Minutes of the Regular Town Board Meeting held on Tuesday October 14th , 2008, at 7:30 PM, and budget review @ 6:30PM, and a Public Hearing regarding the use of Federal Community Development Funds in the Town of Brant. @1294 Brant NC Road, Brant, New York at the Brant Town Hall. Present: Supervisor Leonard Pero, Councilman Roseann Turner, Councilman Jeffrey Gier, Councilman Daniel Kujawinski, Councilman Vincent Fullone, Attorney John Grennell, Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Thea Ells Record of Sign In: Rick Dole, Debra Ritz, James Utley, Stan Kijek, Chris Gierlinger, Dave Gierlinger, Lee Brunelli, Bill Henry, Tim Kobel, Brian Campbell, Nathan Miller, Arlene Miller, William Easterling, Terry Caber. Budget Meeting review was held before meeting and was attended by board members at 6:30 pm. Discussion regarding changes to Justice budget increase. Supervisor Pero explained increased to hours worked, not raise. Gier questioned hours. Pero stated that he could put a cap on the hours to remain at 30, but that the extra was needed to cover bench clerk hours that were not part of last year?s figures. Then, Supervisor Pero explained that the Justice budget would increase by $500.00 per acct for equipment, postage, etc. Councilman Kujawinski, responding to the expense increase stated that he felt that with the condition of the State, all expense accounts should be cut 10% instead of increased. Pero stated Supervisor Equipment & Contractual Account was reduced $500.00 from $1500 to $1000. Added $5,500 to audit line on budget going from $4,500 to $10,000. Town Clerk & Assessor stayed the same. Reduce Engineering to $500.00 from $1500.00. the board members continued to review the budget until 7:30. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Pero at 7:30 PM with a pledge to the flag. Thea Ells verified notice in the legal paper was published with a list of meetings for the year. Councilman Gier then moved for adoption of the following 292, seconded by Supervisor Pero, 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 292: RESOLVED: TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 16 MEETING ARE APPROVED Councilman Turner moved for the adoption of following 292A. Motion was seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 292A: RESOLVED SUPERVISORS AUGUST 2008 FINANCIAL REPORT IS APPROVED Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following 293, seconded by Councilman Fullone 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 293 RESOLVED: AUGUST TOWN CLERK?S FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT BE ACCEPTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 294, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 3 ayes: Pero, Turner, Fullone, 2 abstain: Kujawinski, Gier, 0 nays 294: RESOLVED: AUGUST 2008 JUSTICE GUGINO FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 295, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 3 ayes: Pero, Turner, Fullone, 2 abstain: Kujawinski, Gier, 0 nays 295: RESOLVED: AUGUST 2008 JUSTICE CROUSE FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT (BAIL & REGULAR) BE ACCEPTED Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 296, seconded by. Councilman Gier 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 296: RESOLVED: SEPTEMBER 2008 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER REPORT BE ACCEPTED Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following 297, seconded by Councilman Turner 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 297: RESOLVED: SEPTEMBER DOG CONTROL OFFICER?S ACTIVITY REPORT BE ACCEPTED Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following 297A, seconded by Supervisor Pero. 4 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 1 nay: Gier, 0 abstain 297A: RESOLVED: SEPTEMBER POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT BE ACCEPTED Kujawinski requested a police officer schedule. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 298, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 298: RESOLVED: SEPTEMBER TOWN CLERKS ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD BE ACCEPTED NO AUGUST PLANNING BOARD REPORT AS NO MEETING Acknowledgement of Dignitaries and Invited Guests: Supervisor Pero acknowledged Mayor Terry Caber, Trustee Tony Krtanjek, and Trustee George Cordia from the Village of Farnham. Guest Speakers from CRA ? Mark Cavalcoli & Greg Keyser summarized their part in Brant?s attempt to reduce energy dependence of the Town of Brant through the creation of an energy park. He continued that the study is due to the Town?s efforts to offset taxes and other expenses the Town has. He explained that his firm had been hired to do a Fatal Flaw analysis. This Fatal Flaw study would advise the Town if the project was feasible and possible. The study would recommend to proceed or not to proceed with each project. He explained that this study would cost about $20,000 but that the Town had met with Jack Quinn Jr., Senator Volker, and Erie County Planning to see if there was funding available. It was Senator Volker that secured a grant in the amount of $19,500 for the study. Councilman Kujawinski. Q. When are we going to get the money from the state? Mark Cavalcoli. A. The State is waiting for the study to be complete and the grant is not reimbursable in segments and the Town has been fronting the payments. Mark explained the study. The Report?s Introduction covered what energy conversion options were studied. Wind, Solar & Methane Gas. The energy conversion possibilities of the above were for a proposed Hardpan Road location at the old Brant landfill. The study also covered a look at Wind Energy conversion at two sited owned by the Village of Farnham. Concluded the following: Methane Gas system conclusion: Not feasible because the landfill was never lined therefore any methane gas that may have built up would be dissipated into the soil, and that it also had no engineered cap to prevent methane gases from escaping. Solar Energy system conclusion: As for a large scale Solar Energy System that would provide tax offsets and income for the Town, the study showed that to do so as an investment would not be feasible because the enormous expense to create such a system would not make sense as the return would take 42-83 years, depending on the amount the Grid is paying at the time. Therefore, it would take that long to pay the system off and make it an investment to offset the taxes. The recommendation is to NOT pursue the solar study as a town but to instead do on individual buildings. Wind Energy System conclusion: Based on the following results of a field study, the Town of Brant has met the criteria for further exploration of utility scale wind development with Town boundaries: ? Land use/zoning in the area is predominantly agricultural and vacant; ? Approximately 20 acres of Municipal-owned land is available; ? Available land area outside of public ownership appears to be approximately 11,000 acres based on the use of the conversion setbacks from roads, residences, wetlands and streams; ? An existing substation is located in the northeastern portion of the Town, with a major transmission line bisecting the area. ? Publicly available wind that shows wind speeds in the 7 m/s range, predominantly in the western portions of the Town; and ? A windmill law to regulate ?Utility Scale? windmills, as well as residential and commercial, has been adopted. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 299, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 299: RESOLVED: TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING @ 8:00 PM Clerk Thea Ells read and verified the following notice was published in the SUN and posted in the Brant Town Hall, and Brant Post Office: THE TOWN OF BRANT will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday October 14th, 2008 at 8:00PM at the Brant Town Hall, 1294 Brant North Collins Rd., Brant, New York, regarding the use of Federal Community Development Funds in the Town of Brant. THE TOWN OF BRANT is eligible for a Federal Community Development grant under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. THE PURPOSE OF the hearing is to provide an opportunity for Citizens to express Community development and housing needs and to discuss possible projects which would benefit low and moderate income persons in the Town of Brant. CITIZENS ARE URGED to attend this meeting to make known their views and/ or written proposals on the Town of Brant?s selection of potential projects to be submitted for possible funding by the Federal Community Development Grant Program. THE HEARING WILL also present a review of prior Community Development projects and expenditures and a discussion of eligible activities. The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Those needing special arrangements should call the Town of Brant at (716) 549-0282. By order of the Brant Town Board Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk Dated September 22, 2008 Supervisor Pero read the proposed list of projects in the Town of Brant; Number three is always Rural Transit; number two will be Farnham Park Improvements Phase I, and number one is a project at the recreation building gym which needs a dehumidifier, elevator repair, flooring work. Board members discussed the three projects endorsing them as all very important to the community at large. Lee Brunelli thanked the board for endorsing Rural Transit, Bill Henry questioned if any grant were available for the building through NYCERDA, and Brain Rott had suggestions for insulation. Councilman Fullone moved for adoption of the following 299A, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 299A: RESOLVED: TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING @ 8:10 PM Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following 081014-300, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Kujawinski- aye, Fullone- aye, Turner - aye, Pero-aye Gier ? aye,. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-300 RESOLVED AUTHORIZING SUPERVISOR PERO TO SIGN, SUBMIT AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH ERIE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS UPON APPROVAL IN ORDER: 1) SENIOR CITIZEN FITNESS CENTER AT THE BRANT RECREATION BUILDING REQUESTING $90,000 IN CDBG FUNDS, WITH A MATCH IN THE AMOUNT OF $22,500(25%) USING A COMBINATION OF CASH AND FORCE ACCOUNT LABOR. 2) FARNHAM RECREATION PARK PHASE 1 PROJECT 3) RURAL TRANSIT FUNDING SUPPORT CRA CONT?D: CRA continued the presentation for the Energy Park further explaining the Wind Energy conversion conclusion of their Fatal Flaw report, listed previously within these minutes. Supervisor Pero stated he felt it worthy of further review and study to work with Commercial Wind Developers to obtain a portion of the income for the Town. The speaker then offered two options for notifying residents. Suggested selective mailings and posting to the Brant website. Commended Bill Henry & Town Board for Energy Fair. Councilman Gier asked where the Town stood with the money used to date. The speaker answered: You have used $11,844.85 including the last invoice not yet paid, and have a balance remaining of $7,655.00 which can be carried over into 2009. He quoted a ballpark figure of income per windmill unit at $6 to $10 thousand dollars per year, per unit. CRA suggests holding an informal information forum for the residents to learn about this project. Then conduct a formal survey. After that, to move forward would be to meet with CRA. Speaker then gave an update on the water project with North Collins. Water Project update: Waiting for final report of the Well proposed to be used by Brant & North Collins to check adequate volume. He explained that the SMSI Agreement was originally between Eden, Brant & village of North Collins. Eden dropped out. The new score 190. Previously, with Eden involved the score was 175. This means that if you have a score high enough, you are put into a ?Hardship? position with Environmental Facilities Corporation which will allow you to get a loan at 0% interest. The Town of Brant?s current position in the funding line is 10; therefore Brant is in the top 10% of Towns eligible for funding. Brant is not eligible at this time for a Hardship, but it can change if another community drops out. However, there are Towns and Cities that have a score in the thousands. Therefore it is unlikely that Brant will qualify for 0% interest funding but should qualify for low interest. Councilman Kujawinski spoke to the speaker regarding his refusal to approve CRA vouchers stating they were not itemized. A: This is a lump sum contract and therefore, we are not required to itemize each bill. Q: Kujawinski also questioned one voucher (12/2007) which included $400 charged to the Town for airfare. The speaker explained the charge: CRA?s top wind energy expert, from Ottawa, flew in for an entire day to work with CRA on the project. This expert did not charge for his services. However, CRA did pay for his airfare and therefore charged to the Town. Kujawinski was satisfied with his response. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 301, seconded by Councilman Gier. 5 ayes: Pero, Gier, Kujawinski, Turner, Fullone 0 nays 301: RESOLVED: TO ACCEPT CRA?S REPORT AS SUBMITTED AND PRESENTED TO THE BOARD AND PUBLIC. OLD BUSINESS: Justice Audit: Supervisor reviewed two bids, one from Broc, BS&P and the other from Schunk Wilson. Schunk Wilson quotes $3,000 and BS&P quotes $1700 to $2200, therefore not to exceed $4,400 total for both offices. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 302, seconded by Councilman Kujawinski. Roll Call Vote: 4 ayes: Pero, Gier, Kujawinski, Fullone, Turner nay 1 nay 081014-302: RESOLVED: TO ACCEPT THE BID FROM BS&P (BROCK, SHICTER & POLCOFF), NOT TO EXCEED $2200.00 EACH JUSTICE AND TOWN CLERK, AND TO AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR PERO TO SIGN THE CONTRACT WITH BS&P. Pre ? Pays: Kujawinski reported Gryksa sent the exact same list of the pre-pays allowed. One of them was a National Grid that wasn?t in with the pre-pays. ? Fixed Salaries or compensation for employees/officers with fixed hours, duties, etc. ? Principal of or interest in indebtedness. ? Amt becoming due on lawful contract for periods exceeding one year. ? NYS Court fines, penalties etc. ? Legal Notices ? Water supplies ? National Grid ? National Fuel ? Gasoline for Highway and Police ? Disability Insurance ? Health Insurance ? DFT- phone ? Verizon Wireless ? Copier Fax- copiers ? Postage Councilman Gier moved for adoption of the following 081014-303, seconded by Supervisor Pero. Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes - Turner - aye, Pero-aye Gier ? aye, Kujawinski- aye. 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-303 RESOLVED TO TABLE THE DECISION ON PRE-PAY APPROVALS UNTIL NOVEMBER MEETING. Brant School: Pero received letters from Smalldino & Utley regarding opposition to school closing. Prior to reading, Pero spoke regarding the Town?s opinion about the school closing. He then spoke about what the options are for the building in the case that the school is definitely going to close. He stated that it may be sold or if the Town took it, they would get it for free ($1.00). Then the Town could use it as a Town Hall. Otherwise it could cost the tax payers ½ million dollars to demolish. Pero read the letters: following is summarized; Students exceed average in grading when compared to other schools. Also stated that if the Town of Brant shows interest in acquiring the building, it will put another nail in the school?s coffin. Concern expressed that the school board has already conceded on the school closing. Urging the Town of Brant to publicly denounce their interest in acquiring it, and to make that known to the school board. Informed Town Board of Public Hearing for school some time during first week of November. Councilman Gier asked about the teacher to student ratio. A: kindergarten had 22 students to one teacher. He continued that the board should put a little interest in the elementary school. Mayor Caber spoke that both Boards (Village & Town) need to stand up for the school. Winter Recreation: Councilman Gier: We should not start it this year. Councilman Fullone agreed. Fire Contracts: Contract discussion for 3 Year at 3.5% per year to equal 11% on third year. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following 081014-304, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: Kujawinski - aye, Gier-aye, Fullone ? aye, Turner- aye, Pero-aye, 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-304 RESOLVED TO FINALIZE 3 FIRE CONTRACTS AT A RATE OF 3.5% PER YEAR FOR 3 YEARS. Ambulance Contracts: Contract discussion regarding 5% increase to three ambulance companies for three years. Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 081014-305, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Pero - aye, Fullone-aye, Turner ? aye, Kujawinski- aye, Gier-aye, 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-305 RESOLVED TO FINALIZE 3 AMBULANCE CONTRACTS AT A RATE OF 5% PER YEAR FOR 3 YEARS. Westfield Disposal: Wait until November meeting when budget completed to extend contract. Code of Ethics: Councilman Kujawinski asked that the Board direct him on the placement of the ?Code of Ethics? into a standard employee application for employees. He spoke of the work Councilman Turner is doing with the employee handbook in regards to paid holidays, etc. Pero: requested that everyone get a copy to review and prior to next month?s workshop. It will then be discussed further at that time, with comments and suggestions. New Business: New Police Officers: Pero read from a letter submitted by Investigator Giacchino in which he explained his review and hiring of the following six officers. Based on work experience and training, he hired the following out of the 14 applicants: Michael Perry (sworn in 10/14/08) Mark Slawek (sworn in 10/14/08) John Lopez (sworn in 10/14/08) Thomas Kurdziel (sworn in 10/14/08) Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 081014-306, seconded by Councilman Turner. Pero - aye, Turner aye, Kujawinski- Abstain, Gier-abstain, Fullone-Aye, 3 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Abstains 081014-306 RESOLVED TO SWEAR IN 4 POLICE OFFICERS TO SERVE THE TOWN OF BRANT. Three of the applicants had recently graduated from police training but needed to be sponsored (at no cost to Town) for the balance of their training and will therefore be put on a reserve officers list with the Town. They are: Anthony Caber (sworn in 10/14/08) Nathan Miller (sworn in 10/14/08) Kevin Groober (was not present) Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 081014-307, seconded by Councilman Turner. Pero - aye, Turner aye, Kujawinski- Abstain, Gier-abstain, Fullone-Aye, 3 Ayes, 0 Nays, 2 Abstains 081014-307 RESOLVED TO SWEAR IN THE ABOVE 3 CADETTES AND POLICE ATTENDANTS PART TIME SUB AND TO ACCEPT THEM TO THE ROSTER. Councilman Kujawinski explained his reason for abstaining, saying he was not notified or given a copy of the officers credentials prior to their appointments and wanted to review them before giving his approval. He then wished them well and thanked them for their service. Budget: Concluded that November 6th be next meeting at 6:30 PM. Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 080916-308, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll call vote: Turner-aye, Gier-aye, Pero?aye, Kujawinski-Aye, Fullone- aye. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 080916-308 RESOLVED TO ACCEPT THE PRELIMINERY BUDGET Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 080916-309, seconded by Councilman Gier. Roll Call Vote: Turner-aye, Gier-aye, Pero?aye, Kujawinski-Aye, Fullone- aye. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 080916-309 RESOLVED TO CONDUCT A REVIEW OF THE PRELIMINERY BUDGET ON NOVEMBER 6TH AT 6:30 PM Public Hearing will be held Wednesday November 12th @ 8:00 PM Energy Fair: Pero thanked all involved with the Energy Fair. Bill Henry discussed the turnout. Three hundred people attended. Some of the people who helped were: John & Betty O?Donnell, Joe Gardyjan, Will Easterling, Marge & John Bates, John Chiavetta, Councilman Gier, Supervisor Pero, North Collins Deputy supervisor Marianne Vaney, Eden Councilman Vinnie Vacco, Bob & Judy Fowler, and more were named by Henry (clerk did not receive list). Bill Henry disagreed with CRA?s opinion that it would take 42 to 80 years to recoup the cost of a solar energy conversion system for the town as an investment. He states the report he got from the State Comptroller?s office stated a little over 5 years. He then suggested the Board set aside some of the grant money they received to purchase (Data Acquisition equipment) monitoring equipment for the inverters on the highway solar panels so residents can see the savings. The cost would be under $2,000. So that people can log onto Brant?s website to see the savings day by day. Informed visitors & board that the Federal Tax installation break has been extended. Equipment Inventory: Kujawinski & Fullone to work on it. Parks: Pero was approached by LSYF: they want to donate lights for the field, a concession stand and bleachers. LSYF wants a long term commitment from Brant. CDBG Rt 5 & 20 study: Pero updated all regarding the CDBG grant to study the Rt. 5 & 20 study. Pero, Caber and Ells to meet with county officials October 20th to review RFP. Town Hall Committee: Waiting on feasibility study, then will meet Purchase of Laptop for Supervisor office. To be used in Supervisors? office and taken out only to Power Point presentations. Gier said $1,000 for laptop is too pricey. Gier should be $500.00. Pero requested Board members to look into better price so he can proceed with purchase as he has nothing to work on in his office. Pero then asked for a motion to purchase one. Kujawinski said no more than a thousand. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following 080916-310, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Kujawinski-aye, Fullone-aye, Turner?aye, Gier-Aye, Pero- aye. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-310 RESOLVED SUPERVISOR PERO TO PURCHASE A LAPTOP FOR THE TOWN HALL, COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,000, ALTOGETHER. Correspondence and Meetings DFT phone service ? discussion concerning town hall phone system ? town owns the phones since 1998 and upgrades are expensive and the contract for maintenance is up for this year - renewal is over 1300.00 ? decided Kujawinski, Gier, Ells, with help from Reickart to look into solution. Pero has had discussion for services plowing, leaves, etc) to short street sections in Village of North Collins but in Town of Brant. Time Clocks, Fuel Cards some discussion ? Pero ? Gier gathering information. South town Coalition is conducting Agricultural tourism assessments for farmers HEAP available correspondence Supervisor Pero read a public notice: The Erie County Legislature on September 23, 2004 designated November 1st through November 30th as the annual thirty day period during which land owners may submit requests for the inclusion of predominantly viable agricultural land within an existing certified agricultural district as per New York State Agriculture and Markets Law Section 303-b. the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning (ECDEP) (Room 1063) at 95 Franklin Street, Buffalo, New York 14202 will accept applications for addition into an agricultural district. Town Supervisors, Clerks and assessors in Erie County and ECDEP at the above mentioned address have copies of the application form to provide to any persons requesting them. If you have any questions or problems concerning the 30 day period process, contact ECDEP Planner John Opalka at 716-858-6229. Various information and correspondence shared Pero reported attendance at meetings Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of following 311. Motion was seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Kujawinski, Fullone 0 nays 311: RESOLVED BY ORDER OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD AND THE FARNHAM VILLAGE BOARD HALLOWEEN SHALL BE OBSERVED FRIDAY OCTOBER 31ST, 2008 ONLY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 6:00 PM AND 8:00 PM FOR ?TRICKS OR TREATS? RESIDENTS ARE REQUESTED TO LEAVE AN OUTSIDE LIGHT ON BETWEEN THESE HOURS TO HELP INSURE THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN AND TO SHOW WILLINGNESS TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION OF HALLOWEEN. Councilman Kujawinski moved for adoption of the following 312, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Roll Call Vote: Kujawinski- aye, Fullone ? aye, Pero-aye, Turner - aye, Gier ? aye. 5 Ayes, 0 Nays, 0 Abstains 081014-312 RESOLVED TO APPROVE ABSTRACT 10 0F 2008 FOR PAYMENT Prepaid and unpaid as of October 14th, 2008 General Fund Town wide Vouchers pre paid 374-380 Un paid 381-411 Totaling: $22,640.49 General Fund ? Part Town Unpaid Voucher 25-26 Totaling: $10,831.87 Highway Fund Town wide Vouchers unpaid 80-81 Totaling: $188.78 Highway Part Town Voucher prepaid 38-39 Unpaid 40-41 Totaling: $13,520.92 Street lighting Voucher prepaid 9 Totaling: $2,122.16 2008 Capital Project Park Expansion Voucher: Unpaid 21-26 Totaling: $1,419.84 Highway Payroll TW Totaling: $726.76 Highway Payroll PT ?8/31-9/27/08 Totaling: $-$32,974.20 General Town wide Payroll 8/31 to 9/27/08 Totaling $25,017.86 General Part Town Payroll 8/31 to 9/27/08 Totaling $584.92 Please Note: The account used for the following vouchers (DB5110.4) has been changed to account number DB5112.4 on 10/14/08. DB 11, DB 12, DB 16, DB 17, DB 22, DB 23, DB 24, DB 25 Recognized Privilege of the Floor: Pero recognized Stanley Kijek, who had issues with the Police Department and unwarranted pull over?s? with his tractor/farm wagon. Councilman Turner moved for adoption of the following 313, seconded by Councilman Fullone. 5 ayes: Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 0 nays 313 RESOLVED: TO ADJOURN THE OCTOBER 14TH, 2008 MEETING OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD AT 9:55PM Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk