Wednesday, January 5, 2022 Minutes


Call to Order: President DeLong called the meeting to order at 12:30pm


Prayers were said for: Jeanette Mirusso, Peter & Beth Czaster


50/50 Winners: Elmer McSkimming, Rosemary Hauser, Sharon Catalano. The  Free Lunch went to Elmer McSkimming.


Roll Call: Secretary Ostrowski took the rollcall, 19 Seniors are present.


Secretary’s Report: Secretary Ostrowski read the December Minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Janet Bowman and seconded by Elmer McSkimming. Approved.


Treasurers Report: Diane Czyz reported that we have in our Travel Account: $4594.56 and in our Operating Account: $917.85


The question was raised regarding the cost of our Christmas Lunch. Elmer McSkimming stated that it cost $1405.44. We still have 1 person that needs to pay for their dinner since they were not able to attend.


President DeLong welcomed our new member Linda Andrzejewski.


The President reminded everyone that our annual dues should be paid as soon as possible.


The Secretary stated that she has copies of our roster and bylaws available for anyone that would like them.


Faith would like to have games, trivia, guest speakers following our meeting. If anyone has ideas they are to let her know. Lynda Ostrowski suggested to have Joe DeCarlo as a guest speaker. She will check with him.


Salad Makers: We need to have volunteers sign up to make our salad for the meetings. Sharon Catalano will do February, Rosemary Hauser will do March, Marie Lalka will do April and Faith DeLong will do May.


Adjournment: Marie Lalka motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by George Cordia. Approved.


Respectfully Submitted

Lynda Ostrowski, Secretary