Minutes Organizational Meeting was held on Thursday January 4th, 2007 at 7:00 PM, 1294 Brant North Collins Road, Brant, New York at the Brant Town Hall. There were present: Supervisor Leonard K. Pero Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier Councilwoman Roseann Turner Councilman John J. Chiavetta Attorney William J. Trask Sr. Recording Secretary: Town Clerk Thea A. Ells Absent Councilman John D. Arrigo Also present were Highway Superintendent Joseph Giambrone, Judge Debra A. Ritz, Gina DeMaria , Michelle Browning, Christine Gierlinger, Joseph DeCarlo, Lee Brunelli, Charles Arrigo, Kirk Ritz, John Grennell, Diane Czyz, Tom Gerace Jr, Dave Gierlinger, Linda Crouse, Janet Bowman, Michael P. Green, Sherman E. Reickart, Jr Alice Escott, Joseph Gardyjan. Councilman John J. Chiavetta pledged his oath of office and signed the Oath Book. The meeting was opened at 7:30 PM with a pledge to the flag led by Supervisor Pero. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Pero. Supervisor Pero made a short announcement to the audience: Nothing at this meeting should be taken personally; this is about a Town Board meeting making decisions in the best interest of the Town for its residents. Verified Notice in Town Crier, published December 26, 2006: The Town of Brant Organizational Meeting will be held on Thursday January 4, 2007, at 7:00 (7:30)PM, at the Brant Town Hall, 1294 Brant North Collins Road, Brant, New York. By Order of The Brant Town Board and a posting of the meeting in Brant Town Hall, Brant Post Office, Farnham Post Office, Farnham Village Hall. Supervisor Pero moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier, A roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Supervisor Pero Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye ADOPTED: IN ALL MATTERS OF PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE, ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER SHALL PREVAIL, EXCEPT WHERE SUCH RULES ARE INCONSISTENT WITH ANY LOCAL RULE OR RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE CONDUCT OF TOWN BUSINESS. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR THE AGENDA OF REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS IN THE YEAR 2007 SHALL BE ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: 1.) Call to order by the Supervisor 2.) Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag 3.) Minutes of Last Meeting(s) Approved 4.) Reports from Department Heads 5.) Public Hearings (which usually start at 8 pm or as posted) 6.) Old Business 7.) New Business 8.) Reports of Committees 9.) Action on Committee reports 10.) Appointment of New Committees to fill vacancies 11.) Reports of the Town Board 12.) Correspondence & Communications Read --- only communications filed with the clerk prior to 12:00 PM (noon) of the day prior to a meeting shall receive consideration at the meeting and any filed later than required, may be considered only upon the unanimous consent of the board members present. 13.) Actions taken on Communications 14.) Miscellaneous 15.) Approval of Abstract 16.) Acknowledgement of Visitors & PRIVILEGE of the Floor (name should be stated for the record & A time limit may be imposed) 17.) Adjournment Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye ADOPTED: RULES OF CONDUCT FOR THE ORDER OF ROLL CALL SHALL BE THE FOLLOWING: THE BOARD MEMBER WHO MOVES THE RESOLUTION SHALL BE CALLED UPON FIRST TO VOTE. THE BOARD MEMBER WHO SECONDS THE RESOLUTION SHALL BE CALLED UPON SECOND TO VOTE. THE REMAINDER OF THE ROLL CALL SHALL BE AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CLERK. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: DESIGNATION OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER: TOWN CRIER AND AS NEEDED ALTERNATES THE HAMBURG SUN, DUNKIRK OBSERVER, AND BUFFALO NEWS FOR A ONE YEAR TERM Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: DESIGNATION OF MONTHLY MEETING SCHEDULE: 2ND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH AT 7:30 PM. To be held at the Town Hall unless otherwise notified in advance. January 9, 2007, February 13, 2007, March 13, 2007, April 10, 2007, May 8, 2007, June 12, 2007, July 10, 2007, August 14, 2007, September 11, 2007, October 9, 2007, November 13, 2007, December 11, 2007 Regular Monthly meetings may be omitted or dates changed where a conflict of such regular meeting exists with Holidays or other official business or call of the Supervisor. All other meetings shall be at the call of the Supervisor, the time and place to be announced by Supervisor and or notice of such meeting posted. