Record of the Work Shop Meeting for the purpose of review of the 2007 tentative budget held on Thursday October 12, 2006 @ 7:00 PM with at the Brant Town Hall. ATTENDANCE: Deputy Supervisor John D. Arrigo Town Clerk Thea A. Ells Councilman Jeffrey W. Gier Accountant, Dick Gryska Councilman John Chiavetta Councilwoman Roseann Turner Absent : Supervisor Leonard Pero Judge P. Gugino & Geri Thea A. Ells verifies that this meeting was posted in the Brant Town Hall, Brant Post Office, and advertised in the Crier: the posting informed the public of the intent of the board to do business at this workshop. The meeting was called to order by Deputy Supervisor John Arrigo. Pledge to the Flag 1.) Memorial Park Project Deputy Supervisor Arrigo read a memo from Erie County stating that the bids received were approved. On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO ACCEPT THE BID FROM CLARK ELECTRIC FOR THE CDBG MEMORIAL PARK PROJECT ($1,000.00) Labor only On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO AWARD THE BID FROM AHRENS & WELLS FOR THE CDBG MEMORIAL PARK PROJECT ($8,640.00) Labor only On a motion from Councilman Gier, seconded by Councilman Chiavetta the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO TABLE AWARDING THE BID FOR THE CLOCK AT THE CDBG MEMORIAL PARK PROJECT ($18,955.00) 2.) Refuse Contract Arrigo reported that they need to look at alternatives in the bid spec?s for the refuse contract as there is an anticipated increase for next year. 4. Park Projects On a motion from Councilman Chiavetta, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO ACCEPT AND AWARD THE JOB OF PUTTING A CONCRETE PAD UNDER THE LARGE UPPER PAVILION AT THE TOWN PARK FOR $3,500.00 WITH FUNDS TAKEN FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT On a motion from Councilman Chiavetta, seconded by Councilman Gier the following motion was Ayes 4 Arrigo, Gier, Turner, Chiavetta Nays 0 ADOPTED: TO AWARD THE SHINGLING OF THE TWO GROVE PAVILIONS TO JC CONSTRUCTION FOR AN AMOUNT UNDER $3,250.00 WITH FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT On a motion from Councilman Chiavetta, seconded by Councilwoman Turner the following RESOLUTION 101206-#28 was 4 AYES- 0 NAYS: Councilman Chiavetta Voting Aye Councilwoman Turner Voting Aye Councilman Jeffrey Gier Voting Aye Councilman Arrigo Voting Aye ADOPTED: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Brant fully supports inter-municipal initiatives to enhance area-wide environmental protection, economic prosperity and community well being; and WHEREAS, the communities in Southwestern Erie County realize the need to create a plan to promote the various resources and assets in the area; and WHEREAS, the Towns of Brant, Evans, Eden and North Collins as well as the villages of Angola, North Collins and Farnham have come together to form the South towns Community Enhancement Coalition; and WHEREAS, the seven communities have expressed a willingness to promote tourism to enhance the environment, economic prosperity and community well being or these municipalities; and WHEREAS, the South towns Community Enhancement Coalition is in the process of completing a South towns Tourism Development Plan, which includes a inventory of their collective assets for tourism development and a tourism strategy to promote tourism assets, economic prosperity and sustainable community growth; and WHEREAS, the seven communities have reached a critical juncture in this project and desire to formalize their relationship by incorporation and application to the IRS for tax exemption status under section 501C-3; and WHEREAS, incorporation and registration as not-for-profit entity will allow the South towns Community Enhancement Coalition to advance inter-municipal, public, Private and not-for-profit partnerships, which will support the implementation of the South towns Tourism Development plan; NOW, BE IT RESOLVED: that John D. Arrigo, Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Brant is hereby authorized and directed to support an application filed by the Town of Evans on our behalf to the 2006-07 New York State Department of State ? Shared Municipal service Incentive Grant Program to obtain financial assistance not to exceed $30,000 (local Cash match of $3,000), to develop the South towns Community Enhancement Coalition Incorporation- an organization responsible for planning and implementation of strategies which will enhance the environment, economic prosperity and community well being of the Town of Evans and upon the approval of said grant request, will enter into an agreement with new York State as well as the collaborating communities to begin the process of incorporating the South towns Community Enhancement Coalition; and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Town Board endorses the commitment of the communities identified in this resolution to continue to meet on a regular basis for the purpose of discussing other ways that we can work together for the betterment of our shared region. 1.) Review of the Tentative Budget Board members reviewed items on the budget and worked from a worksheet of the past 5 years to compare increases and expenses. The board conferred with Judge Gugino, Chief Hock, and Thea Ells. The workshop was adjourned at 8:30 PM and another workshop was called for Wednesday October 18th a 7:00 PM on a motion from Councilman Gier and seconded by Councilman Chiavetta. 4 ayes 0 nays Respectfully submitted, Thea A. Ells Brant Town Clerk