Record of the Work Shop Meeting for the purpose of review of the 2007 Preliminary Budget held on Monday November 13, 2006 @ 7:00 PM with at the Brant Town Hall. ATTENDANCE: Deputy Supervisor John D. Arrigo Town Clerk Thea A. Ells Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier Councilman John Chiavetta Councilwoman Roseann Turner Absent: Supervisor Leonard Pero ALSO ATTENDED BY: Kirk Ritz Lee Brunelli Linda Crouse Dave & Christine Gierlinger Accountant, Dick Gryska Janet Bowman Clark Borngraber Judge Debra Ritz Donna Marien Thea A. Ells verifies that this meeting was posted in the Brant Town Hall, Brant Post Office, and Crier was notified: The meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor John Arrigo. Pledge to the Flag 1.) Preliminary Budget On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: JUDGES CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES A1110.4 &A1110.41 is approved at $5,000.00 each ? a $500.00 (increase from 2006 Budget On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, with no second to increase Judges personal services A1110.1 & A1110.11 by $500.00. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Arrigo the following motion was Ayes 2 Arrigo, Gier, Nays 2 Turner, Chiavetta DEFEATED: JUDGES PERSONAL SERVICES A1110.1 & A1110.11 INCREASE by $750.00. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following motion was Ayes 3 Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 1 Arrigo ADOPTED: JUDGES PERSONAL SERVICES A1110.1 & A1110.11 INCREASE OF $500.00. EACH FROM 2006 BUDGET On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 2 Gier, Turner, Nays 2 Arrigo, Chiavetta DEFEATED: COURT CLERKS PERSONAL SERVICES A1110.11 &A1110.12 INCREASE HOURLY RATE BY 3% (INCREASE FROM 2005 RATE) On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 3 Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 1 Arrigo ADOPTED: COURT CLERKS PERSONAL SERVICES A1110.11 & A1110.12 INCREASE HOURLY RATE BY 2% (INCREASE FROM 2005 RATE) On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Arrigo the following motion was Ayes 2 Gier, Arrigo Nays 2 Turner, Chiavetta DEFEATED: SUPERVISORS CONTRACTUAL A1220.4 REDUCE TO $3,000.00 (REMAINS SAME AS 2006 BUDGET) On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: A1320.4 AUDIT INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTING REDUCE TO $13,800.00 FROM 2005 AMOUNT No motions made but acknowledged that A1220.2 AT 1,500., increase of 1,000., from 2006, A1355.4 at $2,000.00 - 500., reduction from 2006, A1410.4 AT $4,100. 00 - same as 2006 contractual amounts and A1620.4 AT $20,000.00 ? increase of 4,000., from 2006 would remain the same. On a motion from Councilman Arrigo, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: A1630.4 COMMUNITY/ RECREATION BLDG. CONTRACTUAL REDUCE BY $500.00 FOR THE AMOUNT OF $10,500.00, (increase of $3,500. from 2006 Budget) On a motion from Councilman Arrigo, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: A1355.1 ASSESSORS- PERSONAL SERVICES TO CUT THE ASSESSORS ASSISTANT JOB AND REDUCE THE AMOUNT BY $4,600.00 OF THE 2005 AMOUNT On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO INCREASE THE CLEANERS/MAINTENANCE PAY FROM $7.50 PER HOUR TO $8.50 PER HOUR On a motion from Councilwoman Turner, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: A7020.1 RECREATIONAL PERSONAL SERVICES SET AT THE AMOUNT OF $27,000.00 (Increase of $500.00 from 2006 budget amount) On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: A7180.1 POOL PERSONAL SERVICES SET AT THE AMOUNT OF $15,000.00 (Increase of $4,500.00 from 2006 Budget amount) On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO RESCIND THE PREVIOUS MOTION CONCERNING A1110.11 & A1110.12 COURT CLERKS 2% PAY INCREASE. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following motion was Ayes 3 Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 1 Arrigo ADOPTED: TWO (2) PERCENT INCREASE ON THE HOURLY RATE BASED ON 2005 RATE AND OR SALARY ACCORDINGLY OF THE FOLLOWING CLERKS AND PATROLMEN IN THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS: A1110.11 & A1110.12, A1220.11, A1355.11, A1410.11, A3120.11 & A3120.12, and A5010.11 The workshop was adjourned at 9:00 PM on a motion from Councilman Gier and seconded by Councilman Chiavetta. 4 ayes 0 nays Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells Brant Town Clerk