October 2003 Town Board Minutes

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Brant Town Board and Public Hearing regarding the use of Federal Community Development Funds at 8:00 PM and Public Hearing for the Adoption of the Town of Brant and Village of Farnham Master plan@ 8:15 pm, and a bid opening for the Brant Wading Pool using CDBG funding held on Tuesday, October 14, 2003, at the Brant Town Hall, Brant-N. Collins Rd, Brant, New York.

There were present:	Samuel J. Chiavetta, Supervisor
Dennis Rubeck, Councilman
Ellen Bowman, Councilwoman
Martin Rosiek, Councilman
Eugene Czyz, Councilman
John Grennell, Attorney						
Recording Secretary:  Thea Ells, Town Clerk 
Also present:
Leonard K. Pero, Planning Board & Revitalization Chairman
Gary Brecker, Code Enforcement  Officer
Joseph Gardyjan, Planning Board Member
Lee Brunelli, Rural Transit Representative
Brenda Giacchino
Bill Henry			
Alice Escott, Town Crier
Sherry Hughes, Sun					
	The meeting was opened with a pledge to the flag led by Supervisor Chiavetta.

	Supervisor Chiavetta informed the board and those in attendance that there were two public hearings and a bid opening.

Public Hearing opened with the Town Clerk Thea Ells? reading of the legal notice, which was published in the Hamburg Sun on Sept. 27th, 2003.

Supervisor Chiavetta reviewed some of the projects that have been partially funded by the CDBG funding.  Supervisor Chiavetta began by explaining that legislation concerning American of Disabilities Act has made it possible for public facilities to become handicap accessible.  In the Town of Brant Town Hall, Community Building, Recreation Building and the Brant pool has had updates.  He also mentioned sidewalk work and roadwork in other towns and the reasons behind such renovations. There was mention of libraries and other public facilities that have been partially funded through this program.  Rural Transit is funded through these monies also.  Supervisor Chiavetta explained that we get three choices to list for consideration and that a resolution authorizes him to sign, submit and execute these projects with Erie County Community Development Block Grant upon said approval. 

Supervisor Chiavetta went over the three choices mentioning that we sometimes receive a request from the Village of Farnham but did not this year.  One of the Towns request would be
 for Versailles Plank Road with concern only to the portion of the Road that The Town of Brant owns and keeps up.
Councilman Rosiek requested that we apply for sidewalk with streetscape at the Brant Four Corners as we have a Memorial Park there with the Post Office and also the Brant Store and the School near- by who use the Park on occasion. There was further discussion naming the three projects the Town would request for assistance.  

Councilman Bowman made a motion, seconded by Councilman Rubeck to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED

Councilman Rosiek made a motion, seconded by Councilman Czyz, to adopt a resolution authorizing Supervisor Chiavetta to sign, submit and execute a contract with Erie County Community Block Grant program for the following projects in order: 
1)	Sidewalks with Streetscape at the Four Corners of Brant at an amount to be determined.
2)	Versailles Plank Road Restoration Project, seeking  $90,000.00 in CDBG funds with a match not to Exceed $45,000.00 in in-kind services.
3)	Rural Transit Funding Support
A roll Call vote was taken: 

Councilman Rosiek		Aye
Councilman Czyz		Aye
Councilman Rubeck		Aye
Councilwoman Bowman	Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta		Aye


Public Hearing opened with the Town Clerk Thea Ells reading of the legal notice, which was published in the Hamburg Sun on Sept. 27th, 2003.

Councilman Rosiek informed those in attendance of the process that the Town and Village has gone through to come to the point we are at now since our last Master Plan twenty years ago.
He let the other Board members and attendees know that the Master Plan is actually a gathering of data about the Town and that the next step is to formulate a Comprehensive Plan. Councilman
Czyz stated that the plan does show some projections with consideration of such issues as allowing no land fills in the Town, zoning issues and possible growth. Supervisor Chiavetta asked if there were any other comments and added that the Master Plan should help the Town with future funding as it identifies areas and issues that the Town may need to show for support of projects.  To sum up he stated that the Master Plan is a coordinated effort for controlling the Town?s future.
	Mr. Henry inquired if the Master Plan would be available on CD and Councilman Czyz stated that yes he was informed it would be available.
Councilman Rubeck made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bowman to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED
Councilman Czyz made a motion, seconded by Councilman Rosiek to adopt the Town of Brant, Village of Farnham Master Plan
	 A roll Call vote was taken: 

Councilman Czyz		Aye
Councilman Rosiek		Aye
Councilman Rubeck		Aye
Councilwoman Bowman	Aye
Supervisor Chiavetta		Aye

	Councilwoman Bowman made a motion; seconded by Councilman Rosiek to accept the minutes of the Town Board meeting of September 9,and October 2, 2003 as submitted by the Town Clerk.  MOTION CARRIED, MINUTES APPROVED 

	A Motion was made by Councilwoman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Czyz to accept the Supervisors Financial report for the month of August as submitted.  MOTION CARRIED, SUPERVISOR FINANCIAL REPORT ACCEPTED

	A motion was made by Councilman Czyz and seconded by Councilman Rubeck to accept the Town Clerks August and September Financial Reconciliation Reports, and table the Justice Court Clerk?s Financial Reconciliation Report again for August and for September. MOTION CARRIED. TOWN CLERKS FINANCIAL RECONCILIATION REPORT ACCEPTED
Justice Court Clerks Financial Reconciliation Report tabled
A motion was made by Councilwoman Bowman and seconded by Councilman Czyz to accept the Code Enforcement Officer?s report for June as submitted.  MOTION CARRIED.     CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER?S REPORT ACCEPTED 

A motion was made by Councilwoman Rubeck to accept the Dog Control Officers report as submitted for the month of September, seconded by Councilwoman Bowman.  MOTION CARRIED

A motion was made by Councilman Bowman, seconded by Councilman Czyz to accept the Police Chiefs report as submitted for the month of September.  MOTION CARRIED 

Councilwoman Bowman made a motion to accept the planning board minutes as submitted; Councilman Rosiek seconded the motion.  MOTION CARRIED.

