This Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday December 17, 2024, at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 7:00 PM.
Mark DeCarlo Town Supervisor
Tish Brady Councilwoman
Linda Giancarlo Councilwoman
Donna Marien Councilwoman
Bill Trask Town Attorney
Barbara Daniel Recording Secretary
Michael Muffoletto Councilman
Thomas Bowman Resident
Brian Rott Resident
Tracy Kaczmarek Supervisor’s Secretary
Chad Kaczmarek Town Justice
Mark Slawek Chief of Police
Debra Ritz Planning Board Chair
The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
APPROVE MINUTES of the NOVEMBER 12TH TOWN BOARD MEETING: Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the minutes and was seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
SUPERVISOR’S OCTOBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORT: Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to approve the Supervisor’s November Financial Report, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR’S NOVEMBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORT: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the Town Clerk’s Financial Report, seconded by Councilwoman Brady. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
COURT CLERK’S OCTOBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR KACZMAREK & GIER REGULAR AND BAIL ACCOUNTS: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve both Bail and Regular Financial accounts for Justice Kaczmarek’s & Justice Gier for November 2024, seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
POLICE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2024: The Police Report for November 2024 was read by Police Chief Mark Slawek. They used 494.9 gallons of gas and traveled 6,931 miles. Chief Slawek reported several car break ins in Town, mainly in Farnham. He reminded residents to keep vehicles locked and keys removed as insurance companies are starting to deny claims if vehicles are unlocked and keys are in the vehicles. He also thanked Highway Superintendent Ellsworth Nolan and the highway department & Buildings & Grounds Allen Nolan for the snow clean up and plowing. Also thanked Supervisor DeCarlo for the constant communication and updates during the snow storm. Councilwoman Giancarlo asked to clarify the list of essential workers and vehicles that can be out on the road during this travel bans. Chief Slawek also mentioned the resignation for Officer Tom Kurdziel. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to accept his resignation, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. Supervisor DeCarlo made a motion to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
PLANNING BOARD REPORT: Chairperson Debra Ritz approached the board with concerns she has with the process of special use permits. She requested a more formal notification, if she is unable to attend a meeting, that the planning board gets notified that the Town Board has referred the applications to the Planning Board for review. She discussed the progress of the 3 special use permits that have been submitted and the next steps that need to be taken. These was an issue with the application for the 165 Lotus Point Road application. She asked CPL to get involved. She believes the special use permit application was not complete for Mr. Bowman and he requested a blanket special use permit which she advised him that he could not. As regards to Mr. Vacco, the Town Board needs to declare lead agency so she is at a standstill until that happens. Councilwoman suggested getting some type of stamp they can use so Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motion to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
ZONING BOARD REPORT: TABLED. The Sterns application for variance will happen on December 30th.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS REPORT: No report presented
FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: No report presented.
BRANT FARNHAM SENIORS: The December 2024 report by Secretary Lynda Ostrowski was read by Councilwoman Brady. Election of officers was taken. No other nominations from the floor. Installation will take place during the Christmas lunch on December 8th. Councilwoman Giancarlo made a motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
CODE ENFORCEMENT REPORT: Code Enforcement report was read by Supervisor DeCarlo. Permit for a generator for 1325 Milestrip & 10752 Southwestern. Garage permit for 10580 Lakeshore Road and permit for 10 Wide Beach to alter the dwelling. 1 appearance ticket and 2 violations were sent out. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to take no action, seconded by Councilwoman Brady. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
PROPOSED LOCAL LAW 3-2024, EXTENDING MORATORIUM ON COMMERICAL SOLAR FACILITIES Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to pass the proposed local law #3, He then read the local law #3:
“Impose a temporary moratorium on the issuance of applications and the granting of permits, licenses or approvals for the Siting of Solar Energy Systems in the Town of Brant in order to allow for the adoption of appropriate regulations pertaining to such land uses”
Seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo.
4 ayes, 0 nays.
Roll call was taken:
Supervisor DeCarlo Aye
Councilwoman Giancarlo Aye
Councilwoman Marien Aye
Councilwoman Brady Aye
SET DATE FOR 2025 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Supervisor DeCarlo set the date for January 7th at 6:30pm for the 2025 Organizational Meeting followed by the Monthly Town Board Meeting. Councilwoman Giancarlo motioned to set the date. Seconded by Supervisor DeCarlo. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
RESOLUTION: SEQRA NOTICE OF INTENT TO SERVE AS LEAD AGENCY FOR 1132 BRANT-FARNHAM ROAD SPECIAL USE PERMIT Supervisor DeCarlo made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. He then read the resolution adopted by the Town Board:
WHEREAS, the Board has received a special use permit application for Jay Vacco Enterprises, LLC for the former Ben Weitsman of Brant property at 1132 Brant Farnham Road, for the purposes of continuing similar operations that have historically occurred at the site; and
WHEREAS, operations would consist of scrap metal collection, sorting, and transport to other processing locations; and
WHEREAS, the special use permit application also includes a site plan review; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of 6 NYCRR Part 617 (SEQRA), the Board intends to serve as Lead Agency for SEQRA review of this application and had deemed it an Unlisted Action upon review of the 6 NYCRR Part 617; and
WHEREAS, as the Lead Agency, the Board will determine if the proposed action will have a significant effect on the environment; and
WHEREAS, the Lead Agency will undertake a coordinated review of this proposed action.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby designates its intention to serve as Lead Agency for the proposed action and will circulate Lead Agency Notice along with Part 1 of the Long Form Environmental Assessment Form and any other supporting documentation to all Involved Agencies. These agencies shall be given 20 days from the mailing of the Lead Agency Notice to consent. Interested Agencies will be given notice, but not required to consent pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617.6.
Roll call was taken:
Supervisor DeCarlo Aye
Councilwoman Marien Aye
Councilwoman Giancarlo Aye
Councilwoman Brady Aye
Supervisor DeCarlo: Thanked Brant’s Morley Road Tree Farm for the donation and planting of the new evergreen at the Town Hall.
Linda Giancarlo: Councilwoman Giancarlo spoke on the Christmas Tree Lighting festivities. She said it was wonderful. The first Tractor parade with 16 participants and mentioned Terry Buchwald on his great performance. She mentioned that He sent her a very nice thank you text. The entire board agreed that it was a very nice gathering and a great time had by the community.
Supervisor DeCarlo stated that the second December sales tax remittance is in. The current transfer is .76% greater than the corresponding 2023 amount. Year-to-date transfers are running 0.4% below last year at this time.
APPROVAL OF ABSTRACT 12 read by Supervisor DeCarlo
ABSTRACT 12 of 2024
*Prepaid and unpaid as of 12/17/24 Total Claims $ 229,910.74
Gen Fund Town wide Vouchers Totaling: $ 57,166.56
Gen Fund – Part Town Voucher Totaling: $ 28,589.15
Highway T.W. Vouchers Totaling: $ 3,418.57
Highway P.T. Vouchers, Totaling: $ 464.90
Fire Contract Vouchers Totaling $ 133,795.50
Street Lighting: Voucher Totaling: $ 3,056.06
Brant Water Dist. 1 (SS2&SW): – Totaling $ 3,420.00
PAYROLL (2 pay periods):
General Town Wide Payroll 10/20/24-11/16/24 – Totaling $ 57,401.32
General Part Town Payroll 10/20/24-11/16/24 Totaling: $ 1,242.10
Highway Payroll TW 10/20/24-11/16/24 Totaling: $ 9,023.76
Highway Payroll PT 10/20/24-11/16/24 Totaling: $ -
Supervisor DeCarlo made the motion to approve the abstract. Seconded by Councilwoman Giancarlo. Roll call was taken.
Supervisor DeCarlo Aye
Councilwoman Giancarlo Aye
Councilman Marien Aye
Councilwoman Brady Aye
4 Ayes, 0 nays
Motion approved.
Councilwoman Marien mentioned street light flickering near the town hall. A ticket was called in, Chief Slawek will follow up.
Supervisor DeCarlo mentioned the 2 applicants for the cleaner position, the background checks were approved and Councilwoman Brady stated that her and Allen plan on meeting with them and go through the process and expectations for the cleaning position for the building. Approval of hire will take place at the next Town Board Meeting on January 7th.
At 7:32 pm, Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to close the adjourn the meeting in memory of Gordon Lee Brumagin and Clair Hosler. Seconded by Councilwoman Brady. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kristen Podkulski
Brant Deputy Town Clerk