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: WORK SESSION TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: THE THURSDAY BEFORE THE MONTHLY MEETING AT 7:30 PM: To be held at the Town Hall unless otherwise notified in advance. JANUARY 4, 2007 (ORG), FEBRUARY 8, 2007, MARCH 8, 2007, APRIL 5, 2007, MAY 3, 2007, JUNE 7, 2007, JULY 5, 2007, AUGUST 9, 2007, SEPTEMBER 6, 2007, OCTOBER 4, 2007, NOVEMBER 8, 2007, DECEMBER 6, 2007. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays RESOLVED TO HOLD TOWN FORUM GATHERINGS WITH ALL HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS ON THIRD SATURDAY EVERY FOUR MONTHS AT 1:00 PM TENTATIVELY: MARCH 17, JULY 21, NOVEMBER 17. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: DESIGNATION OF BANKS FOR DEPOSITORIES: EVANS NATIONAL, HSBC, and BANK OF USA, FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. AUTHORIZING DEPUTY SUPERVISOR TO DISPENSE FUNDS IN THE ABSENCE OF SUPERVISOR PERO, AND GIVE SUPERVISORS? SECRETARY AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER FUNDS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS BUT NOT AUTHORIZED TO DISPENSE ANY FUNDS Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: INVESTMENT POLICY AS FOLLOWS: The objectives of the investment policy of the Town of Brant are to minimize risk, to insure that investments mature when the cash is required to finance operations, and to insure a competitive rate of return. To keep In accordance with this policy, the Chief Fiscal Officer is hereby authorized to invest all funds, including proceeds of obligation and reserved funds in Certificates of Deposits issued by a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State. Repurchase agreements involving the purchase and sale of Direct Obligations of the United States; and Time Deposit accounts in a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State, and to participate in Municipal Cooperation Agreement Investment pools legally permissible under New York State statutes and NYS general municipal law articles 3-A and 5-G. COLLATERAL ? certificates of deposit shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or by obligations of New York State or obligations of The United States of America or obligations of Federal agencies in which the Principal and Interest of the Town?s investment are guaranteed by the United States of America or obligations of New York State local governments. Collateral shall be held by the seller bank?s trust department or it?s designate. The market value of collateral shall at all times equal or exceed the Principal amount of the certificate of deposit. Collateral shall be monitored no less frequently than quarterly. Investments in Time deposits, CD?s & Repurchase agreements are to be made with banks or trust companies, and At the time and when Independent Auditors conduct an Annual Audit of the accounts and financial affairs of the Town, the Independent Auditors shall audit the investments of the Town for compliance with the provisions of these investment guidelines. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: RESOLVED THAT ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS, ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS MUST CONSULT WITH THE SUPERVISOR PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE OF ANY ITEM OR GROUPS OF ITEMS COSTING $250.00 OR MORE. EXCEPTION: HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MUST CONSULT WITH THE SUPERVISOR PRIOR TO THE PURCHASE OF ITEM OR ITEMS OF $600.00 OR MORE. ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS ELECTED AND APPOINTED MUST ALSO CONSULT WITH THE SUPERVISOR BEFORE THE HIRING OF ANY EMPLOYEE OR OF ANY MAJOR REPAIR JOB OF THE TOWN. ALL DEPARTMENT HEADS MUST SIGN VOUCHERS FOR ALL PURCHASES AND THEN SUBMIT TO SUPERVISORS OFFICE FOR REVIEW, UPON REVIEW IT MUST BE APPROVED BY AUDITING COMMITTEE BEFORE PURCHASE WILL BE PAID. ALL PREPAID VOUCHERS MUST BE APPROVED BY SUPERVISOR. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: APPROVE BLANKET BOND FOR TOWN OFFICIALS. OFFICIAL UNDERTAKING Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: SUPERVISOR PERO BE & HEREBY IS PERMITTED TO SIGN HIS SIGNATURE BY Facsimile & or E-Mail. