February 2011 Planning Board minutes

Brant Planning Board
February 22, 2011

Meeting opened at 7:30pm by Chairman Ostrowski

Motion to accept minutes of the January meeting made by Joe, 2nd Janice, Motion passed.

Family Life Tower ? A discussion was held about the Family Life Tower and it was reported that this was placed on hold pending on information from other agencies.
Unexcused absences: - The request was made to the Town Board to adopt the resolution that any Planning Board member with 3 or more unexcused absences in a year shall be replaced. Excused absences are those where a Planning Board Member has advised the secretary in advance of the meeting that they cannot attend. 

Seminar ? A discussion was held about the value of Webinars to Planning Board training. The chairman advised that Webinars have been archived and available to Planning Board members to access at their convenience. To access the seminar go to [url=http://www.farmland.org]www.farmland.org[/url] For the certificate of attendance email [email]Jlw4220@yahoo.com[/email] The chairman advised that we need to review the code book for a right-to-farm law. He stated that the Town of Brant is an agricultural community and as such, we need to preserve a balance between commercial and agricultural land. An online booklet with some 2000 references will be available to be downloaded after March 1st to guide communities to achieve the balance of agriculture and commercial tax base.

Tower codes ? In discussing the tower codes, the chairman pointed out that no code would be complete without descriptions of why an application could be denied.  The Planning Board continued to work on the Tower Codes for the Town of Brant

Motion to adjourn was made by Brenda and 2nd by Janice moved

Respectfully Submitted
Lynda Ostrowski
Planning Board Secretary