Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Minutes
Call to Order: President McSkimming called the meeting to order at 12:35pm
Prayers were said for: Mark DeCarlo, Becky Haskins, Jeanette Mirusso, Family of niece of McSkimmings, Marilyn Russell.
Celebrating birthdays this month: Carrie Andolina, Jo Battaglia, Verna Bogdan, Yvonne Heller, Julia Muscato, Janice Ross
50/50 Winners: Marie Lalka, Eunice Phillips, Lynda Ostrowski, Janice Ross Lunch: Dennis Rubeck
Roll Call: Seniors are present
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Ostrowski read the Minutes. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dennis
and seconded by Bob Wargula
Treasurers: Marie Lalka reported that we have in our Travel Account: $6000
and in our Operating Account: $1130.47
Old Business:
The President thanked everyone who baked and donated to the bake sale. They had 6 volunteers to work. $310.00 was made.
Brant Farnham Monday Night Concert paper was available. Concerts start Monday July 12th
Our Picnic: He also asked for people to sign up for the picnic. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share or donate money. George volunteered to cook. We need people to help set up the tables.
September we will have a guest speaker about Alzheimers.
Trips: Station House Oct 13th to see “Golden Senior Moments” then to Presque Isle Downs or shopping at Millcreek Mall. Leave at 10am return at 7:30pm. Cost $35.00 for members and $45 for non-members.
Dolly stated that Office Depot will laminate your immunization card for free.
Adjournment: Rosemary & Dennis
Respectfully Submitted
Lynda Ostrowski