TOWN OF BRANT PLANNING BOARD REPORT For meeting held TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2005 1294 Brant-North Collins Road Brant, New York 14027 Planning Board Meeting Joseph Gardyjan, Chairman IN ATTENDANCE: Joseph Gardyjan Phillip Pericak Joyce Ellis Brenda Giacchino (arrived late-No quorum) ALSO ATTENDED BY: Marty Rosiek (resident) Michael Daniel (Michael Daniel Used Cars) The Planning Board met at the Town Hall to conduct their monthly meeting on June 27, 2006. Due to lack of quorum, the planning board conducted a work session to discuss the proposed new laws regarding various old business. The work session began at 7:05 PM. 1. OLD BUSINESS. The various topics discussed were: a. Junkyard law (discussed various options to consider) b. Billboards (the board discussed the current law) Resident Marty Rosiek voiced concern about protecting agricultural use of signs. c. Noise control d. Motor driven off-road vehicles No decisions or motions were made due to lack of quorum. Code Officer Gary Brecker suggested that the Board work on one law creation at a time. Respectfully submitted by, Barbara Daniel Planning Board Secretary