This Regular Meeting of the Brant Town Board was held on Tuesday November 12, 2024, at the Brant Town Hall, located at 1272 Brant North Collins Rd, Brant, New York at 7:00 PM.
Mark DeCarlo Town Supervisor
Tish Brady Councilwoman
Michael Muffoletto Councilman
Donna Marien Councilwoman
Bill Trask Town Attorney
Barbara Daniel Recording Secretary
Linda Giancarlo Councilwoman
Thomas Bowman Resident
Brian Rott Resident
Tracy Kaczmarek Supervisor’s Secretary
Frank Broughton ZBA Chairman
Ellsworth Nolan Highway Superintendent
Patty Friend Town Historian
Chad Kaczmarek Town Justice
Peter Nelligan LS Storm Softball
The meeting opened at 7:05 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
APPROVE MINUTES of the October 8th, 23rd, 30th & November 6th 2024: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the minutes and was seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
SUPERVISOR’S SEPTEMBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORT: Councilwoman Brady motioned to approve the Supervisor’s September Financial Report, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
TOWN CLERK/TAX COLLECTOR’S SEPTEMBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORT: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the Town Clerk’s Financial Report, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
COURT CLERK’S SEPTEMBER 2024 FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR KACZMAREK & GIER REGULAR AND BAIL ACCOUNTS: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve both Bail and Regular Financial accounts for Justice Kaczmarek’s & Justice Gier for September 2024, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
POLICE REPORT FOR OCTOBER 2024: The Police Report for October 2024 was read by Supervisor DeCarlo. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Brady. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORTS: Highway Report was presented by Highway Superintendent Ellsworth Nolan. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED. Supervisor DeCarlo explained that money was being put aside in the budget for new plow truck for next year and requested Ellsworth to get a few quotes for the new truck. Councilwoman Marien thanked the Highway Dept. for help with the cleaning of the gym at the Town Hall.
TOWN CLERK’S OCTOBER 2024 ACTIVITY REPORT TO THE BOARD: The Town Clerk’s activity report for October was presented. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Brady. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
ZONING BOARD REPORT: Zoning Board chairman Frank Broughton presented his report. He advised the board of case #2024-4 Braxton. Planning board is getting well trained and explained that the code needs to be worked on and fixed which they are working on. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS REPORT: No report presented
TOWN HISTORIAN REPORTS: Report from October & November report was read by Patty Friend, town historian. She attended the Veterans Day Ceremony and said it was very nice. She was contacted by Kim Peck from Senator Gallivan’s office who was looking for information on some Farnham Businesses. She’s not sure what the plan is but she gave her a list of active business in Farnham. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as read, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: No report presented.
BRANT FARNHAM SENIORS: The November 2024 report by Secretary Lynda Ostrowski was read by Councilwoman Brady. Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to approve the report as presented, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
3 COLOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT BRANT ANGOLA ROAD & BRANT RESERVATION ROAD: Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to take no action, seconded by Councilwoman Marien.
4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
Tish Brady: Councilwoman Brady commended the Highway Department and Buildings & Grounds department for working together and getting the gym cleaned out. She also attended the Veterans Day Celebration and mentioned what a great day it was.
Donna Marien: Mentioned the Trunk or Treat being a great success and thanked everyone who attended.
Michael Muffoletto: Questioned the progress of the scrap yard special use permit that is in process. Attorney Trask brought everyone up to date on the progress of the special use permit.
Resident & ZBA Chairperson, Frank Broughton, brought up election day and how smooth and well it went.
Resident, Thomas Bowman, spoke about his special use permit and he wants the permit to be in his name as the property owner. Attorney Trask advised him that the operator of the business needs to apply for the special use permit. That special use permits are not transferrable if the business is to move out and a new business comes in. That new business needs to then again apply for a new special use permit. Councilwoman Brady would like to see the application and address any confusion that might need some explanation.
PUBLIC HEARING: At 7:30 PM, the Supervisor DeCarlo requested that the legal notice be read. Town Clerk then read the Legal Notice:
Pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Brant, New York, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Brant Town Board in the Brant Town Hall, 1272 Brant-North Collins Road, Brant, New York on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, 2024 at 7:30 P.M. Local Time, for the purpose of considering Proposed Local Law No. 3-2024 which, if approved, would “impose a temporary moratorium on the issuance of applications and the granting of permits, licenses or approvals for the Siting of Solar Energy Systems in the Town of Brant in order to allow for the adoption of appropriate regulations pertaining to such land uses”
Copies of the proposed local law are available for review in the office of the Town Clerk. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Dated: November 4, 2024
By order of the Brant Town Board
Barbara Daniel
Brant Town Clerk
Motion was then made by Supervisor DeCarlo to open the public hearing, seconded by Councilman Muffoletto. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED
Supervisor DeCarlo asked the public if there were any questions about the extension of the moratorium. Resident Frank Broughton stated that he read it and approved. Supervisor DeCarlo them made a motion to close the public hearing, seconded by Councilwoman Marien. 4 ayes, 0 nays. MOTION CARRIED.
No action will be taken until the December Town Board Meeting.
Supervisor DeCarlo stated that the first November sales tax remittance is in. The current transfer is 2.0% greater that the corresponding 2023 amount. Year-to-date transfers are running 0.01% below last year at this time.
APPROVAL OF ABSTRACT 11 read by Supervisor DeCarlo at 7:34pm
ABSTRACT 11 of 2024
*Prepaid and unpaid as of 11/12/24 Total Claims $ 56,707.70
Gen Fund Town wide Vouchers Totaling: $ 17,490.70
Gen Fund – Part Town Voucher Totaling: $ 17,096.63
Highway T.W. Vouchers Totaling: $ 19,337.84
Highway P.T. Vouchers, Totaling: $ 17.98
Street Lighting: Voucher Totaling: $ 2,764.55
Brant Water Dist 1 (SS2&SW): – Totaling $ -
PAYROLL (2 pay periods):
General Town Wide Payroll 9/22/24-10/19/24 – Totaling $ 57,538.26
General Part Town Payroll 9/22/24-10/19/24 Totaling: $ 1,242.10
Highway Payroll TW 9/22/24-10/19/24 Totaling: $ 9,054.44
Highway Payroll PT 9/22/24-10/19/24 Totaling: $ -
Supervisor DeCarlo made the motion to approve the abstract. Seconded by Councilwoman Brady. Roll call was taken.
Supervisor DeCarlo Aye
Councilwoman Brady Aye
Councilman Muffoletto Aye
Councilwoman Marien Aye
4 Ayes, 0 nays
Motion approved.
-Tree lighting ceremony will be held on November 30th 2024 with Terry Buchwald and Tractor parade at 6:30pm.
-The next regular Town Board meeting to be held December 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
ZBA Chairperson Frank Broughton brought up the proper policy with following special use permits and our code. Stated that cases cannot keep getting extended per the code. He stated that he spoke with the Department of State and got a different answer from them so he suggested a discussion with Attorney Trask to figure out the definitive true answer for the residents. Attorney Trask stated that he is aware of the laws and will discuss with him about it.
Peter Nelligan spoke on behalf of the Lakeshore Storm softball organization. He spoke about working with the Town about getting the fields repaired and redone to make the Brant Town Park their home. Councilman Muffoletto questioned the time line of use and how many people they draw in for games. Nelligan stated they would just be occupying the field on weekdays over the summer, not the weekends. Supervisor DeCarlo requested him to leave his contact information and they will be in touch to work something out.
At 7:40 pm, Supervisor DeCarlo motioned to close the adjourn the meeting in memory of James Zoda, Russell Andolina & Peter Blidy.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kristen Podkulski
Brant Deputy Town Clerk