TOWN OF BRANT PLANNING MINUTES For meeting held TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2006 1294 Brant-North Collins Road Brant, New York 14027 Planning Board Meeting Joseph Gardyjan, Chairman IN ATTENDANCE: Joseph Gardyjan Neal Wilson Michelle Hy Joyce Ellis Phillip Pericak Tom Gerace Also present: Gary Brecker (Code Officer), Michael Daniel At 7:00 PM, the Meeting was called to order by Planning Board Chairman Joseph Gardyjan. The first order of business was to approve the minutes of the last Planning Board Meeting held March 28th of 2006. Joe Gardyjan motioned to accept the minutes and Neal Wilson seconded. All accepted them, minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS. The Racetrack problem on Vermont Street prompted the consideration of adopting a Racetrack ordinance. Possible options to manage the situation were discussed. It was mentioned that the parties involved claimed the track was being used in a non-commercial way, and was strictly for personal use. The Code Officer said it would be the neighbors who would need to file a suit regarding it. Noise Ordinances currently in place were considered as to the possible control of the problem. Also, during review of the Code book, board members noticed the book mentioned that the Town was to have a ?Noise Control Administrator?. The Board discussed appointing someone to fill that position. OLD BUSINESS. Junkyards: Joseph Gardyjan motioned that the Town place a Moratorium on new Junkyard applications. Joyce Ellis seconded the motion. Motion passed. Members discussed the possible options available for the drafting of a Junkyard law in the Town of Brant. Gary mentioned that he had drafted a description of what he considered ?junk?. Joseph Gardyjan presented a copy of State Copy of ?Controlling Junk? that Gary Brecker asked for a copy of. A copy was made for him. Michelle suggested reviewing other Property Maintenance laws that are already in existence in other towns. Joseph Gardyjan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 PM. Neal Wilson seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Respecfully submitted Barbara Daniel Planning Board Secretary