Supervisor Chiavetta gave a brief update on the Water District and stated that there have not been a lot of new developments. There was a brief discussion about water systems and Erie County Water Authority.  Supervisor Chiavetta informed those present that the Town was asked to come up with a five year plan and a twenty year plan as to where the Town would want water and if they would want to operate it or have Erie County Water Authority maintain the system. Len Pero asked what other area Town?s and Villages stand was on the possible new district.  There was further discussion about the study and who was participating.

Supervisor Chiavetta stated that the Board needed to break for the bid opening.

	The Town Clerk, Thea Ells, read the legal notice, request for bid for the Brant Wading Pool renovations, which was published in the Hamburg Sun on Sept. 27th, 2003.

	Supervisor Chiavetta opened the one bid which was received from Leisure Craft, which was in the plan packet from E&M Engineers at $15,312.00.  He stated that the Town Clerk would turn the bid over to E&M and they would review it.


Motion by Councilwoman Bowman and seconded by Councilman Czyz to approve the bid
from Leisure Craft pending approval by the engineer and the Town Attorney. Councilman Czyz

Len Pero stated that there is nothing new to report on the Brant Revitalization Committee. 

Supervisor Chiavetta opened the Acknowledgement of Visitors.

Supervisor Chiavetta stated that we are in the middle of department workshops and we need to set the public hearing for the Adoption of the 2004 Budget.  As Veterans Day is on our next scheduled Board meeting we need to change the date of the board meeting first.

Councilwoman Bowman made a motion seconded by Councilman Czyz to change the town Board meeting in November due to Veterans Day to Wednesday November 12. MOTION CARRIED NEXT BOARD MEETING MOVED TO NOV. 12

Councilwoman Bowman made a motion seconded by Councilman Czyz to set a public hearing for the 2004 Budget on November 12 at 8:15 PM MOTION CARRIED 

	Councilman Rubeck made a motion to pass a resolution to set the date and time for Halloween Trick or Treating on Friday October 31st, 2003 from 6:00PM till 8:00 PM, seconded by Councilman Czyz.  MOTION CARRIED  

Councilman Rubeck made a motion to approve a job status change from probationary court clerk to court clerk and hourly raise form $8.50 to $9.83 per hour effective October 1, 2003 which was recommended by a letter from Judge Gugino for Barbara Daniels. Councilman Czyz seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED COURT CLERK RAISE

	Councilman Czyz made a motion to approve the use of the Community Building by Rural Transit for their annual Christmas Party on Friday December 12TH, 2003.  Motion was seconded by Councilwoman Bowman. Town Clerk stated that date was open. MOTION CARRIED

	Councilwoman Bowman made a motion to approve the use of the Community Building by Brant Cemetery Association for their meeting on Saturday Oct. 18th, 2003.  Councilman Czyz seconded motion. Town Clerk stated that date was open. MOTION CARRIED

Councilman Rubeck made a motion to approve the amount of $10.35 to be paid hourly to Rose DeMaria as consultant to the Town Clerk as a correction to the previous amount approved in September ($10.00). Councilwoman Bowman seconded motion. MOTION CARRIED 

Councilman Rosiek made a motion and seconded by Councilman Rubeck to approve the Town Clerk Attending a Seminar on November 19th through the State Archives on establishing a website. MOTION CARRIED  TOWN CLERK TO ATTEND WEB PAGE SEMINAR

Supervisor Chiavetta read a letter of notification that Milestrip Road and Brant Angola Road at different points and times would be temporarily closed by Destro Developers for culvert replacement.  

Mr. Henry inquired of the Supervisor what would happen to the dirt removed from the ditches.  There was some discussion about contamination of wells if the dirt is used for fill near a drinking well. Supervisor Chiavetta stated that he would contact the company and talk to them about the concerns.

Supervisor Chiavetta reviewed the letter from E&M concerning Mr. Fords? water service on Surfside Drive.

Supervisor Chiavetta announced that the Association of Erie County Governments next meeting is on October 23, 2003 at Michaels in Hamburg.

Supervisor Chiavetta reviewed the distribution of 2003 STAR Administrative Aid. 

 Mr.Guardyjan brought before the board some pictures and information about garbage being dumped throughout the Town.  He informed them that he has been in contract with the Sheriffs? and they are keeping their eye on the situation.

A motion was made by Councilman Rubeck and seconded by Councilwoman Bowman that General Town Wide 2003 #10, Vouchers 380-420, totaling $20,313.75, General Town Wide-Payroll 2003 #10, Vouchers 46-48, totaling $22,314.13, General Fund Part Town 2003 #10, Vouchers 32-35, totaling $8328.81, General Fund Part Town Payroll Vouchers 6 totaling $525.00, Highway Town Wide 2003 #10, Voucher 69-82, totaling $7,612.91, Highway, Highway Payroll 2003 #10, Vouchers 21-24, totaling $7,949.56, Lotus Bay Sewer 2003 #10, Vouchers 11-12 totaling $5,343.03,  Street lighting 2003 #10, totaling $1,757.99, Brant Farnham Sewer Dist. Warrant #10 voucher 4, totaling $12,200.00 be presented for payment.  MOTION CARRIED ABSTRACT APPROVED FOR PAYMENT

	A motion was made by Councilman Rubeck seconded by Councilwoman Bowman to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Thea A. Ells, Town Clerk

SUPERVISOR CHIAVETTA: ___________________________________