BRANT FEST JUNE 24th, 2007 The Brant Town Board: Supervisor Leonard K. Pero, Councilman John D. Arrigo, Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier, Councilwoman Roseann Turner, Councilman John J. Chiavetta, at their June 12th Brant Board Meeting Unanimously Proclaimed the following: WHEREAS, The Brant Events and Beautification Committee has organized a town wide garage, lawn sale and Brant Fest June 24h, 2007 from 12pm to 8pm and WHEREAS, much effort and resources have been extended in planning and developing this event and WHEREAS, the goal of the committee is to increase participation and make local citizens aware of what our community has to offer NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the BRANT TOWN BOARD and SUPERVISOR wish to thank the Brant Events and Beautification Committee for their commitment to improve our community and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that local events such as this will result in increased participation and help make our community a better place to live and raise a family and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the participants in the Brant Fest 2007 Shall celebrate their success today and enjoy your day.