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: AUTHORIZE COMPUTER SEARCH CORPORATION TO ISSUE PAYROLL CHECKS FOR THE TOWN OF BRANT, NEW YORK UNDER A FACSIMILE AS HAS BEEN DESIGNATED AS LONG AS THEIR SERVICES ARE NEEDED BY THE TOWN, WITH ALL PAYROLL PAID BI-WEEKLY UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: DESIGNATION OF SALARIES FOR ELECTED TOWN OFFICIALS: SUPERVISOR @$ 14,000.00 /YR, COUNCILMEN (4) @$ 4,140.00 EACH /YR TOWN JUSTICES (2) @ $ 8,500.00 EACH/YR., TOWN CLERK@$ 24,000.00/YR, HIGHWAY SUPT. @$ 21,200.00/YR Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: PAY LEGAL AND PERMISSIBLE EXPENSES FOR TOWN OFFICIALS. DOCUMENTATION OF MILEAGE & RECEIPTS IS REQUIRED AND LIMITED BY BUDGETED AMOUNTS. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: MILEAGE RATE FOR TOWN OFFICIALS .40/MI. FOR THE USE OF THEIR CARS FOR OFFICIAL TOWN BUISNESS UPON PRESENTATION OF A MILEAGE LOG & VOUCHER TO THE TOWN. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye ADOPTED: THAT IT IS DESIRABLE TO ATTEND THE ASSOCIATION OF TOWN?S MEETING ON FEBRUARY 18-21 IN NEW YORK FOR TRAINING PURPOSES THAT TWO TOWN BOARD MEMBERS, EACH JUDGE, TOWN CLERK, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, TOWN CODE OFFICER AND TOWN ATTORNEY MAY ATTEND BY PERMISSION OF THE TOWN BOARD AND THAT EACH OFFICIAL ATTENDING WILL BE ALLOWED A MAXIMUM OF $1,000.00 FOR ALL EXPENSE INCURRED. REIMBURSED EXPENSE WILL INCLUDE; REGISTRATION, TRAVEL, ROOM AND MEALS ONLY, EVERYTHING ELSE IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ATTENDEE AND RECEIPTS AND VOUCHERS ARE REQUIRED FOR REIMBURSEMENT. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINT DELEGATES COUNCILMAN GIER AND ALTERNATE JUDGE GUGINO TO VOTE FOR THE TOWN OF BRANT AT THE ASSOCIATION OF TOWNS MEETING FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF COURT CLERKS PER RECOMMENDATION OF JUDGES TO JUSTICE COURT FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. JUDGE GUGINO CLERK / LINDA CROUSE @$10.37/ PER HR AND CLERK/ MICHELE BROWNING @ 10.37/PER HR FOR COURT NIGHTS WITH A CAP OF $17,017.00 PER YEAR. JUDGE RITZ CLERK / JULIE SAGER @$10.37/PER HR AND CLERK/ TRACY MATTESON @10.37 PER HR FOR COURT NIGHTS WITH A CAP OF $17,017.00 PER YEAR. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF TOWN PROSECUTOR JOHN GRENNELL FOR A ONE YEAR TERM: ANNUAL SALARY OF $5,000 Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF COURT STENOGRAPHERS OF MCCANN & MCCANN, FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @ $100.00 PER OCCASION ACKNOWLEDGE THE APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM J. TRASK SR. TOWN ATTORNEY AT AN ANNUAL SALARY $9,225.00. TERM ENDS DECEMBER 31, 2007 Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY TO SUPERVISOR/BOOKKEEPER MICHELE BROWNING PER RECOMMENDATION OF SUPERVISOR FOR A ONE YEAR: ANNUAL SALARY $16,830.00 Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: AUTHORIZATION FOR SUPERVISOR TO HIRE ACCOUNTANT TO DO SUPERVISORS ANNUAL REPORTS. ALSO TO PERMIT BOOKKEEPER, ACCOUNTANT AND SUPERVISOR TO MAKE MINOR CHANGES AT END OF YEAR AND SUPERVISOR TO NEGOTIATE BAN?S FOR 2007. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF TOWN ACCOUNTANT WITH AUDITING DUTIES INCLUDED R. A. GRYSKA & ASSOCIATES FOR A ONE YEAR TERM: ANNUAL CONTRACT $13,800.00 Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF BUDGET OFFICER SUPERVISOR PERO FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. ANNUAL SALARY $970.00 Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE SALARY OF JOE DECARLO, SOLE ASSESSOR, AND TERM ENDING SEPT. 30, 2007 ANNUAL SALARY $ 9,652.00 PER BOARD FREEZE Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 3 Ayes Pero, Gier, Chiavetta 1 Nays Turner ADOPTED: TO ABOLISH ASSESSORS ASSISTANT POSITION PER CIVIL SERVICE RECOMMENDATION AND TOWN BOARD MOTION. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY TO ASSESSOR?S OFFICE JANET BOWMAN FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @ $11.25 /PER HR. /CAP AT $11,000.00 YEAR Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following resolution, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF REVIEW MEMBER CLARK BORNGRABER FOR A TERM OF 10/1/06 TO 9/30/11 @ $75.00 ANNUALLY Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following resolution, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 ayes Pero, Gier, turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPT: APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF REVIEW ALTERNATES JAMMIE SOLECKI & VIRGINIA SCHILLING FOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR TERM Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF REVIEW MICHEL BROWNING FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @$ 9.18 PER HOUR. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CLERKS PER TOWN CLERKS RECOMMENDATION: GINA DE MARIA AND BARBARA DANIEL, FOR A ONE YEAR TERM EACH @ $10.05 PER HR WITH A CAP OF $15,000.00. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVAL FOR TOWN CLERK TO ATTEND TOWN CLERK & TAX COLLECTOR ASSOCIATION CONFERENCES AT MAXIMUM OF $600.00 EACH, OR ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE IN NEW YORK AT $1,000.00. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2, 500.00 IN THE EVENT A TOWN ENGINEER IS NEEDED. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE ELECTION INSPECTORS IF NEEDED AT $100.00 DAY $1O.00 FOR CHAIRMAN $15.00 FOR SCHOOL) FOR PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTION, AND FOR APPROVAL OF CONSOLIDATION OF DISTRICTS 2&3 AND 1&4 IF NEEDED FOR PRIMARY. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER, THEA ELLS, FOR A ONE YEAR TERM, ANNUAL SALARY $1,350.00 PER BOARD FREEZE Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 3 Ayes Pero, Turner, Chiavetta 1 Nays Gier ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF CONNIE D. MINER AS GRANT WRITER FOR A ONE YEAR TERM ANNUAL CONTRACT OF $7, 500.00 PER BOARD FREEZE Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF TOWN HALL CLEANER: GOLDIE DESAVIRO, & CUSTODIANS FOR COMMUNITY BLDG. /RECREATION BLDG. AND TOWN HALL AS NEEDED: MARGE AND JOHN BATES FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @$8.50 /PER HR/TOTAL CAP AT $6,000 Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF ALL TOWN BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS JOE GIAMBRONE, FOR A ONE YEAR TERM, ANNUAL SALARY $4,500.00 Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVAL OF FEES FOR COMMUNITY & RECREATION BUILDING RENTALS COMMUNITY BUILDING RENTAL FEE: $100.00 RECREATION BUILDING RENTAL FEE: $50.00 BUILDING ONLY RECREATION BUILDING W/ GYM: $20.00 ADDED TO ABOVE SECURITY DEPOSIT/CONFIRMATION DEPOS: $50.00 REFUNDABLE FEES AND SECURITY/CONFIRMATION ARE DOUBLED FOR NON RESIDENTS Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE TOWN CLERK TO APPROVE VARIOUS COMMUNITY GROUPS USE OF THE BUILDINGS FREE OF CHARGE WITH A SECURITY DEPOSIT CONFIRMATION AND AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO CONFLICTS WITH REGULAR RENTALS Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO N. E. S. T. SUPERVISOR PERO FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF AND APPROVE SALARY OF OFFICER IN CHARGE, DAVID HOCK FOR A ONE YEAR TERM AT ANNUAL SALARY $30,000.00. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF POLICE OFFICERS PER RECOMMENDATION OF OFFICER IN CHARGE. INVESTIGATOR -JOHN GIACCHINO, PATROLMEN: RONALD RACZKA, MIKE FELSCHOW, RICK LOPEZ, RAY ZABRON, RAY RE?BIASTRE, JASON MILLER, BRIAN KAZALA EACH @ $14.06/PER HR/ CAP AT $40,000.00 - COURT BAILIFF -SAMUEL PINTO@ $14.06 PER HR. /CAP AT $3,000.00 POLICE MATRON- AMY HAMM @ $18.00 PER OCCASION Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF BINGO INSPECTOR PHYLLIS MUSCATO FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @$25.00/ PER OCCASION PER BOARD FREEZE. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SPANISH INTERPRETER MADELINE MCGRATH FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @$18.00 PER OCCASION. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF DOG CONTROL OFFICER PER RECOMMENDATION OF OFFICER IN CHARGE, DONNA MARIEN FOR A ONE YEAR TERM AT ANNUAL SALARY $4,500 Acknowledgement of Thea A. Ells as Registrar of Vital Statistics, with Gina DeMaria as Deputy Registrar and Barbara Daniels as sub registrar for term to coincide with elective term. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF CLERK TO HIGHWAY SUPT. PER RECOMMENDATION OF HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT WILLA ROSENBLATT FOR A ONE YEAR TERM, ANNUAL SALARY $2,958.00 Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF RECREATION DIRECTOR VINCENT FININZIO JR. FOR A ONE YEAR TERM, ANNUAL SALARY $3,300 BASED ON 220 HOURS. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISOR PERO AS PARKS COMMISSIONER AT $500.00 ANNUAL SALARY Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner 1 Nays Chiavetta ADOPTED: APPROVAL OF LARGE SHELTER AND SMALL SHELTER FEE?S LARGE SHELTER IS $25.00 SMALL SHELTER IS $25.00 SECURITY DEPOSIT /CONFIRMATION IS $50.00 REFUNDABLE ALL FEES AND DEPOSITS DOUBLED FOR NON- RESIDENTS Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF TOWN HISTORIAN LEONARD K. PERO PER RECOMMENDATION OF TRUSTEE NINA FALTUS, PATTY FRIEND & TREASURER MARY MUSCATO FOR A ONE YEAR TERM Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Supervisor Pero 3 Ayes Pero, Turner, Chiavetta 1 Nays Gier ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF AND APPROVE SALARY OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/ BUILDING INSPECTOR GARY BRECKER FOR A ONE YEAR TERM AT ANNUAL SALARY $6,500. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEMBER CHERYL CALDWELL FOR A NEW TERM TO END ON 12/31/11 Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ALTERNATE MEMBER LEE BRUNELLI FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIRMAN CLARK BORNGRABER FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF A PLANNING BOARD MEMBER JOYCE ELLIS FOR A NEW TERM ENDING 12-31-13. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Supervisor Pero 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPT: APPOINTMENT OF A PLANNING BOARD MEMBER TOM GERACE JR. TO SERVE THE REMAINING TERM ENDING DEC. 2010 OF DENNIS RUBECK (clerk verified resignation rec?d) Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE PLANNING BOARD MEMBER JAMEY SOLECKI FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF AN ALTERNATE PLANNING BOARD MEMBER PATRICIA BRADY FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING BOARD CHAIRMAN JOSEPH GARDYJAN FOR A ONE YEAR TERM. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: COMPENSATION FOR PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS. $10. /MTG.$15./CHR. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AND PLANNING BOARD JOYC ELLIS WITH AN ALTERNATE BARBARA DANIEL FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @ $9.18 PER HOUR. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye RESOLVED TO PLOW PRIVATE ROADS FOR EMERGENCY USE AND OR BY ORDER OF THE FIRE CHIEF, OFFICER IN CHARGE, HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT, OR TOWN SUPERVISOR. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT BILL WESP FOR A ONE YEAR TERM@$17.36 PER HR Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF HIGHWAY DRIVER/WORKER MARION KIJEK FOR A ONE YEAR TERM@$16.74/PER HR Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF PART TIME HIGHWAY DRIVER/LABORERS, MARK REYNOLDS, GEORGE CORDIA, CHARLES ARRIGO, AND BILL GIAMBRONE AS NEEDED FOR A ONE YEAR TERM @$10.81 PER HR Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta a roll call vote was taken: 4 Ayes 0 Nays Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilman Gier Voting Aye Supervisor Pero Voting Aye RESOLVED TO SIGN SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT WITH THE VILLAGE OF FARNHAM Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Supervisor Pero 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPOINTMENT OF CLARK BORNGRABER AND BRANT & FARNHAM VOL. FIRE CHIEFS AS FIRE WARDENS. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY/ BOOKEEPER. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY/BOOKEPER. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY/BOOKEPER. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR LOTUS BAY SEWER DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY/BOOKEEPER. Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Gier 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR BRANT FARNHAM SEWER DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY/BOOKEEPER. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: ELIMINATE APPOINTMENT OF BOOKKEEPER FOR BRANT WATER DISTRICT & ADD DUTIES TO SUPERVISOR SECETARY. Councilman Gier moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: AUTHORIZE TOWN ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITING COMMITTEE TO AUDIT ALL FINANCIAL RECORDS OF THE TOWN. Councilwoman Turner moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 Nays ADOPTED: APPROVE THE FOLLOWING LIST OF 12 HOLIDAYS THE TOWN SHALL OBSERVE in 2007: NEW YEARS DAY (Monday, January 1) MARTIN L. KING DAY: (Monday, January 15) PRESIDENTS DAY :( Monday, February 19) GOOD FRIDAY: (Friday April 6) MEMORIAL DAY: (Monday, May 28) INDEPENDENCE DAY: (Wednesday, July 4) LABOR DAY: (Monday September 3); COLUMBUS DAY: (Monday, October 8) VETERANS DAY: (Monday, November 12) THANKSGIVING: (Thursday, November 22) CHRISTMAS EVE: (Monday, December 24) CHRISTMAS DAY: (Tuesday December 25) NEW YEARS DAY (Tuesday January 1, 2008) SUPERVISORS? TOWN BOARD COMMITTEE AND LIAISON APPOINTMENTS ACKNOWLEDGED: First name is Chair of Committee: Deputy Supervisor: Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier Auditing Committee: Chiavetta, Turner Insurance Committee: Arrigo, Chiavetta Employee Benefits: Gier, Arrigo Police Committee: Pero, Gier Rec./ Comm. Building: Chiavetta, Pero, Turner Recreation Committee: Turner, Chiavetta Grove Areas & Grounds: Pero, Chiavetta Park Playground: Turner, Gier Pool: Arrigo, Turner Refuse Committee: Gier, Arrigo Highway Committee: Pero, Gier Water Committee: Arrigo, Chiavetta Street Light Committee: Turner, Arrigo Fire & Ambulance Contract: Gier, Turner Telecommunications & Utilities: Chiavetta, Arrigo Erie County Government: Pero, Gier Conservation Committee: Pero, Gardyjan Disaster Coordinator Committee: OIC Hock, Dave Pero, Ellsworth Nolan, Joseph Giambrone, Lenny Pero Regionalization Committee: Pero, Turner Town Board Liaison To: Town Justice Court John Arrigo Assessor's Office John Chiavetta Board of Assessment & Review Roseann Turner Town Clerk's Office John Chiavetta Police Chief Jeffrey Gier Dog Control Officer Roseann Turner Recreation Leonard Pero Planning Board John Arrigo Master Plan John Chiavetta Zoning Board of Appeals Roseann Turner Code Enforcement Officer Jeffrey Gier Highway Department Jeffery Gier Vol. Fire Dept. John Arrigo Census Jeffrey Gier Brant Farnham Seniors Leonard Pero Village of Farnham Leonard Pero Committee Appointments: Board Of Ethics Frank Gugino, Tom Gerace Jr. , Brenda Giacchino Brant Revitalization Committee Leonard Pero, John Chiavetta, Joseph Gardyjan Ombudsman Committee Recreation Parent Advisory Joe DeMaria, Maria Inglut, Kristie Giambrone Playground Equipment Committee Gina DeMaria, Vincent Fininzio Jr., Leonard Pero Concert in the Parks Committee Gina DeMaria, Thea Ells Energy Committee Bill Henry, Joe Zolnowski Beatification and Event Committee Marcy Muffoletto, Patty Friend, Roseanne Morgano AG Committee David Taylor, Carmen Vacco, Peter Gugino Brant Farnham Seniors Committee Janet Bowman, Gerry Depovelo Brant Farnham Economic Dev. Comm. Terry Caber, John Chiavetta, Tony Krtanjek, Leonard Pero Acquisition & Development Comm. Thea Ells, Leonard Pero, Jeffrey Gier Wide Beach Liaison: Pat Purpera Lotus Bay Colony: Tish Brady Seneca Nation Liaison: Cochise Redeye Councilman Chiavetta moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilwoman Turner 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 nays ADOPTED: TO APPROVE THE 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL AGENDA AS READ AND AMENDED Various members and officials came forward and pledged their oath to perform their duties accordingly for the position to which they were appointed, and signed the oath book. Supervisor Pero acknowledged Erie County Legislature Bob Reynolds who was in attendance for the meeting. Bob gave those in attendance a short update on happenings in Erie County mentioning Libraries, 4-H, Parks and he is conferring with OIC Dave Hock on updating equipment in the Police Department. Supervisor Pero moved for the adoption of the following RESOLUTION, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta 4 Ayes Pero, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta 0 nays ADOPTED: ADJOURN THE JANURY 5TH, 2007 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE BRANT TOWN BOARD AT 8:30 PM IN MEMORY OF CHARLES WASMUND. CHARLES PASSED AWAY ON DECEMBER 8TH, 2006. HE WAS A FORMER VILLAGE JUSTICE, VOLUNTEER FIREMAN, AND WAR VETERAN, CHARLES WAS A RESPECTED MEMBER OF OUR COMMUNITY, HE WILL BE SORELY MISSED. Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells Brant Town ClerK