Report of the Special Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on Thursday August 7, 2008 at 6:00 PM, 1294 Brant NC Rd, Brant, New York at the Brant Town Hall.

Supervisor Leonard Pero, Councilwoman Roseann Turner, Councilman Jeffrey Gier, Councilman Daniel Kujawinski, Councilman Vincent Fullone
Thea A. Ells, Town Clerk, John Grennell, Town Attorney.
Thea Ells verified that all Board members notified and this meeting was posted at the Town Hall and web site, and SUN notified (SUN published notification to public not in the form of a legal notice due to time constraints.)

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Pero at 6:00 PM with a pledge to the flag.	
Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 240, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Pero, Gier, Turner, Fullone, Kujawinski 5 ayes: 0 nays 
240: RESOLVED: To go to executive @ 6:01 for Police Chief interviews, to review police incident investigation report, and appointment/ removal in the police and assessor departments. 

Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 241, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 5 ayes: 0 nays 
241: RESOLVED: To close executive session @ 8:49PM

Supervisor Pero moved for adoption of the following 242, seconded by Councilman Fullone. Pero, Turner, Gier, Fullone, Kujawinski 5 ayes: 0 nays 
242: RESOLVED: To adjourn the special meeting of August 7, 2008 @ 8:50 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Thea A. Ells, Brant Town Clerk