless there are extenuating circumstances) and multiple speakers to 12 minutes about the same topic. Preference will be given to discussion regarding agenda items followed by ?new? concerns. Any member of the board may respond verbally for up to one minute, a board member may be chosen to respond to the original speaker in writing prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting, or the board may elect to respond verbally with a detailed report at the next regularly scheduled board meeting and have the topic clearly listed on the coming agenda under ?Old Business?. Supervisor Pero asked why, as everything is working fine, Fullone agreed. Motion seconded #92 by Councilman Gier. Councilman Kujawinski stated reasons: agendas are not given ahead of time and how can people have comments or questions ready on Thursday when there is no list of topics available till Monday or later. Pero said residents may bring issues to the Supervisor, a Board member or clerk and then board can bring forward & why should people be given an agenda to take apart and figure out how they can disrupt meetings. Several people spoke. Pero stated this is not the place for people to speak out - not a forum. A roll call vote was taken: Kujawinski-aye, Gier ? aye, Fullone nay, Pero-nay, 2 ayes, 2 nays #92 DEFEATED Councilman Gier inquired why part time employees were paid holiday pay before it was presented to & approved by board members. Supervisor Pero stated he called two of the board members and got their approval, knowing that the other two would vote it down. Gier inquired of Town Attorney if this was legal and John Grennell said procedurally it should have presented to the entire board. Pero asked if members got letter from civil service. Gier asked again if there was a meeting and stated Supervisor approved that certain employees received a benefit without following proper procedure, and Pero confirmed. Reports of Committees and Town Board Reports: Highway Committee: Equipment Inventory/ Fuel Cards: (Kujawinski & Fullone) Committee is now is Kujawinski & Gier - Pero asked when it would be done and why has nothing been done, Kujawinski said they are compiling quotes and bids, for the whole inventory assets of town, Comments of whose idea this was, etc. Inventory has to be done per accountant. Telecommunications & Utility Committee: Town Hall Phone System: Gier & Kujawinski ? Pero stated he asked them to look into and have not done so - Gier reported still getting quotes; (Ronco) has been at the hall, DFT, and Time Warner need to be contacted. Norm Dotzler presented the Board with a proposal for a new phone system. New equipment, new phones, back up phones, auto attendant, Clerk asked questions concerning lines and system. Dotzler spoke on proposal having to change to Verizon One and another company and estimate is half of cost paying now. Total cost $8,688.00 which can have a lease option with $2000.00 down and 265.29 a month which includes maintenance. Five year term to buy out each year. Fullone asked if complete system could be installed into new building. Pero would like to lease and then purchase and ask Attorney to look into proper procedure for leasing. Refuse & Street lighting Committee: Gier & Kujawinski Pero asked committee to look into replacing current bulbs to high pressure sodium as they are needed, and the company won?t replace them that way unless requested, and they should be more economical. Discussion of areas where lights in need of repair or bulbs Project updates: Parks: Supervisor Pero ?preliminary plans no architecture plans as of yet on concession stand, Park Expansion - shelter and gazebo purchased for next year Wind Energy: Supervisor Pero- Empire state packet given to members- host community agreement looks favorable Water Project: Supervisor Pero waiting on North Collins ? 11th on funding list CDBG Senior Recreation Building: Supervisor Pero reported - waiting results from committee New Town Hall Committee: Pero reported meeting is scheduled for February 9th at the Senior Community Bldg scheduled by Chairman Gugino Highway Superintendent not present Energy Comm. /Solar Panels Highway Garage: Supervisor Pero would like invertors installed to show residents savings and would like to schedule a complete energy audit of town. Q ? Did Town budget for audit? Gier: nothing to report Fullone: Vouchers need to have invoices attached not just statements, packing slips etc. and preapproval needs to be clarified ? comments on what is preapproved - is it in fact pre approval of purchase Kujawinski Thursday January 15th Holy Spirit Church on Halley Road is holding an American Red Cross Blood Drive and donors may receive coupons for coffee and Doughnuts, chili, etc.. Association of Towns contacted for legal advice concerning: 1) voting for oneself ? opinion given directed to Attorney Grennell 2) decisions made (by part of board) outside meetings ? Town Attorney should contact Assn. of Towns 3) Budget officer is same as Supervisor as duties included that and should not be paid additionally. Requested certified payroll (civil Service) copies to members - did get some but haven?t received any for months - will ask secretary Recreation: Supervisor Pero reported members have asked for cost ? $37,774.00 minus income of fees $14,278. Equals for 144 children cost of 163.17 each it would take time to break down for resident and non -resident- family rate etc. Insurance Reduction Class Supervisor Pero reported at Senior Building will be held on March 9 & 10 Silver Sneakers Supervisor Pero reported they celebrated their one year anniversary and Barb Sheffield from Hamburg sated that Town of Hamburg program may have some equipment they will donate to Brant ? walking machine etc. CRA invoice question from Kujawinski ? Supervisor Pero reported answer is directed for voucher in October - this is a lump sum contract and the vendor is not required to itemize vouchers - it is grant money not Town money. Supervisor Pero reviewed Grant writer Connie Miners annual report of grants, applied for, received, pending and follow up on old grants still active for Town and Brant Fire Company. Correspondence and Meetings/miscellaneous information Pero: Supervisor Pero read correspondence from: Time Warner Cable, Questions on cable to part of town not serviced, Common Council, Agriculture & Ag markets, Veterans Information Natural Historic Society needs volunteers, 211 may be lost to WNY, Textile drop off January 17th. Supervisor Pero reported that he attended 13 meetings in December and attended 172 meetings this year As Councilman Turner not in attendance and half of the audit committee and has not audited the bills the board will approve the following abstract after her audit of bills Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following #93, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: Pero-aye, Fullone ? aye, Gier ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains #93 RESOLVED TO APPROVE ABSTRACT 13 0F 2008 AND ABSTRACT 1 OF 2009 FOR PAYMENT after audit of Councilman Turner Abstract 13 0f 2008 General Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 485-491 Unpaid 492-533 (void 531 & 524 due to error & incorrect acct, change to CD) Totaling: $23,233.33 corrected to $23,215.93 due to disability adjustment 1-29-09 General Fund ? Part Town No Pre Paid Unpaid Voucher 30-42 Totaling: $11,587.02 Highway Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 105 Vouchers unpaid 106-115 Totaling $ 11,486.91 corrected to $11,540.31(disability) Highway Part Town Voucher prepaid None Unpaid: None Totaling: 0 Fire Protection Prepaid 4-6 Totaling: $104,431.22 Street lighting Voucher prepaid 12 Totaling: $2,556.87 2008 Capital Project Park Expansion Voucher: Prepaid None, Unpaid 37 Totaling: $1,331.95 2008 CD ? CDBG Route 5 & 20 Economic Dev Study Voucher #1 Totaling $144.00 Highway Payroll PT 11/23 to 1/3/09 Totaling: $58,203.98 Highway Payroll TW 11/23 to 1/3/09Totaling: $17,280.82 General Town wide Payroll 11/23 to 1/3/09 Totaling $40,081.39 General Part Town Payroll 11/23 to 1/3/09 Totaling $841.77 Abstract 1 0f 2009 Prepaid and unpaid as of January 12, 2009 General Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 1-3 Unpaid 4-16 Totaling: $7,396.80 General Fund ? Part Town prepaid 1-2 Totaling: $1,289.00 Highway Fund Town wide Vouchers prepaid 1-3 Totaling: $5,572.94 Highway Part Town Voucher prepaid 1 Unpaid: None Totaling: $4,881.00 Fire Protection Prepaid 1 Totaling: $8,380.00 Brant Water Dist #1 Pre Paid 1 Totaling: $7,110.00 Councilman Kujawinski answered question from previously concerning payment to organizations and monies not expended at end of year ? they may keep monies after accounting pending a final accounting as agreed to Supervisor Pero stated this is what he said all along. Attorney Grennell suggested a policy for any monies to organizations (contract), bring policy to next meeting. Recognized Privilege of the Floor: None rec?d Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following #94, seconded by Councilman Gier. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays #94 RESOLVED: TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 13TH, MEETING OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD IN MEMORY OF PAT GUGINO AND PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS TO RON KOBEL FOR A SPEEDY RECOVERY AT aprox.9:00 PM Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk