Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the Brant Town Board held on January 5, 2004 at the Brant Community Building, 1000 Brant-Farnham Rd., Brant, New York at 8:00 P.M. PRESENT: Samuel Chiavetta Jr. Supervisor Martin Rosiek Councilman Eugene Czyz Councilman John Arrigo Councilman Leonard Pero Councilman ALSO PRESENT: John Grennell, Town Attorney Debra Ritz, Justice Court Dennis Rubeck, Planning Board Donna Marien, resident Clark Borngraber, Fire Warden Ellsworth Nolan, Farnham Fire Chief Joe DeCarlo, Assessor Gary Brecker, Building Inspector Brenda Giacchino, Planning Janet Bowman, Assessor Secretary Leah Mirusso, resident Julie Sager, Court Clerk Joseph Gardyjan, Planning Member Joyce Ellis, Board Of Review Wayne Falk, Chief of Police Michelle Hy, Planning Member Carl Militello, Dog Control Officer Samuel Lojacano, Planning Member George Cordia, Farnham Trustee John McEvoy, resident Don Clark, Zoning Member Meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag led by Supervisor Chiavetta. Town Clerk verifies that the legal notice for the ?Notice of Meeting? and Change of Meeting Place were both published in the Hamburg, SUN. Councilwoman Rosiek moved and Councilman Czyz seconded that a resolution be adopted that in all matters of parliamentary procedure, ROBERT?S RULE OF ORDER SHOULD PREVAIL, except where such rules are inconsistent with any local rule or resolution pertaining to the conduct of Town Business. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Rosiek aye Councilman Czyz aye Councilman Arrigo aye Councilman Pero aye Supervisor Chiavetta aye 5 ayes 0 nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED: ROBERTS RULES Councilman Rosiek moved and Councilman Czyz seconded that the Rules of Conduct for the order of a Roll Call shall be the following: 1) The Board Member who moves the resolution shall be called upon first to vote. 2) The Board Member who seconds the resolution shall be called upon second to vote. 3) The remainder of the roll call shall be at the discretion of the Clerk. MOTION CARRIED: ROLL CALL ORDER A motion was made by Councilman Pero and seconded by Councilman Arrigo that the TOWN CRIER, be designated as the official paper and THE SUN, DUNKIRK OBSERVER and BUFFALO NEWS as alternates. MOTION CARRIED: TOWN CRIER OFFICIAL PAPER A motion was made by Councilman Arrigo and seconded by Councilman Pero to have two meetings a month second Tuesday of the month and last Wednesday and to advertise these in the Around Town publication in the Buffalo News. Councilmans Rosiek, Czyz and Supervisor Chiavetta nay MOTION DEFEATED A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz that the monthly meetings be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 P.M. The only conflicts would be primary day on September 14th, which a date to reschedule would be set at the August meeting. Councilman Pero nay MOTION CARRIED. MEETING SCHEDULE SET AS FOLLOWS January 13, 2004 July 13, 2004 February 10, 2004 August 10, 2004 March 9, 2004 September 14, 2004 April 13, 2004 October12, 2004 May 11, 2004 November 9, 2004 June 8, 2004 December 14,2004 A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Rosiek that HSBC BANK, USA and EVANS NATIONAL be designated as depositories. MOTION CARRIED: DEPOSITORIES SAME A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to adopt a resolution that all department heads, elected and appointed must consult with the Supervisor prior to the purchase of any item or groups of items costing $100.00 or more. Exception: Highway Department must consult with the Supervisor prior to the purchase of item or items of $600.00 or more. All department heads, elected and appointed must also consult with the Supervisor before the hiring of any employee or of any major repair job of the town. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Czyz Aye Councilman Rosiek Aye Supervisor Chiavetta Aye Councilman Arrigo Aye Councilman Pero Aye 5 Ayes 0 nays.RESOLUTION ADOPTED: APPROVAL FOR PURCHASING A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to approve the bonds for Town Officials. MOTION CARRIED: BONDS APPROVED A motion was made by Councilman Czyz, and seconded by Councilman Rosiek that the following salaries be designated for the year 2004 for Elected Officials. Supervisor Chiavetta $14,370.00 TOWN JUSTICES: Peter F. Gugino $ 8,000.00 Debra A. Ritz $ 8,000.00 COUNCILMAN: Martin Rosiek $ 4,140.00 Eugene Czyz $ 4,140.00 John Arrigo $ 4,140.00 Leonard Pero $ 4,140.00 TOWN CLERK/COLLECTOR OF TAXES: Thea A. Ells $23,400.00 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT: Joseph Giambrone $21,200.00 MOTION CARRIED: ELECTED OFFICIALS SALARIES ARE SET A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Rosiek to adopt a resolution to pay legal and permissible expenses for Town Officials Documentation of mileage and receipts are required and limited by budgeted amounts. ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Chiavetta Aye Councilman Rosiek Aye Councilman Czyz Aye Councilman Arrigo Aye Councilman Pero Aye 5 ayes, 0 nays, RESOLUTION ADOPTED: PAY EXPENSES PERMISSABLE A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz that the mileage rate for Town Officials be set at .32 cents per mile. MOTION CARRIED: MILEAGE SAME Councilman Czyz made a motion to adopt a resolution that as it is desirable to attend the Association of Town?s Meeting in New York for training purposes, that each department head may designate two (2) officials/employees to attend the Association of Towns Meeting and that each official/employee attending will be allowed a maximum of $1,000.00 for all expense incurred. Reimbursed expense will include; registration, travel, room and meals. The motion was seconded by Councilman Rosiek and a roll call vote taken. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Czyz aye Councilman Rosiek aye Councilman Pero aye Councilman Arrigo aye Supervisor Chiavetta aye 5 ayes 0 nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED: ATTEND NYC ASSOC TOWN A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Rosiek that Supervisor Chiavetta be appointed delegate and Councilman Czyz be appointed alternate delegate to the Association of Towns Meeting. MOTION CARRIED: DELEGATES CHIAVETTA & CZYZ A motion was made by Councilman Arrigo and seconded by Councilman Pero to approve the appointments of Court Clerks for Judge Gugino, Linda Crouse at hourly rate of $10.17and for Judge Ritz, Julie Sager at an hourly rate of $10.17. MOTION CARRIED: COURT CLERKS ? CROUSE/SAGER A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Pero to approve the appointment of Barb Daniel as a substitute clerk for both courts on an as needed basis at an hourly rate of $10.17. MOTION CARRIED: SUBSTITUE CLERK DANIEL A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Sam Pinto as Court Bailiff at an hourly rate of $13.38, budgeted amount of $800.00. MOTION CARRIED: PINTO BAILIFF A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to re-appoint John Grennell as Town Prosecutor, which is a one-year term and Town Attorney (2 year term). His salary of $13,800.00 would be a combined salary for both Prosecutor and Attorney positions. Councilmans Arrigo nay MOTION CARRIED: GRENNELL 1YR PROSECUTOR, 2YR ATTORNEY A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta to appoint Judith Kranick as Court Stenographer at a salary of $80.00 per occasion. MOTION CARRIED: KRANICK COURT STENOGRAPHER A motion was made by Councilwoman Rosiek and seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta that Diane Czyz be appointed Bookkeeper/Secretary to the Supervisor and the salary to be $14,000.00 per year. Councilman Czyz abstained. Councilman Arrigo nay MOTION CARRIED: D. CZYZ SUPERVISOR SECRETARY A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek seconded by Councilman Czyz giving authorization for Supervisor to hire Accountant to do Supervisor?s Annual Reports. Permit bookkeeper, Accountant, and Supervisor to make minor budget changes at end of year. Supervisor to negotiate BAN?S for 2004. MOTION CARRIED: SUPERVISOR AUTHORIZED A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Richard Gryksa as Town Accountant at a salary of $12,500.00 per year to include auditing duties. Councilmans Arrigo & Pero nay MOTION CARRIED: GRYSKA ACCOUNTANT A motion was made by Councilman Czyz seconded by Councilman Rosiek to Appoint Supervisor Chiavetta as Budget Officer at the budgeted amount of $970.00. MOTION CARRIED: S. CHIAVETTA BUDGET OFFICER A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Pero to appoint Joseph DeCarlo as sole assessor retroactive to 2003. MOTION CARRIED: DECARLO ASSESSOR A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Ron Kobel as Assessors Assistant with an annual appointment and for a budgeted amount of $4,1260.00. MOTION CARRIED: KOBEL ASSESSOR ASSISTANT A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek seconded by Councilman Arrigo to appoint Janet Bowman, Assessors Clerk at a salary of $10.71 hourly. MOTION CARRIED: BOWMAN ASSESSOR SECRETARY A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Arrigo for the appointment of Board of Review member James Hooge for a term of 10/01/03 thru 9/30/08. MOTION CARRIED: HOOGE BAR MEMBER FIVE YEAR TERM REAPPOINTED A motion to appoint alternate Board of Review member Joyce Ellis for a one year term was brought to the floor by Councilman Rosiek and was seconded by Councilman Czyz. MOTION CARRIED: ELLIS ALTERNATE BAR A motion was made by Councilman Arrigo and seconded by Councilman Pero that the appointments by Town Clerk Thea Ells, of Deputy Clerks Gina DeMaria at a hourly rate of $9.50 and Barbara Daniel at an hourly rate of $9.00, be approved. MOTION CARRIED: DEMARIA, DANIEL DEPUTY CLERKS A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to approve the town clerk and a deputy to attend the Town Clerks Association Conference. MOTOIN CARRIED: TOWN CLERK, DEPUTY TO ATTEND CLERKS CONFERENCE A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek to approve the appointment of Glen Cooley as town engineer and seconded by Councilman Czyz. MOTION CARRIED: ENGINEER A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta to set the salaries for Election Inspectors at $100.00 per day, $15.00 for school and $10.00 Chairperson with same pay on presidential primary and pay same as previous for registration days. MOTION CARRIED: ELECTIONS INSPECTORS PAY SET A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek to approve the request from the Town Clerk to consolidate election districts 1&4 and 2&3 for the Presidential Primary on March 2, 2004 and seconded by Pero. MOTION CARRIED: ELECTION DISTRICTS CONSOLIDATED FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Pero to appoint Thea Ells as Records Management Officer at a salary of $1,300.00 per year. MOTION CARRIED: ELLS RECORDS MANAGER A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Pero to hire Connie Miner as Grants Consultant as per contract submitted $14,000.00. MOTION CARRIED: MINER GRANTS WRITER A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Pero that Joe Giambrone be appointed as Superintendent of Buildings, Grounds and Parks at a salary of $4,400.00 per year. MOTION CARRIED: GIAMBRONE SUPERINTENDENT BUILDINGS A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz that Goldie DeSaverio be appointed the Town Hall Custodian at the hourly rate of $7.25 be approved. MOTION CARRIED: DESAVIRO TOWN HALL CUSTODIAN A motion was made by Councilman Arrigo and seconded by Councilman Pero that Marge Bates be appointed the Community Building Custodian at the hourly rate of $7.25 be approved. MOTION CARRIED: BATES COMMUNITY BUILDING CUSTODIAN A motion made by Councilman Czyz to set rental fee for Community Building at $100.00 per occasion. Motion was not seconded A motion made by Councilman Pero and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to set the rental fee for the Community building at $75.00 per occasion and the security/confirmation deposit remain $50.00 per occasion. Organizations need to supply a Certificate of Insurance and no group or individual may rent the whole park, with rules & regulations remaining the same. Councilman Rosiek nay MOTION CARRIED: COMMUNITY BUILD. RENTAL FEE $75.00 SEC. DEP/CONF.FEE $50.00 A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Supervisor Chiavetta as the Town representative for N.E.S.T. MOTION APPROVED: CHIAVETTA REP TO NEST A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Pero to set the salary of Police Chief at $40,600.00 for 2004. MOTION CARRIED: FALK CHIEF POLICE SALARY SET A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to appoint Police Officers at a salary of $13.38 per hour at the recommendation of the Police Chief: John Giacchino, Investigator, Samuel C. Pinto, Patrolman, Ronald J.Raczka, Patrolman, Michael P. Green, Patrolman, Daniel R. Hontz, Patrolman, Ernest P.Masullo, Patrolman (reserve). MOTION CARRIED: PATROLMAN SALARIES A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Amy Hamm and Roseanne Turner as Police Matrons at a salary of $18.00 per occasion, as recommended by the Police Chief. MOTION CARRIED: POLICE MATRONS A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz that Phyllis Muscato be appointed Bingo Inspector at $25.00 per occasion for a maximum of 12 occasions. MOTION CARRIED: MUSCATO BINGO INSPECTOR A motion was made by Councilman Arrigo and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to appoint Mrs. McGrath as Spanish Interpreter. MOTION CARRIED: MCGRATH INTERPRETER A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Pero to appoint Roseanne Paternostro as Part Time School Crossing Guard at the discretion of the Police Chief, as needed at a salary of $8.00 per occasion. MOTION CARRIED: PATERNOSTRO CROSSING GUARD A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to adopt a resolution that the Dog Control Officer should be under the direct Supervision of the Police Chief. ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Chiavetta aye Councilman Czyz aye Councilman Rosiek aye Councilman Arrigo aye Councilman Pero aye 5 ayes 0 nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED: DOG CONTROL OFFICER UNDER POLICE CHIEF A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to appoint Carl Militello as Dog Control Officer at a salary of $4,300.00 per year. Councilman Pero and Supervisor Chiavetta nay MOTION CARRIED: MILITELLO DOG CONTROL OFFICER A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Thea Ells as Registrar of Vital Statistics, and Gina DeMaria as Deputy Registrar. MOTION CARRIED. ELLS & DEMARIA REGISTRARS A motion was made by supervisor Chiavetta to appoint Marge Bates as Recreation Building Custodian at a rate of $7.25 an hour. MOTION CARRIED: BATES RECREATION BUILDING CUSTODIAN A motion made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to set the rental fee for the recreation building at $40.00 for the building with pavilion per occasion, and the gym with building is $20.00. The security/confirmation deposit is to remain $50.00 per occasion. Organizations need to supply a Certificate of Insurance and that no group or individual may rent the whole park, with rules & regulations remaining the same. Councilman Rosiek nay MOTION CARRIED: RECREATION BUILD. RENTAL FEE $40.00W/PAV, GYM $20.00, SEC. DEP/CONF.FEE $50.00 A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz and Arrigo to appoint Vincent Fininzio as Recreation Directors. Supervisor Chiavetta MOTION CARRIED.RECREATION DIRECTOR FININZIO A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to table the appointment of Parks Commissioner with no salary. MOTION CARRIED: PARK COMMISSIONER TABLED A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to set the rental fee for the grove areas at $25.00 per occasion; the security/confirmation deposit is $50.00 per occasion. Organizations need to supply a Certificate of Insurance and no group or individual may rent the whole park, with rules & regulations remaining the same. MOTION CARRIED: GROVE AREAS FEE?S & REG.S A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Arrigo to appoint Wayne Falk, Police Chief, to the Youth Outreach Program at a salary of $4,400.00 yearly. MOTION CARRIED: FALK YOUTH OUTREACH A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to appoint Ron Pfeiffer as Town Historian. Councilman Arrigo nay MOTION CARRIED: PFEFFER TOWN HISTORIAN A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz that Gary Brecker be appointed as Code Enforcement Officer at a salary of $6,520.00 per year. Councilman Arrigo nay MOTION CARRIED: BRECKER CODE OFFICER A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to appoint Zoning Board of Appeals Member Pat Gugino retroactive to 1/01/03 for a term to end on 12/31/07. MOTION CARRIED: GUGINO ZONING MEMBER TERM 1/1/03-12/31/07 A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to appoint Donald Clark as Zoning Board of Appeals Member for a term of five years. MOTION CARRIED: CLARK ZONING MEMBER TERM 1/1/04-12/31/08 A motion was made by Councilman Pero and seconded by Supervisor Chiavetta to appoint John Chiavetta as an alternate to the Zoning Board. MOTION CARRIED: J. CHIAVETTA ZONING ALTERNATE 1/1/04-12/31/04 A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta, and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to appoint Donald Clark as Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman. MOTION CARRIED: CLARK ZONING CHAIRMAN TERM 1/1/04-12/31/04 A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Pero to appoint Neil Wilson as Planning Board member retro active to 01/01/02 thru 12/31/08. MOTION CARRIED: N. WILSON PLANNING MEMBER TERM 01/01/02-12/31/08 A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Dennis Rubeck as Planning Board member for a seven-year term of 01/01/04 thru 12/31/10.Councilman Pero and Arrigo nay MOTION CARRIED: D.RUBECK PLANNING MEMBER TERM 01/01/04-12/31/10 A motion was made by Councilman Pero and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to appoint Samuel Lojacano as Planning Board member to fill the term ending on 12/31/04. Term (1/1/98-12/31/04) vacated by Brunelli. Councilman Rosiek and Czyz nay. MOTION CARRIED: S. LOJACANO PLANNING MEMBER TERM ENDING 12/31/04 A motion was made by Councilman Pero and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to table the appointment of Planning Board Chairman. Councilman Rosiek nay MOTION TABLED: NO PLANNING CHAIRMAN NAMED A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint Joyce Ellis as an alternate and Brenda Giacchino as an alternate to the Planning Board for a term of one year. MOTION CARRIED: ELLIS, GIACCHINO PLANNING ALTERNATES (1/1/04-12/31/04) A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Czyz to set salaries of the Planning Board Members and Zoning Board Members at $10.00 per meeting and Planning Board Chairman and Zoning Board Chairman at $15.00 per meeting. MOTION CARRIED: BOARDS SALARIES SET A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta seconded by Councilman Pero to appoint Annette Dispence as Clerk/Secretary of various boards at a salary of $8.10 per hour. Councilman Czyz nay MOTION CARRIED: DISPENCE BOARDS SECRETARY A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to table review of the various fees for permits. MOTION TABLED: TABLED TO REVIEW PERMIT FEES .A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz that a resolution be adopted to plow private roads for EMERGENCY USE only at the discretion of the Highway Superintendent. ROLL CALL VOTE: Supervisor Chiavetta aye Councilman Czyz aye Councilman Rosiek aye Councilman Arrigo aye Councilman Pero aye 5 ayes 0 nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED: PLOW PRIVATE EMERGENCY ONLY A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz to set salary for the Deputy Highway Superintendent, Bill Wesp at $16.35 per hour. MOTION CARRIED: WESP DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to set salary for the Highway worker, Marion Kijek at $15.74 per hour. MOTION CARRIED: KIJEK HIGHWAY A motion was made by and seconded by Councilman Arrigo to set rate of pay for laborers for Highway at $10.95 an hour. MOTIN CARRIED: HIGHWAY SALARIES SET A motion was made by Supervisor Chiavetta and seconded by Councilman Czyz that Willa Rosenblatt be appointed as Clerk to Highway Superintendent at a salary of $2,750.00 yearly. MOTION CARRIED: W. ROSENBLATT CLERK TO HIGHWAY SUPER. A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to adopt a resolution to sign Snow Removal Contract with the Village of Farnham. ROLL CALL VOTE: Councilman Rosiek aye Councilman Czyz aye Councilman Arrigo aye Councilwoman Pero aye Supervisor Chiavetta aye 5 ayes, 0 nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED: SIGN SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT VILLAGE A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to appoint the Brant and Farnham Volunteer Fire Chiefs and Clark Borngraber as Fire Wardens. MOTION CARRIED: FIRE WARDENS SET A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Rosiek to authorize Accountant and Auditing Committee to audit the Justice Court, Town Clerks and Water District records. MOTION CARRIED: ACCOUNTANT AUTORIZED Councilman Rosiek moved and Councilman Czyz seconded to accept Supervisor Chiavetta?s appointments as listed below for 2004 with first Councilman is the head of that committee. Deputy Supervisor tabled Auditing Committee Rosiek, Arrigo, Pero Insurance Committee Czyz, Arrigo Employee Benefits Rosiek, Pero Police Committee Chiavetta, Czyz Recreation/Community Building Rosiek, Arrigo Park Committee, grove & grounds Rosiek, Czyz Pool Chiavetta Refuse Committee Rosiek, Czyz Highway Committee Chiavetta, Pero Water Committee Chiavetta, Czyz Recreation Committee Chiavetta, Rosiek Regionalization Committee Rosiek, Chiavetta Street Light Committee Volunteer Fire Dept. Liaison Chiavetta TOWN BOARD LIAISON TO: Town Justice Court Czyz Assessor?s Office Arrigo Board of Assessment and Review Pero Town Clerk?s Office Arrigo Police Chief Chiavetta Dog Control Officer Pero Planning Board Czyz Master Plan Rosiek, Czyz Zoning Board of Appeals Pero Code Enforcement Officer Czyz Fire & Ambulance Contract Chiavetta Vol. Fire Dept. Chiavetta Erie County Government Chiavetta Telecommunications Pero, Rosiek Disaster Coordinator Committee Supervisor Chiavetta, Brant & Farnham Fire Chiefs, Police Chief, Highway Superintendent, Mike Walters Historical Society Arrigo Census Liaison Arrigo MOTION CARRIED: APPOINTMENTS SET Supervisor Chiavetta stated that the appointments tabled would be addressed at the regular meeting to be held on January 13, 2004. A motion was made by Councilman Rosiek and seconded by Councilman Czyz to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 P.M. MOTION CARRIED: MEETING ADJOURNED Respectfully Submitted, _______________________ Thea A. Ells, Town Clerk APPROVED BY: SUPERVISOR CHIAVETTA COUNCILMAN ROSIEK COUNCILMAN CZYZ COUNCILMAN ARRIGO COUNCILMAN PERO